The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Piraeus
Day 3: Katakolon
Day 4: Fiskárdo
Day 5: Bari
Day 6: Zadar
Day 7: Rovinj
Day 8: Fusina
Day 9: Ravenna
Day 10: Dubrovnik
Day 11: Brindisi
Day 12: Nydri, Lefkada Island
Day 14: Milos
Day 15: Piraeus
Day 1: Piraeus

It’s no wonder that all roads lead to the fascinating and maddening metropolis of Athens. Lift your eyes 200 feet above the city to the Parthenon, its honey-color marble columns rising from a massive limestone base, and you behold architectural perfection that has not been surpassed in 2,500 years. But, today, this shrine of classical form dominates a 21st-century boomtown. To experience Athens—Athína in Greek—fully is to understand the essence of Greece: ancient monuments surviving in a sea of cement, startling beauty amid the squalor, tradition juxtaposed with modernity. Locals depend on humor and flexibility to deal with the chaos; you should do the same. The rewards are immense. Although Athens covers a huge area, the major landmarks of the ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods are close to the modern city center. You can easily walk from the Acropolis to many other key sites, taking time to browse in shops and relax in cafés and tavernas along the way. From many quarters of the city you can glimpse “the glory that was Greece” in the form of the Acropolis looming above the horizon, but only by actually climbing that rocky precipice can you feel the impact of the ancient settlement. The Acropolis and Filopappou, two craggy hills sitting side by side; the ancient Agora (marketplace); and Kerameikos, the first cemetery, form the core of ancient and Roman Athens. Along the Unification of Archaeological Sites promenade, you can follow stone-paved, tree-lined walkways from site to site, undisturbed by traffic. Cars have also been banned or reduced in other streets in the historical center. In the National Archaeological Museum, vast numbers of artifacts illustrate the many millennia of Greek civilization; smaller museums such as the Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art Museum and the Byzantine and Christian Museum illuminate the history of particular regions or periods. Athens may seem like one huge city, but it is really a conglomeration of neighborhoods with distinctive characters. The Eastern influences that prevailed during the 400-year rule of the Ottoman Empire are still evident in Monastiraki, the bazaar area near the foot of the Acropolis. On the northern slope of the Acropolis, stroll through Plaka (if possible by moonlight), an area of tranquil streets lined with renovated mansions, to get the flavor of the 19th-century’s gracious lifestyle. The narrow lanes of Anafiotika, a section of Plaka, thread past tiny churches and small, color-washed houses with wooden upper stories, recalling a Cycladic island village. In this maze of winding streets, vestiges of the older city are everywhere: crumbling stairways lined with festive tavernas; dank cellars filled with wine vats; occasionally a court or diminutive garden, enclosed within high walls and filled with magnolia trees and the flaming trumpet-shaped flowers of hibiscus bushes. Formerly run-down old quarters, such as Thission, Gazi and Psirri, popular nightlife areas filled with bars and mezedopoleia (similar to tapas bars), are now in the process of gentrification, although they still retain much of their original charm, as does the colorful produce and meat market on Athinas. The area around Syntagma Square, the tourist hub, and Omonia Square, the commercial heart of the city about 1 km (½ mi) northwest, is distinctly European, having been designed by the court architects of King Otho, a Bavarian, in the 19th century. The chic shops and bistros of ritzy Kolonaki nestle at the foot of Mt. Lycabettus, Athens’s highest hill (909 feet). Each of Athens’s outlying suburbs has a distinctive character: in the north is wealthy, tree-lined Kifissia, once a summer resort for aristocratic Athenians, and in the south and southeast lie Glyfada, Voula, and Vouliagmeni, with their sandy beaches, seaside bars, and lively summer nightlife. Just beyond the city’s southern fringes is Piraeus, a bustling port city of waterside fish tavernas and Saronic Gulf views.

Day itinerary:

Athenians don’t live in the past. Ahead of its time, Athens exudes glamour and a sense of possibility – housing galleries, gelaterias, bijoux boutiques alongside a plethora of museums. And you can’t help but marvel at the archaeological wonders of the Acropolis and the Parthenon. Stroll through vibrant streets and markets, dance at buzzing bouzoukia, sing along in tavernas. At night, head to the harbour, where dimly lit bars serve the local ice cold beer. And, as you inhale the salty air and watch Greek fishing boats peacefully depart for their catch, reflect on this ancient city’s progressive attitude.

Day 3: Katakolon

Katakolon could not seem less of a cruise port if it tried. A tiny enclave clinging to the western Peloponnese coast, it’s a sleepy place except when ships dock. But it’s a popular cruise destination because of its proximity to Olympia. Ancient Olympia was one of the most important cities in classical Greece. The Sanctuary of Zeus was the city’s raison d’être, and attracted pilgrims from around the eastern Mediterranean, and later the city played host to Olympic Games, the original athletic games that were the inspiration for today’s modern sporting pan-planetary meet. At the foot of the tree-covered Kronion hill, in a valley near two rivers, Katakolon is today one of the most popular ancient sites in Greece. If you don’t want to make the trip to Olympia, then Katakolon is an ideal place for a leisurely Greek lunch while you watch the fishermen mend their nets, but there’s just not much else to do there.

Day 4: Fiskárdo

Day itinerary:

Experience the vibrant, cosmopolitan charm of Kefalonia. Wind through the crescent-shaped Venetian architecture surrounded by the sounds of classical music. Head to pebbled coves, bijoux boutiques and gelato caverns, or snorkel, dive, kayak and hike through nature in all its Mediterranean glory, surrounded by the scents of pine, lavender and cedar. Slip across to the secluded beaches of Ithaca – home to Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ and vibrant underwater reefs. And relax at lavish seafood eateries and sip robola as you mingle amid refined, elegant guests.

Day 5: Bari

Bari, capital of the province of Apulia, lies on southern Italy’s Adriatic coast. Its busy port is a leading commercial and industrial centre as well as a transit point for travellers catching ferries across the Adriatic to Greece. Bari comprises a new and an old town. To the north, on a promontory between the old and new harbours, lies the picturesque old town, or Citta Vecchia, with a maze of narrow, crooked streets. To the south is the spacious and regularly planned new town, which has developed considerably since 1930, when the Levant Fair was first held here. The heart of the modern town is Piazza della Liberta. The busy thoroughfare, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, separates the new town from the old. At the eastern end of the Corso begins the Lungomare Nazario Sauro, a magnificent seafront promenade that runs along the old harbour. Bari and the Apulian region were long recognized for their strategic location, attracting a succession of colonizers such as the Normans, Moors and Spaniards, each leaving their mark. 

Day 6: Zadar

Dalmatia’s capital for more than 1,000 years, Zadar is all too often passed over by travelers on their way to Split or Dubrovnik. What they miss out on is a city of more than 73,000 that is remarkably lovely and lively despite—and, in some measure, because of—its tumultuous history. The Old Town, separated from the rest of the city on a peninsula some 4 km (2½ miles) long and just 1,640 feet wide, is bustling and beautiful: the marble pedestrian streets are replete with Roman ruins, medieval churches, palaces, museums, archives, and libraries. Parts of the new town are comparatively dreary, a testament to what a world war followed by decades of communism, not to mention a civil war, can do to the architecture of a city that is 3,000 years old. A settlement had already existed on the site of the present-day city for some 2,000 years when Rome finally conquered Zadar in the 1st century BC; the foundations of the forum can be seen today. Before the Romans came the Liburnians had made it a key center for trade with the Greeks and Romans for 800 years. In the 3rd century BC the Romans began to seriously pester the Liburnians, but required two centuries to bring the area under their control. During the Byzantine era, Zadar became the capital of Dalmatia, and this period saw the construction of its most famous church, the 9th-century St. Donat’s Basilica. It remained the region’s foremost city through the ensuing centuries. The city then experienced successive onslaughts and occupations—both long and short—by the Osogoths, the Croatian-Hungarian kings, the Venetians, the Turks, the Habsburgs, the French, the Habsburgs again, and finally the Italians before becoming part of Yugoslavia and, in 1991, the independent republic of Croatia. Zadar was for centuries an Italian-speaking city, and Italian is still spoken widely, especially by older people. Indeed, it was ceded to Italy in 1921 under the Treaty of Rapallo (and reverted to its Italian name of Zara). Its occupation by the Germans from 1943 led to intense bombing by the Allies during World War II, which left most of the city in ruins. Zadar became part of Tito’s Yugoslavia in 1947, prompting many Italian residents to leave. Zadar’s most recent ravages occurred during a three-month siege by Serb forces and months more of bombardment during the Croatian-Serbian war between 1991 and 1995. But you’d be hard-pressed to find outward signs of this today in what is a city to behold. There are helpful interpretive signs in English all around the Old Town, so you certainly won’t feel lost when trying to make sense of the wide variety of architectural sites you might otherwise pass by with only a cursory look.

Day 7: Rovinj

One of the true jewels of the Mediterranean, Rovinj is a jaw-droppingly beautiful town, which juts out into sparkling Mediterranean. Dominated by the pencil-like bell tower of the Venetian Saint Euphemia Cathedral, pine tree forests flow to the borders of the quaint Old Town – which evokes the romantic, tangled backstreets of the Venice. Rovinj – or Rovino in Italian – is a city of split personalities, with two official languages – having been owned by the Kingdom of Italy between 1919 and 1947.

Day 8: Fusina
Day 9: Ravenna

A small, quiet, well-heeled city, Ravenna has brick palaces, cobblestone streets, magnificent monuments, and spectacular Byzantine mosaics. The high point in its civic history occurred in the 5th century, when Pope Honorious moved his court here from Rome. Gothic kings Odoacer and Theodoric ruled the city until it was conquered by the Byzantines in AD 540. Ravenna later fell under the sway of Venice, and then, inevitably, the Papal States.Because Ravenna spent much of its past looking east, its greatest art treasures show that Byzantine influence. Churches and tombs with the most unassuming exteriors contain within them walls covered with sumptuous mosaics. These beautifully preserved Byzantine mosaics put great emphasis on nature, which you can see in the delicate rendering of sky, earth, and animals. Outside Ravenna, the town of Classe hides even more mosaic gems.

Day 10: Dubrovnik

Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of Dubrovnik. Lying 216 km (135 miles) southeast of Split and commanding a jaw-dropping coastal location, it is one of the world’s most beautiful fortified cities. Its massive stone ramparts and fortress towers curve around a tiny harbor, enclosing graduated ridges of sun-bleached orange-tiled roofs, copper domes, and elegant bell towers. Your imagination will run wild picturing what it looked like seven centuries ago when the walls were built, without any suburbs or highways around it, just this magnificent stone city rising out of the sea.In the 7th century AD, residents of the Roman city Epidaurum (now Cavtat) fled the Avars and Slavs of the north and founded a new settlement on a small rocky island, which they named Laus, and later Ragusa. On the mainland hillside opposite the island, the Slav settlement called Dubrovnik grew up. In the 12th century the narrow channel separating the two settlements was filled in (now the main street through the Old Town, called Stradun), and Ragusa and Dubrovnik became one. The city was surrounded by defensive walls during the 13th century, and these were reinforced with towers and bastions in the late 15th century.From 1358 to 1808 the city thrived as a powerful and remarkably sophisticated independent republic, reaching its golden age during the 16th century. In 1667 many of its splendid Gothic and Renaissance buildings were destroyed by an earthquake. The defensive walls survived the disaster, and the city was rebuilt in baroque style.Dubrovnik lost its independence to Napoléon in 1808, and in 1815 passed to Austria-Hungary. During the 20th century, as part of Yugoslavia, the city became a popular tourist destination, and in 1979 it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During the war for independence, it came under heavy siege. Thanks to careful restoration, few traces of damage remain; however, there are maps inside the Pile and Ploče Gates illustrating the points around the city where damage was done. It’s only when you experience Dubrovnik yourself that you can understand what a treasure the world nearly lost

Day 11: Brindisi

Life continues in Brindisi as if the 21st century hadn’t arrived. Visually, the landscape is as stunning as one would expect in southern Europe. Villages set on sunlit hilltops rise like islands above a rolling landscape of olive groves and vineyards. The coastline is a striking mixture of ruggedly beautiful cliffs and grottoes interspersed with a scattering of long, sandy beaches. Together with the wealth of historical artefacts and spectacular landscapes, Brindisi is one of Italy’s best kept secrets. Naturally, the cuisine is rich with its pickings from both land and sea and visitors can expect the best pasta, Caprese salad, local lemon loaf and spaghetti al vogole they have ever had!

Day 12: Nydri, Lefkada Island
Day 14: Milos

Milos or Melos is a volcanic Greek island in the Aegean Sea, just north of the Sea of Crete. Milos is the southwesternmost island in the Cyclades group. The Venus de Milo and the Asclepius of Milos were both found on the island, as were a Poseidon and an archaic Apollo now in Athens.

Day 15: Piraeus

It’s no wonder that all roads lead to the fascinating and maddening metropolis of Athens. Lift your eyes 200 feet above the city to the Parthenon, its honey-color marble columns rising from a massive limestone base, and you behold architectural perfection that has not been surpassed in 2,500 years. But, today, this shrine of classical form dominates a 21st-century boomtown. To experience Athens—Athína in Greek—fully is to understand the essence of Greece: ancient monuments surviving in a sea of cement, startling beauty amid the squalor, tradition juxtaposed with modernity. Locals depend on humor and flexibility to deal with the chaos; you should do the same. The rewards are immense. Although Athens covers a huge area, the major landmarks of the ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods are close to the modern city center. You can easily walk from the Acropolis to many other key sites, taking time to browse in shops and relax in cafés and tavernas along the way. From many quarters of the city you can glimpse “the glory that was Greece” in the form of the Acropolis looming above the horizon, but only by actually climbing that rocky precipice can you feel the impact of the ancient settlement. The Acropolis and Filopappou, two craggy hills sitting side by side; the ancient Agora (marketplace); and Kerameikos, the first cemetery, form the core of ancient and Roman Athens. Along the Unification of Archaeological Sites promenade, you can follow stone-paved, tree-lined walkways from site to site, undisturbed by traffic. Cars have also been banned or reduced in other streets in the historical center. In the National Archaeological Museum, vast numbers of artifacts illustrate the many millennia of Greek civilization; smaller museums such as the Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art Museum and the Byzantine and Christian Museum illuminate the history of particular regions or periods. Athens may seem like one huge city, but it is really a conglomeration of neighborhoods with distinctive characters. The Eastern influences that prevailed during the 400-year rule of the Ottoman Empire are still evident in Monastiraki, the bazaar area near the foot of the Acropolis. On the northern slope of the Acropolis, stroll through Plaka (if possible by moonlight), an area of tranquil streets lined with renovated mansions, to get the flavor of the 19th-century’s gracious lifestyle. The narrow lanes of Anafiotika, a section of Plaka, thread past tiny churches and small, color-washed houses with wooden upper stories, recalling a Cycladic island village. In this maze of winding streets, vestiges of the older city are everywhere: crumbling stairways lined with festive tavernas; dank cellars filled with wine vats; occasionally a court or diminutive garden, enclosed within high walls and filled with magnolia trees and the flaming trumpet-shaped flowers of hibiscus bushes. Formerly run-down old quarters, such as Thission, Gazi and Psirri, popular nightlife areas filled with bars and mezedopoleia (similar to tapas bars), are now in the process of gentrification, although they still retain much of their original charm, as does the colorful produce and meat market on Athinas. The area around Syntagma Square, the tourist hub, and Omonia Square, the commercial heart of the city about 1 km (½ mi) northwest, is distinctly European, having been designed by the court architects of King Otho, a Bavarian, in the 19th century. The chic shops and bistros of ritzy Kolonaki nestle at the foot of Mt. Lycabettus, Athens’s highest hill (909 feet). Each of Athens’s outlying suburbs has a distinctive character: in the north is wealthy, tree-lined Kifissia, once a summer resort for aristocratic Athenians, and in the south and southeast lie Glyfada, Voula, and Vouliagmeni, with their sandy beaches, seaside bars, and lively summer nightlife. Just beyond the city’s southern fringes is Piraeus, a bustling port city of waterside fish tavernas and Saronic Gulf views.

Day itinerary:

Athenians don’t live in the past. Ahead of its time, Athens exudes glamour and a sense of possibility – housing galleries, gelaterias, bijoux boutiques alongside a plethora of museums. And you can’t help but marvel at the archaeological wonders of the Acropolis and the Parthenon. Stroll through vibrant streets and markets, dance at buzzing bouzoukia, sing along in tavernas. At night, head to the harbour, where dimly lit bars serve the local ice cold beer. And, as you inhale the salty air and watch Greek fishing boats peacefully depart for their catch, reflect on this ancient city’s progressive attitude.

Owner's Residence
Retreat Residence
Cove Residence
Serenity Residence
Cocoon Residence
Grand Penthouse
Premier Penthouse
Deluxe Penthouse
Ocean Grand Terrace Suite
Ocean Terrace Suite
Owner's Residence

The iconic Owner’s Residence creates the largest living space on-board, with multiple harmonious spaces in which to relax, entertain and unwind.

Stand in awe of the panoramic ocean views from your private outdoor terrace – extending over the full ship’s width – with a spacious infinity whirlpool, and enjoy intuitive, intelligent, dedicated private butler services by the Residence Manager.

Every aspect of the design of our Owner’s Residence reflects the meticulous curation of all details, conscious at all times of our commitment to sustainability.


  • Dedicated private butler services by the Residence Manager
  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Abundant lounge area
  • Dining table for 8 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of Dom Pérignon
  • Private bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Bench and Technogym Case Kit for an efficient in-suite fitness experience
  • Laptop-size safe
  • Guest lavatory and powder room
  • Butler pantry area


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 200 x 200 cm (79 x 79 in)
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Oversized dressing room


  • Panoramic ocean-front terrace covering the full ship’s width, with a private outdoor spacious whirlpool, day beds, a dining table, lounge area, shower and sun loungers


  • Luxurious marble double vanity bathroom
  • Large bathtub and a walk-in shower
  • Private steam room
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror
  • Additional guest powder room

Butler Service

  • Packing and unpacking to the guests’ preferences
  • Pressing and laundering assistance
  • Private in-suite dining
  • Itinerary and transport planning
  • Celebrations planning
  • Onboard and ashore reservations assistance


  • Total Suite area: 280 sqm (3,014 sq ft)
  • Suite: 155 sqm (1,668 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 125 sqm (1,345 sq ft)
  • Maximum capacity: 2 adults and 1 child under 2 years old (in a baby cot) A connecting Ocean Terrace suite can be reserved additionally, allowing for a total maximum capacity of 4 adults or 3 adults and 1 child under 18 years old

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Retreat Residence

Our luxurious Retreat Residences offer oversized floor-to-ceiling windows leading onto a spacious sun terrace with a private whirlpool, whilst a Residence Host providing butler services is on hand for our guests’ every whim, as well as a dining area for up to four guests, a separate living area and calm workspace.


  • Private butler services from our Residence Hosts
  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Cocktail making set
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Laptop-size safe


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with private outdoor whirlpool and a dining table


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 200 x 200 cm (79 x 79 in)
  • Featuring a double sofa bed
  • Fine bed linens
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Oversized walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Luxurious marble bathroom with a bathtub, a separate walk-in shower room and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror
  • Additional guest powder room


  • Total Suite Area: 77 sqm (829 sq ft) on decks 8, 9 / 81 sqm (872 sq ft) on deck 7 Suite: 63 sqm (678 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 14 sqm (151 sq ft) on decks 8, 9 / 18 sqm (194 sq ft) on deck 7
  • Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children under 18 years old (baby cot or double sofa bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Cove Residence

For a true sense of being at home at sea, experience the sweeping decks and effortlessly elegant spaces of the Cove Residences. 


  • Private butler services from our Residence Hosts
  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Cocktail making set
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Laptop-size safe
  • Smart echnology for light, heating, air conditioning and curtain control


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with private outdoor whirlpool, a dining table and sun loungers or a daybed


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Featuring a double sofa bed
  • Fine bed linens
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite Area: 70 sqm (753 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9, 10 / 80 sqm (861 sq ft) on deck 6 
  • Suite: 56 sqm (603 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 14 sqm (151 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9, 10 / 24 sqm (258 sq ft) on deck 6 Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children under 18 years old (baby cot or double sofa bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Serenity Residence

Abundant in space and light, the elegant Serenity Residences offer a large living area, a dining area for six, an adept desk area, a luxurious marble bathroom with a bathtub and separate shower, and a Residence Host providing butler services.


  • Private butler services from our Residence Hosts
  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Cocktail making set
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Bench and Technogym Case Kit for an efficient in-suite fitness experience
  • Laptop-size safe


  • Panoramic ocean-front terrace with private outdoor whirlpool, a dining table, a daybed and sun loungers


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Featuring a double sofa bed
  • Fine bed linens
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Oversized walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Luxurious marble bathroom with a bathtub, a separate walk-in shower room and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite Area: 113 sqm (1,216 sq ft) on deck 7 / 126 sqm (1,356 sq ft) on deck 9
  • Suite: 60 sqm (646 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 53 sqm (570 sq ft) on deck 7 / 66 sqm (710 sq ft) on deck 9 
  • Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children under 18 years old (baby cot or double sofa bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Cocoon Residence

Our Cocoon Residences are amongst the most spacious of our residences, with an expansive sun terrace on the ship’s coveted aft deck.


  • Private butler services from our Residence Hosts
  • Oversized windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Abundant lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Cocktail making set
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Bench and Technogym Case Kit for an efficient in-suite fitness experience
  • Laptop-size safe


  • Panoramic ocean-front terrace, with private outdoor whirlpool, a dining table, a scenic lounge area and sun loungers


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 200 x 200 cm (79 x 79 in)
  • Featuring a double sofa bed
  • Fine bed linens
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Oversized walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Luxurious marble bathroom with a bathtub, a separate walk-in shower room and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror
  • Additional guest powder room


  • Total Suite Area: 149 sqm (1,604 sq ft)
  • Suite: 74 sqm (797 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 75 sqm (807 sq ft) 
  • Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children under 18 years old (baby cot or double sofa bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Grand Penthouse

The most spacious of our penthouses, the Grand Penthouses offer elegant spaces with a separate stylish living area, a neat work space and a separate dining area for four, whilst the private sun terraces allow guests to unwind and savour the ocean, in the company of friends or one another.


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Featuring a double sofa bed
  • Fine bed linens
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite Area: 60 sqm (646 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9, 10 / 68 sqm (732 sq ft) on deck 6
  • Suite: 47 sqm (506 sq ft)
  • Terrace: 13 sqm (140 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9, 10 / 21 sqm (226 sq ft) on deck 6 Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children under 18 years old (baby cot or double sofa bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Some suites feature bathtubs and accessible facilities:

Grand Penthouse Accessibility Features

  • Roll-in shower with grab-bar and fold-down seat (height of seat from the floor is 450 mm / 17.7 in)
  • Grab-bar next to the toilet seat
  • Portable toilet seat risers available onboard
  • Hand-held shower wand
  • Lowered towel racks
  • Accessibility equipment for hearing impaired (Assistive Listening System (ALS) and/or TTY devices)
  • Lowered wardrobe bars and shelving
  • Lowered safe
  • Double peephole on entrance door
  • All doorways are wheelchair accessible
  • Entrance door width 900 mm (31.5 in)
  • Bathroom door width 900 mm (31.5 in)

Accessible Grand Penthouse Stats

  • Deck: 9 – Middle, close to lifts
  • Number of Suites: 1 Total
  • Suite Area: 60 sqm – 646 sq ft
  • Suite: 47 sqm – 506 sq ft
  • Terrace: 13 sqm – 140 sq ft

*Features may vary by suite.

Please inform your Travel Advisor or the Explora Experience Centre Ambassador of your requirements when reserving your journey.

Premier Penthouse

These light-filled, luxurious Premier Penthouses are designed for withdrawing in style or entertaining other guests – at a dining table laid for four, in the stylish living area and on the private sun terrace with a second seating area and daybeds or sunbeds overlooking the ocean.


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Separate living, dining and sleeping areas
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Some suites feature a double sofa bed
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite Area: 52 sqm (560 sq ft) 
  • Suite: 42 sqm (452 sq ft) 
  • Terrace: 10 sqm (108 sq ft) 
  • Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child under 18 years old (baby cot, double sofa bed or rollaway bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Deluxe Penthouse

Flooded with light from the floor-to-ceiling oversized windows, the Deluxe Penthouses offer elegant accommodation and a stylish living area, a neat work space and a separate dining area for four. 


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • Some suites feature a spacious work desk area
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed or lounge chairs for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror

* Some suites feature bathtubs


  • Total Suite Area: 48 sqm (517 sq ft) on decks 9, 10 / 53 sqm (570 sq ft) on deck 6 / 61 sqm (657 sq ft) on deck 7
  • Suite: 38 sqm (409 sq ft) on decks 9, 10 / 43 sqm (463 sq ft) on decks 6, 7
  • Terrace: 10 sqm (108 sq ft) on decks 6, 9, 10 / 18 sqm (194 sq ft) on deck 7 Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child under 18 years old (baby cot, double sofa bed or rollaway bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.


Each of our Penthouses offers a spacious living area, a neat work space and a separate dining area for four, allowing guests to entertain others or retreat in style as they see fit.


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Spacious lounge area
  • Dining table for 4 guests
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Technogym Case Kit with a smart range of fitness gear
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in)
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite Area: 43 sqm (463 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9 / 48 sqm (517 sq ft) on deck 6
  • Suite: 34 sqm (366 sq ft) 
  • Terrace: 9 sqm (97 sq ft) on decks 7, 8, 9 / 14 sqm (151 sq ft) on deck 6 
  • Maximum capacity: 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child under 18 years old (baby cot, double sofa bed or rollaway bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Ocean Grand Terrace Suite

Our Ocean Grand Terrace Suites offer a more spacious private sun terrace, allowing guests to savour the ocean from the comfort of their daybed.


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Lounge area with coffee/dining table
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in). Some suites with twin beds – size: 2 x 90 x 200 cm (35 x 79 in)
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite area: 39 sqm (420 sq ft) 
  • Suite: 28 sqm (301 sq ft) 
  • Bathroom: 4 sqm (43 sq ft) 
  • Terrace: 11 sqm (118 sq ft) 
  • Maximum capacity: 2 adults and 1 child under 18 years old (baby cot or rollaway bed) Decks: 6, 7 – Aft, Middle and Forward Number of suites: 70

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Ocean Terrace Suite

Our Ocean Terrace Suites elegantly combine space and light.


  • Oversized floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the sea
  • Lounge area with coffee/dining table
  • In-suite welcome bottle of champagne
  • Private refrigerated mini-bar, replenished according to the guests’ preferences from a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Espresso machine, kettle and tea pot with a complimentary selection of coffee and teas
  • Complimentary personal refillable water bottle for each guest
  • Pair of binoculars for guests’ use during their journey
  • Safe accommodating most tablets and laptops


  • Spacious ocean-front terrace with a dining area
  • Comfortable daybed for relaxation


  • Bespoke king-sized bed sleep system – size: 180 x 200 cm (71 x 79 in). Some suites with twin beds – size: 2 x 90 x 200 cm (35 x 79 in)
  • Down duvets and pillows
  • Fine bed linens
  • Extensive pillow selection
  • Spacious walk-in wardrobe with a seated vanity area


  • Spacious bathroom with a walk-in shower and heated floors
  • Plush bathrobes and bath linens
  • Custom bath toiletries and amenities
  • Dyson Supersonic TM hairdryer and illuminated make-up/shaving mirror


  • Total Suite area: 35 sqm (377 sq ft) 
  • Suite: 28 sqm (301 sq ft) 
  • Bathroom: 4 sqm (43 sq ft) 
  • Terrace: 7 sqm (75 sq ft) 
  • Maximum capacity: 2 adults and 1 child under 18 years old (baby cot or rollaway bed)

*All images are a combination of photography and artist renderings.

The artist representations and interior decorations, finishes, and furnishings are provided for illustrative purposes only.

Some suites feature bathtubs and accessible facilities:

Ocean Terrace Suite Accessibility Features

  • Roll-in shower with grab-bar and fold-down seat (height of seat from the floor is 450 mm / 17.7 in)
  • Grab-bar next to the toilet seat
  • Portable toilet seat risers available onboard
  • Hand-held shower wand
  • Lowered towel racks
  • Accessibility equipment for hearing impaired (Assistive Listening System (ALS) and/or TTY devices)
  • Lowered wardrobe bars and shelving
  • Lowered safe
  • Double peephole on entrance door
  • All doorways are wheelchair accessible
  • Entrance door width 900 mm (31.5 in)
  • Bathroom door width 900 mm (31.5 in)


  • Deck 8, 9, 10 – Forward, close to lifts
  • Number of Suites OT2 – 4, OT3 – 4, OT4 – 1 
  • Total Suite Area: 49 sqm – 526 sq ft 
  • Suite: 39 sqm – 419 sq ft 
  • Terrace: 10 sqm – 107 sq ft

*Features may vary by suite.

Please inform your Travel Advisor or the Explora Experience Centre Ambassador of your requirements when reserving your journey.

Marble & Co. Grill
Med Yacht Club
Emporium Marketplace
Fil Rouge
Chef's Kitchen
Gelateria & Creperie at The Conservatory
In-Suite Dining

A Gastronomic Adventure

As our signature fine-dining experience, Anthology elevates Italian cuisine, offering an unparalleled gastronomic adventure.

On the menu, created by our esteemed Head of Culinary, Franck Garanger, each dish is a celebration of Italy’s finest regional ingredients and flavours.

From the renowned flavours of Piedmont’s truffle-rich countryside in the North, to the famed specialities of Italy’s South, each plate celebrates the local produce and time-honoured techniques of every region in Italy.

The menu is an ingenious display of creativity – a vibrant tapestry of regional flavours and authentic ingredients which invites guests to immerse themselves in the different styles and tastes of Italy’s universally loved cuisine.

Contemporary, Refined Elegance

With the opportunity to dine outdoors, Anthology offers an intimate yet elevated dining atmosphere with flawless, attentive service.

  • Indoor seating: 48
  • Outdoor seating: 22
  • Open for dinner
  • Reservations recommended
  • An Exclusive Experience Fee Applies
  • Located on Deck 5

An immersive, authentic dining experience offering the finest Pan-Asian cuisine.

Named after the cherry blossom – the national flower of Japan – and symbolic of renewal and optimism, Sakura offers Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Malaysian flavours for a taste of Pan-Asian cuisine that is both authentic and energising.

The space takes inspiration from Japan’s rich cultural heritage of tradition and rituals blended with distinct Japanese design cues, to create an intimate and welcoming space. The ancient tea rooms of Kyoto provide the inspiration for Sakura, where dark wood frames lead your eye to traditional Japanese ceiling details, adorned with a cherry blossom tree canopy which shrouds diners with a warm atmosphere of festoon lights.

Authenticity extends to the kitchen, where chefs follow traditional techniques – using only the very best carefully sourced ingredients – to ensure a truly pan-Asian experience.

Expansive ocean views, a Sake sommelier, Asian-influenced beverages – including a curated selection of sakes and shōchū – combined with seamless service and modern Asian music create a dynamic dining experience. 

Signature Dishes at Sakura

Wagyu beef tataki, wakame salad, smoked Madagascan pepper

Never cooked or grilled, our sustainably sourced prime grade 5 Japanese wagyu beef is delicately torched by our chefs: this authentic method of cooking ensures that the best qualities of the beef are preserved for the guests’ mouth-watering enjoyment.

Makrut lime pavlova, mango brunoise, passion fruit, mango sorbet

A fusion of east and west, this unique interpretation of pavlova is a perfect representation of the passionate, creative expertise and multicultural diversity of our talented pastry team .

Kale salad

Another example of our chefs’ ingenuity, a humble kale salad is transformed into culinary art for our guests to enjoy. This superfood salad is not simply dressed, but cured with the finest quality of sesame dressing for a rounded flavour – it represents a fusion of clean living with the flavours of Asia.

  • Indoor seating: 92 
  • Outdoor seating: 26 
  • Open for lunch and dinner
  • Reservations recommended
  • The Sushi Bar is open-seating on a first come first served basis.
  • Located on Deck 5
Marble & Co. Grill

Inspired by the marbling found in only the finest beef, Marble & Co. Grill serves exceptional cuts, personally sourced and sustainably farmed.

The menu has been designed to take guests on a journey of discovery, with sumptuous, rare meats sourced for their flavour and distinctive provenance. More than a steakhouse, Marble & Co is the realisation of a vision where careful attention to ingredients and passion for cooking come together to create a truly special dining experience.

This redefined European steakhouse experience is reflected through the modern, understated yet sophisticated design with soft lighting and relaxed, attentive service. The experience is augmented by an in-house dry ager and a cellar boasting a superb selection of fine wines.

Signature Dishes at Marble & Co. Grill

Grilled prime rib, aged 30-days, cherry tomatoes, Hollandaise sauce

Provenance and quality take centre stage, to create the finest version of a steakhouse classic. From a local producer in Deux Sévres region of the lush Loire Valleé, it’s clear why the famous Jersiaise breed, renowned for its sensational flavour and intense marbling, is one of the most sought-after cuts or prime rib. To truly appreciate this beautiful cut, it is topped simply with cherry tomatoes and a sumptuous Hollandaise sauce.

Crushed fingerling potatoes, Le Beurre Bordier butter from Normandy, Calvisius Oscietra caviar, crème fraîche, chives

A simple dish executed with the finest ingredients. The crushed fingerling potatoes are made with Bordier butter, arguably, the finest butter in the world, served only in the finest establishments. Potatoes are topped with Calvisius Oscietra caviar, known the world over for being some of the best quality caviar available; the caviar is sustainably produced in Italy, in an area rich with fresh spring water, contributing to its high quality and low-salt flavour.

  • Indoor seating: 80 
  • Outdoor seating: 10 
  • Open for dinner
  • Reservations recommended
  • Located on Deck 5
Med Yacht Club

A relaxed celebration of the flavours, ambience and la dolce vita of the Mediterranean.

Inspired by sailings across crystal clear waters, the Med Yacht Club is influenced by sophisticated, beachside Mediterranean restaurants, embracing the varied cuisines of the region.

Effortlessly refined in its design, Med Yacht Club creates a relaxed, convivial atmosphere, where bright sunshine streaming through large portholes and Med-influenced music transport guests on a culinary journey inspired by sea travel.

Inspired by authentic Mediterranean dining, and infusing tastes and textures of Italy, Spain, Greece, France, and North Africa – while incorporating plant-based, vegetarian and wholesome ingredients – the menu of Med Yacht Club serves sharing plates, created with passion, for guests to enjoy with friends and family alike. Each dish is inspired by the most authentic of Mediterranean ingredients and flavours.

Wines will showcase the rich vineyards of the Mediterranean, with fresh juices and cocktails honouring regional ingredients.

Signature Dishes at Med Yacht Club

Grilled octopus, San Marzano tomato sauce, Taggiasca olives, green beans, parsley

If ever there were a singular dish to represent the importance province plays in the ingredients used onboard Explora Journeys, then this is surely it. Sharp sundried Taggiasca olives compliment the sweet San Marzano tomatoes, creating a perfectly balanced bed for the expertly grilled, sustainably sourced octopus.

Sweet caprese with cherry tomatoes, strawberries, burrata, pesto

A true representation of the creativity and skill of our chefs, this sweet interpretation of an Italian classic will surprise and delight in equal measure. The finest cherry tomatoes and strawberries create an intriguing base, upon which our burrata sits – made with emulsified burrata cream, and adorned with even more sweet tomatoes and strawberries with a drizzle of pesto from Sicilian Bronte pistachios.

  • Indoor seating: 136 (34 at the bar) 
  • Open for lunch and dinner
  • Located on Deck 4
Emporium Marketplace

An Emporium is defined as a place offering many different things, a place for merchants to showcase their best produce (coming from the Greek word emporion – ἐμπόριον).

Emporium Marketplace is an effortless all-day dining restaurant, bringing the global culinary talent and produce to the fore to offer diverse cuisines with a focus on quality produce, inspired by local destinations, and allowing guests total flexibility in what they choose to eat, and when.

Bathed in natural bright light, several separate cooking stations evolve throughout the day. White marble and minimalist design take centre stage, allowing the freshest ingredients to make the food the true hero of this elegant relaxed space.

Features include sushi, fresh seafood and a daily rotisserie offering grilled, roasted, and slow-cooked meats. Pasta is cooked to order, and freshly baked pizzas and bread are on offer as are home-made sandwiches. The charcuterie, fromagerie, boulangerie and patisserie stations enhance the experience. Fresh juices, smoothies and acai bowls are provided during breakfast.

A selection of wines, champagne and beverages are available to complement meals throughout the day.

Signature Dishes at Emporium Marketplace

Handmade tortelloni, ricotta cheese, spinach, tomato-sage butter

It’s often the simplest dishes that take great skill – this classic is no exception. Tortelloni are ring-shaped, filled pasta ‘pockets’ that originate in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region. Made onboard from scratch every day in the authentic Italian way, it’s a process best described as art-meets-science. Carefully sourced flour is used to make dough that has the correct degree of elasticity; this is essential to giving the tortelloni their mouth-watering light and silky texture before being filled with ricotta and spinach, then gently coated in tomato-sage butter.

Plant based chia yoghurt

Our curated chia yoghurt is daily made from homemade cashew milk, creating a fusion of delicious creamy flavours for guests to enjoy each morning.

  • Indoor seating: 271  
  • Outdoor seating: 70
  • Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Located on Deck 11
Fil Rouge

A global tasting tour to French-inspired international cuisine.

A common red thread that unites international flavours with a French influence. Fil Rouge is a sophisticated and intimate restaurant, offering a global tasting tour of French-inspired international cuisine, where guests are encouraged to take their time to appreciate both the cuisine and the intimate ambience.

A universal, timeless dining experience, Fil Rouge is a visual articulation of the fundamentals of elegance. Intricate hexagons representing the simplest expression of perfection contrast with clean white walls adorned with inspiring works of art.

An elegant dessert cart tempts with the freshest creations served tableside, and a superb wine selection showcases the best of both the Old and New World vineyards.

Signature Dish at Fil Rouge

Tuna tataki, crispy tomato-olive tart, vegetables, vanilla white pepper

Sustainably raised and caught in the open Mediterranean Sea close to the Cartagena Bay, the Mediterranean bluefin tuna sourced by our chefs is some of the best grade to be found anywhere in the world for sashimi.

  • Indoor seating: 222 
  • Open for breakfast and dinner
  • Located on Deck 4
Chef's Kitchen

Private dining and culinary classes.

The Chef’s Kitchen is an immersive experience held in an ocean-front private kitchen setting for 12 guests. Our team of culinary experts guides our guests through a journey of discovering new ingredients, flavours, textures and cultures, regardless of their cooking skills level.

The experience continuously evolves around the regions visited by the ship, and will also extend ashore with visits to local markets and hand-picked producers. The adjacent private dining room is the perfect venue for guests to celebrate their new skills, savour the incredible dishes they created, paired with superb wines from our sommeliers. 

  • Indoor seating: 12 
  • An exclusive experience fee applies
Gelateria & Creperie at The Conservatory

Authentic French and Italian indulgences in a relaxed weather-protected poolside environment.

Set in the relaxed, weather-protected poolside Conservatory, this is the place to treat yourself to authentic French and Italian indulgencies.

  • Open during the day
In-Suite Dining

Our guests can enjoy an array of cuisines at any time, day or night, in the comfort of their suite or private terrace. Available 24 hours, the menu offers guests a taste of each of our unique dining destinations.

  • Available 24 hours
Beyond Boundaries
Tailored Experiences
Enchanting Explorations
Journey Enrichments
In-Country Immersions
Destination Essentials
Beyond Boundaries

Soul-stirring experiences that touch the impossible, from the thrill of supersonic speed to the deepest fathoms of ocean trenches.

Whether you seek the thrill of supersonic speed, the silence of polar mountain peaks, the deepest fathoms of ocean trenches, the sense of awe from meeting world-leading intellects and artisans, these experiences are more than one-off wonderments, they are soul-stirring achievements that will forever influence your perspective of the world and your role within it.

Tailored Experiences

The travel equivalent of haute couture, our Tailored Experiences are tailor-made for those who seek truly customised arrangements that are both personal and without compromise.

We are pleased to curate your requests for singular, customised arrangements that can be as off-the-beaten-path or utterly indulgent as you wish. Whether yours is an intimate group of two or a larger gathering of family and friends, we can help you adapt a featured destination experience or totally tailor an arrangement that delivers exactly where and what you prefer.

Enchanting Explorations

The Enchanting Explorations are the definition of distinction for bespoke groups seeking peerless experiences.

Meticulously designed to usher in next-level exclusivity for small, agile groups seeking peerless experiences, and to witness moments that are off limits to most. You may find yourself in a silent Sistine Chapel after it closes to the public. Perhaps you will sail along the coastline of enchanting Mykonos on a relaxing and captivating catamaran cruise of the south coast, home to some of the island’s best beaches. Or indulge in top-line dinner reservations to a restaurant with a 2-year wait list.

Journey Enrichments

Let our Explora Experience Ambassadors ease you into your travel experience by taking care of essential arrangements before and after your journey.


Whether on ship or on shore, Explora Journeys guides every step of your journey so you enjoy the same level of personalised service from beginning to end.


Travel with total peace-of-mind, with organised transfers. Float effortlessly through the stresses of travel with airports, hotels, vehicles, and luggage handling all looked after.


Should you wish to explore a destination before or after your journey, our comprehensive hotel programme is the perfect option. 

In-Country Immersions

Traversing beyond the bounds of the ocean, we take you deeper into the culture of the countries we visit with immersive all-inclusive excursions.

Designed as three- or more- day overland experiences, our In-Country Immersions are all-inclusive and available to intimately sized groups starting before or after your sailing. All you have to do is let go-and let us immerse you in the extraordinary that lies further afield. Our In-Country Immersions whisk you sunward via private jets or hot-air balloons, nimble ATVs or sure-footed horses to chase nearby marvels, events and wilderness treks both famously celebrated or deeply shrouded in mystery.

Destination Essentials

Our Destination Essentials offer must-do experiences in unbridled finesse, hidden wonders and little surprises.

Boutique in nature and bolder in adventure, our Destination Essentials expand must-do experiences with hidden wonders that let you see the world from a debonair perspective. It’s not enough to just go to Cairo’s Great Pyramids or Rio’s Christ the Redeemer; intimately feel the power of their presence, find yourself tingling with goosebumps and experience it in a way that quenches your thirst to do more than anyone else can experience.

Journeys Lounge
Explora Lounge
Astern Pool & Bar
Astern Lounge
The Conservatory Pool & Bar
Lobby Bar
Malt Whisky Bar
Crema Café
Atoll Pool & Bar
Helios Pool & Bar
Sky Bar On 14
Journeys Lounge

Mixology, enrichment and entertainment continuously evolving throughout the day.

The most spacious onboard lounge features mixology specialists, enrichment activities and cabaret-style entertainment daily. This venue is designed to continuously evolve and transform throughout the day along with the ocean journey.

  • Indoor seating: 210 
  • Located on Deck 4
Explora Lounge

A luminous lounge offering spectacular 270-degree views of the ocean, a spectacular backdrop to informal drinking and dining.

Explora Lounge is a central meeting place bathed in natural bright light, where guests can watch the world sail by as they enjoy light meals, snacks, and traditional afternoon tea. Perfect for a quiet moment to read, work or sip a coffee, or simply admire the beautiful sea-facing views which instantly ease the mind into a calming space.

Cool and soothing background music during the day is transformed into a jazz and piano bar at night. This is the perfect soundtrack to your journey paired with a sunset aperitivo in hand.

Guests can enjoy light meals, snacks, traditional afternoon tea, along with inventive modern cocktails barista-made coffees, loose leaf teas, smoothies, and fresh pressed juices.

  • Indoor seating: 149
  • Outdoor seating: 38
  • Located on Deck 11
Astern Pool & Bar

An all-day pool and lounge setting for a seaside escape.

An all-day lounge next to the infinity pool, ideal for a seaside escape offering chilled beach club vibes, with low background music by day and acoustic musicians and DJs as the sun sets, continuing throughout the evening.

Outdoor dining is available from nearby Sakura restaurant in bento boxes, conveniently served seated at a table, a lounger or a poolside sunbed. 

  • Outdoor seating: 122 (Includes sunbeds, lounge chairs and bar seating) 
  • Located on Deck 5
Astern Lounge

All-day lounge for a seaside escape opening up to the Astern Pool.

Astern Lounge is the social hub of the journey, with a collection of events and rituals suited to every taste.

Effortlessly transitioning throughout the day, Astern Lounge hosts live music, DJ sessions and enrichment insights. Coming to life from sundown, the lounge perfects the aperitivo through a ritual of celebrating the golden hour, complemented by live entertainment.

  • Indoor seating: 70 
  • Located on Deck 5
The Conservatory Pool & Bar

A weather-protected all-day poolside lounge

The Conservatory is a weather-protected poolside lounge by day. By night, it turns into a cinema experience under the stars. A relaxed, calming venue to unwind and enjoy cocktails, with light, lively background music playing throughout the day.

  • Indoor seating: 52
  • Located on Deck 11
Lobby Bar

A centrally-located social bar and lounge.

A central gathering social bar and lounge, amongst high-end boutiques, provides the ideal spot to enjoy refreshments throughout the day and night.

  • Indoor seating: 40 
  • Located on Deck 4
Malt Whisky Bar

A refined tour of the global whisky regions.

Set within the Explora Lounge, Malt offers a refined tour of the global whisky regions, including some of the rarest whiskies. Complete with a walk-in humidor, cigar expert and a dedicated outdoor cigar-smoking terrace.

A menu with an emphasis on dark brown spirits

Features an outdoor smoking area for guests to enjoy their hand-rolled cigars*, selected with the guidance of our cigar expert

Signature whiskey-based cocktails curated exclusively for Explora Journeys

Low jazz background music

  • Indoor seating: 20
  • Located on Deck 11
Crema Café

Bustling European all-day café culture brought to the oceans of the world.

A thick luxurious layer of crema nods to the freshness of an espresso and aptly lends authenticity and sophistication to a café at the centre of life on board.

Inspired by modern European café culture, Crema Café has unpretentiously stylish interiors with comfortable lounge seating, featuring sophisticated reading material and art set against uninterrupted views of the sea. A place designed to meet, discuss, unwind, taste and indulge, where like-minded guests gather to mingle and converse.

Coffee is chosen by selected connoisseurs who have travelled the world exploring fair-trade coffee origin, character, and strength. Discover the refined methods of brewing coffee from skilled baristas, taste high-quality loose-leaf teas with an on-hand tea expert, or enjoy refreshing cold-pressed juices. A jewellery-shop-like display showcases pastries, cakes, desserts and dry sweets including madeleine, cannelés, biscotti, navette sandwiches as well as gelato flavours that evolve throughout the day.

  • Indoor seating: 62
  • Outdoor seating: 16 
  • Located on Deck 5
Atoll Pool & Bar

An intimate pool with a chilled vibe throughout the day.

Here, guests can enjoy the sun, sea and serenity along with sunny, sparkling and colourful drinks.

  • Outdoor seating: 138 (Includes sunbeds, lounge chairs and bar seating) 
  • Located on Deck 10
Helios Pool & Bar

A panoramic adults-only pool and lounge experience.

Inspired by the Ancient Greek god of the sun, and also literally meaning “sun” in Greek, this adults-only area is indeed the sunniest venue onboard, panoramically facing forward on deck 12. Enjoy lying by the pool or lounging throughout the day as you watch the ship sail through the sea.

  • Outdoor seating: 100 (Includes sunbeds, lounge chairs and bar seating) 
  • Located on Deck 12
Sky Bar On 14

A panoramic outdoor lounge setting, ideal for soothing cocktails and infinite views.

Set on the ship’s highest point, on deck 14, this panoramic outdoor lounge setting is ideal for soothing cocktails and infinite views.

  • Located on Deck 14
Ocean Wellness The Spa
Ocean Wellness The Beauty Studio
Ocean Wellness The Fitness Centre
Fitness Studio
Open Air Fitness
In-Suite Fitness
Sports Court
Ocean Wellness The Spa

A calming space designed to reconnect guests to themselves – influenced at every level by the calming presence of the ocean.

The spa is where the pressures of daily life dissipate to insignificance amidst a sensory journey to the Ocean State of Mind.


  • Steam Room
  • Steam shower (in private spa suites)
  • Hydrotherapy pool
  • Finnish sauna
  • Salt cave
  • Experience shower
  • Ice fall
  • Heated marble loungers
  • Relaxation room

* Spa treatments, including massages and facials, require a minimum age of 12 years old, with parental supervision. Access to our Wellness Area and thermal facilities is reserved for our guests aged 16 years old and above.

11 Treatment Rooms in total of which

  • 2 Private Spa Suites with a dedicated outdoor relaxation area
  • 1 Double treatment room
  • 7 single treatment rooms
  • 1 single treatment room for specialised skin treatments – the Medi Luxe Treatments by Dr Levy Switzerland
  • Outdoor relaxation area

* Spa treatments cannot be booked until 60 days prior to the journey.

The Spa Facilities:

  • Steam Room – A regenerating oasis of psycho-physical wellbeing. Air, steam, and scented fragrances combine and gently rest on the skin, making natural exfoliation easier and increasing perspiration.
  • Experience Shower – A multi-sensory journey, the warm shower is complete with fragrances and soft colour lights, offering moments of utmost pleasure – either at the beginning or at the end of the day.
  • Hydrotherapy Pool – Designed to create moments of authentic psycho-physical regeneration. 
  • Finnish Sauna – The ideal space to unwind, reduce stress, strengthen airways, relax your muscles, and oxygenate your tissues. 
  • Salt Cave – Walls are covered in Himalayan salt bricks, allowing guests to inhale Himalayan salt-infused air, which releases negative ions into the air. 
  • Steam Shower – A shower that combines the relaxing heat of the steam and the regenerating freshness of water. (* Available within private Spa suites)
  • Ice Fall – The Ice Fall regenerates the body after intense heat exposure in the Finnish Sauna or Steam Room. 
  • Heated Marble Loungers – Equipped with an infrared system that radiates the heat on the whole stone surface. 

Ocean Wellness The Beauty Studio

We believe inner wellness should radiate in outer beauty and confidence. Our beauty spaces are dedicated to this philosophy, allowing you to feel at one with the natural beauty of your surroundings.

The Beauty Studio is a flowing space, to ensure all your beauty needs are catered for in one space, ranging from hair rituals, barber treatments to rejuvenating hand and foot treatments.

Ocean Wellness The Fitness Centre

Seize the benefits of sleep, accompanied by the soothing soundtrack of the ocean.

The Fitness Centre features different areas for cardio, strength, and functional training. Guests can train with high-end cardio equipment from the Technogym Artis Line, a unique collection designed to the highest standards to maximise the efficiency of a workout and optimise results. Among the many options, guests can elevate their indoor running experience and enjoy engaging content and workouts with Run Artis, or train in a fun and effective way on the elliptical Artis Synchro.

In the strength training area guests can work on their lower body with high-quality solutions such as the Artis Leg Press and Artis Leg Curl, or train their upper body with innovative products such as the Artis Chest Press and the Artis Shoulder Press.

For strength workout sessions, Explora Journeys also offers guests the Technogym Bench, the innovative, functional and strength training station with sleek design and enclosed tools that enables guests to perform over 200 exercise options, and fitness tools such as Urethane Dumbbells, which allow guests to be precise in their workouts and recruit more muscles more efficiently. 

Fitness Studio

Located within the Fitness Centre, the Fitness Studio allows guests to take part in yoga classes with the Technogym training mats, which offer extra-large size and maximum comfort, or enjoy functional workouts with the Technogym Bench, Technogym Skill tools and the Technogym Case Kit, a practical and spacious bag with a QR code on the hangtag, that allows for direct access to a digital library of video exercises and guided routines focused on their needs.

Additionally, our Fitness Studio offers Pilates Reformers classes for improved balance through the strengthening of the core muscles.

Open Air Fitness

On the outdoor deck, guests can train in the open air, with direct ocean views. The Open Air Fitness area provides guests with the latest fitness equipment such as:

  • SKILLROW, the first outdoor rowing equipment designed to improve anaerobic power, aerobic capacity and neuromuscular abilities in one solution
  • GROUP CYCLE BIKES, perfect to create an engaging cycling experience.

Guests can use Skillrow, Group Cycle bikes and also Technogym Case in the way they most prefer: they can choose to train individually, receive support from a qualified personal trainer, or participate in exciting and engaging fitness classes.

More exercise options in the open air include:

  • RUNNING TRACK: Encircling the ship is a 360º track where runners can enjoy commanding ocean views while they do laps.
  • SPORTS COURT: The ideal space for touch tennis, half basketball, or yoga ritual experiences.
In-Suite Fitness

Enjoy the all-inclusive functional training kit that empowers you to perform myriads of total body workouts, with the guidance of the Technogym virtual coach. 

Sports Court

A dedicated space for various activities, such as touch tennis, half basketball and yoga ritual experiences.

The use of the space is complimentary for all guests and the equipment such as balls, rackets and other will be provided on board free of charge.

Dress Code
Smoking Policy
Service Animals
Medical Centre
Age Restrictions
Wi-Fi & Internet Access
Dietary Requirements
Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
Dress Code

We don’t have a dress code onboard but we suggest an elegant resort casual style.

Please consider the following in our restaurants, and indoor bars and lounges:

  • Swim wear and bathrobes are not allowed throughout the day in any of the restaurants and indoor bars and lounges.
  • Shorts and sleeveless t-shirts are not allowed during dinner time (18:00 – late) in Anthology, Fil Rouge
  • Baseball caps and sportswear are not allowed during dinner time (18:00 – late) in Anthology, Fil Rouge, Sakura, Marble & Co. Grill, Med Yacht Club.
Smoking Policy

Explora Journeys respects the needs and desires of all guests and we have considered carefully the subject of those who smoke and those who do not. In compliance with global standards, smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor locations. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the suites and the suite terraces.

Smoking will be only allowed in the following outside areas onboard:

  • Deck 5: Starboard Side on the outdoor Crema Café Promenade
  • Deck 11: Forward, Port Side, Cigar Lounge (Cigars only)
  • Deck 12: Forward, Port Side, Cigar section of Helios Bar
  • Deck 14: Aft, Starboard Side, section of Sky Bar on 14
Service Animals

If you have a service animal to assist you, please let us know when placing your booking.


There are accessible suites onboard Explora Journeys. 

Any guests in need of special services during their journey, or needing to travel with medical apparatus, including wheelchairs, motorised scooters or oxygen therapy are asked to please notify us in writing prior to final payment becoming due.  

Certain Destination Experiences are wheelchair-accessible and there will be an icon to highlight these experiences. Depending on what the guest’s requirements are, experiences may be subject to availability as wheelchair-accessible transport has to be pre-requested. It is recommended that guests advise their preferred Travel Advisor or an Explora Journeys Ambassador of their requirements at time of booking. 


We offer a self-service guest laundry as well as a laundry service (charges apply).

Medical Centre

There is a medical centre onboard equipped for first aid and minor conditions only. The medical centre is not equipped as a land-based hospital and the doctor is not a specialist. 

Medical consultations onboard are fee-based therefore we strongly recommend that you have comprehensive travel health insurance covering medical treatment, repatriation costs and expenses.

Age Restrictions

Our adults-only areas onboard are the Whiskey bar within the Observation Lounge (where smoking will be allowed), and the Forward Pool area on deck 12. The use of the Fitness Centre and the Spa Facilities are reserved for guests aged 16 years and older. Following Public Health Authorities requirements, children in diapers, swim diapers, pull-ups, or who are not completely toilet trained are not allowed in the swimming pools and whirlpools. 

Wi-Fi & Internet Access

Complimentary Wi-Fi is available in suites and public areas for unlimited web browsing, emails, social media, messengers, and voice and video calls. Please note that the Wi-Fi connection on board depends on the satellite positioning and, at times, can be unstable or discontinued depending on the weather conditions, navigation area, or other technical restrictions beyond our control.

Dietary Requirements

You will be asked during the booking process to add any allergies, dietary restrictions and special requests. Please make sure to inform us prior to your journey about special dietary restrictions

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

Explora Journeys does not have any single use plastic onboard its ships and ashore.

We ban single-use plastic from our ships, also packaging of deliveries will be reduced to a minimum. Offering fresh and locally-sourced food gives us the possibility to be more respectful with the planet and the destinations we visit.

Additionally, we offer environmentally conscious Destination Experiences as well as recycling and refillable bottles onboard.

We are working with tour operators that offer sustainable experiences with no single-use-plastic also ashore. Our Destination Experiences are planned to put a spotlight on local talents, craftsmanship, culture, gastronomy and traditions​​.

Our advanced wastewater treatment systems onboard process wastewater to near tap water quality. We discharge our ballast water exclusively on land while we are in the port. We have adopted strict treatment regimes to remove threats of species transportation through ballast water.


An in-suite welcome bottle of champagne and a bottle of spirit of the guests’ choice upon arrival.

Authentic, cultured and intuitive service from our team of hospitality experts

Nine distinct culinary experiences, including in-suite dining:

  • Emporium Marketplace 
  • Sakura Marble & Co. Grill 
  • Med Yacht Club 
  • Fil Rouge 
  • Crema Café Gelateria & Creperie at The Conservatory 
  • Explora Lounge In-Suite Dining
Deck 14
Deck 12
Deck 11
Deck 10
Deck 9
Deck 8
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
Deck 14
  • Sports Court
  • Whirlpool
  • Panorama Lounge
  • Sky Bar On 14
Deck 12
  • Helios Pool & Lounge (Adults Only)
  • Running Track
  • Whirlpools
  • Lift
Deck 11
  • Explora Lounge
  • Private Dining Room
  • Malt Whiskey Bar
  • Chef’s Kitchen
  • Children & Teens Area
  • The Conservatory Pool & Bar
  • Indoor Whirlpool
  • Gelateria & Creperie
  • Emporium Marketplace Restaurant
  • Emporium Marketplace Restaurant Outdoor Seating
  • Lift
Deck 10
  • Ocean Wellness Fitness Centre
  • Atoll Pool & Bar
  • Upper Aft Pool & Lounge
  • Grand Penthouse
  • Deluxe Penthouse 
  • Cove Residence
  • Premier Penthouse 
  • Ocean Terrace Suite
  • Lift
Deck 9
  • Retreat Residence
  • Ocean Terrace Suite
  • Cove Residence
  • Grand Penthouse
  • Premier Penthouse
  • Deluxe Penthouse
  • Penthouse
  • Serenity Residence
  • Lift
Deck 8
  • Owner’s Residence
  • Retreat Residence
  • Ocean Terrace Suite
  • Penthouse
  • Premier Penthouse
  • Grand Penthouse
  • Cove Residence
  • Lift
Deck 7
  • Retreat Residence
  • Ocean Grand Terrace Suite
  • Ocean Terrace Suite
  • Grand Penthouse
  • Cove Residence
  • Deluxe Penthouse
  • Penthouse
  • Serenity Residence
  • Lift
Deck 6
  • Cocoon Residence
  • Penthouse
  • Deluxe Penthouse
  • Ocean Grand Terrace Suite
  • Ocean Terrace Suite
  • Grand Penthouse
  • Cove Residence
  • Lift
Deck 5
  • Ocean Wellness The Spa
  • Future Journeys Ambassadors
  • Anthology Restaurant
  • Crema Café
  • Marble & Co. Grill Restaurant
  • Galleria D’Arte
  • MSC Foundation
  • Astern Lounge
  • Sakura Restaurant
  • Astern Pool & Bar
  • Lift
Deck 4
  • Journeys Lounge
  • The Casino
  • Guest Services 
  • Destination Experiences
  • Shops
  • Lobby & Lobby Bar
  • Med Yacht Club Restaurant
  • Fil Rouge Restaurant
  • Lift
Deck 3
  • Medical Centre
  • Marina Lounge
  • Marina Deck

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.