The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Barcelona
Day 2: Palma de Mallorca
Day 3: Mahón, Menorca
Day 5: Calvi, Corsica
Day 6: Bastia
Day 7: Portoferraio
Day 8: Civitavecchia
Day 1: Barcelona

The infinite variety of street life, the nooks and crannies of the medieval Barri Gòtic, the ceramic tile and stained glass of Art Nouveau facades, the art and music, the throb of street life, the food (ah, the food!)—one way or another, Barcelona will find a way to get your full attention. The capital of Catalonia is a banquet for the senses, with its beguiling mix of ancient and modern architecture, tempting cafés and markets, and sun-drenched Mediterranean beaches. A stroll along La Rambla and through waterfront Barceloneta, as well as a tour of Gaudí’s majestic Sagrada Famíliaand his other unique creations, are part of a visit to Spain’s second-largest city. Modern art museums and chic shops call for attention, too. Barcelona’s vibe stays lively well into the night, when you can linger over regional wine and cuisine at buzzing tapas bars.

Day itinerary:

The old meets the new in this sunny Catalan metropolis, where narrow alleyways contrast with grand boulevards, trendy cuisine meets homemade tapas, and everywhere you’re greeted by the warm, welcoming smiles of the fashionable locals. Don’t miss UNESCO sites like the mind-boggling architecture of Antoni Gaudí or La Sagrada Familia Cathedral, with its eight decorative spires soaring hundreds of feet into the sky.

Day 2: Palma de Mallorca

If you look north of the cathedral (La Seu, or the seat of the bishopric, to Mallorcans) on a map of the city of Palma, you can see around the Plaça Santa Eulàlia a jumble of tiny streets that made up the earliest settlement. Farther out, a ring of wide boulevards traces the fortifications built by the Moors to defend the larger city that emerged by the 12th century. The zigzags mark the bastions that jutted out at regular intervals. By the end of the 19th century, most of the walls had been demolished; the only place where you can still see the massive defenses is at Ses Voltes, along the seafront west of the cathedral.A torrent (streambed) used to run through the middle of the old city, dry for most of the year but often a raging flood in the rainy season. In the 17th century it was diverted to the east, along the moat that ran outside the city walls. Two of Palma’s main arteries, La Rambla and the Passeig d’es Born, now follow the stream’s natural course. The traditional evening paseo (promenade) takes place on the Born.If you come to Palma by car, park in the garage beneath the Parc de la Mar (the ramp is just off the highway from the airport, as you reach the cathedral) and stroll along the park. Beside it run the huge bastions guarding the Almudaina Palace; the cathedral, golden and massive, rises beyond. Where you exit the garage, there’s a ceramic mural by the late Catalan artist and Mallorca resident Joan Miró, facing the cathedral across the pool that runs the length of the park.If you begin early enough, a walk along the ramparts at Ses Voltes from the mirador beside the cathedral is spectacular. The first rays of the sun turn the upper pinnacles of La Seu bright gold and then begin to work their way down the sandstone walls. From the Parc de la Mar, follow Avinguda Antoni Maura past the steps to the palace. Just below the Plaça de la Reina, where the Passeig d’es Born begins, turn left on Carrer de la Boteria into the Plaça de la Llotja (if the Llotja itself is open, don’t miss a chance to visit—it’s the Mediterranean’s finest Gothic-style civic building). From there stroll through the Plaça Drassana to the Museu d’Es Baluard, at the end of Carrer Sant Pere. Retrace your steps to Avinguda Antoni Maura. Walk up the Passeig d’es Born to Plaça Joan Carles I, then right on Avenida de La Unió.

Day itinerary:

Mallorca is steep, green, and fringed with enticing coves and more than 200 lush beaches. But all that natural beauty is just the beginning. Stroll along the tree-shaded Paseo de Born in search of tapas. Shop for a Siurell; a traditional red, green, and white clay whistle dating back to the time of the Moors. Watch the street performers on the piazza around the church, or cross the island to beautiful Sóller. Not to be missed is the cultural landscape of the Serra de Tramuntana, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 3: Mahón, Menorca

The capital of Menorca since 1721, Mahon has a impressive natural deep water harbour, which is one of the largest in the world. This, coupled with its strategic location, has made it a stronghold for many nations throughout history. Mahon has an abundance of historical buildings, the oldest being the Arch of Saint Roc which is all that remains of the wall that once encircled the whole town. The island was occupied by the British during the 18th century and Lord Nelson is thought to have stayed there. Indeed, San Antoni Mansion, located on the north side of the harbour, houses a collection of Nelson memorabilia. The legacy of colonial rule can be seen in the muted Georgian style of some of the buildings, but Mahon still boasts attractive examples of neo-Classical, Baroque and Romanesque architecture. With narrow streets to explore, pleasant shaded squares and welcoming pavement cafés, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Please be aware that most shops in town close for a siesta between 1330 and 1730.

Day itinerary:

What an entrance you will make as you cruise into one of the deepest natural harbors in the world. Picturesque Mahon is home to lovely white-sand beaches and delightful architecture, a gin distillery, and a dairy plant where delicious white cheese is made.

Day 5: Calvi, Corsica

Calvi, Corsica’s slice of the Riviera, has been described by author Dorothy Carrington as “an oasis of pleasure on an otherwise austere island.” Calvi prospered by supplying products to Genoa; its citizens remained loyal supporters of Genoa long after the rest of the island declared independence. Calvi also claims to be the birthplace of Christopher Columbus. During the 18th century the town endured assaults from Corsican nationalists, including celebrated patriot Pasquale Paoli. Today Calvi sees a summertime invasion of tourists, drawn to the 6-km (4-mile) stretch of sandy white beach, impressive citadel overlooking the Old Town, lively restaurants, and buzzing nightlife.

Day itinerary:

The popular tourist spot of Calvi with its crescent-shaped bay and gorgeous beaches, is distinguished by a large medieval citadel that overlooks the marina. Built between the 13th to the 16th centuries, it is basically an entire small town enclosed by fortified walls but offering panoramic views of the harbor and the Corsican coast. Another must-see is the “Big Pink Church,” Orthodox-style L’Eglise Santa Maria and make time to take a walk along the Quai Landry esplanade, lined with interesting restaurants.

Day 6: Bastia

Corsica’s northern capital, Bastia, is the centre of commerce and industry and a thriving freight and passenger port. Commerce, more than tourism, is its main focus, providing employment for many Corsicans. Bastia’s industrial sprawl, however, is offset by its aged charm. The presence of an overwhelming Italian atmosphere adds to the city’s attraction. Two distinct areas comprise the city: Terra Vecchia, the old quarter, consisting of haphazard streets, flamboyant Baroque churches and lofty tenements, with their crumbling golden-grey walls set against a backdrop of fire-darkened hills; and the more orderly Terra Nova, the historic district favoured by prominent doctors, lawyers and architects. The city dates from Roman times, when a base was set up at Biguglia to the south. Under the Genoese, Bastia was the island’s capital for four centuries and of major importance for the export of wine to the Italian mainland. They built a fortress (bastiglia), which gave the town its name. The Genoese also were responsible for laying the foundation for the area’s prosperity by planting vines, olives, chestnut trees and other experimental crops. This resulted in an energetic and enterprising region, still a characteristic of today’s northern Corsica. Although Napoleon had appointed Ajaccio the capital of the island in 1811- initiating a rivalry that still exists – Bastia established a stronger trading position with mainland France. As a result, the Nouveau Port was created in 1862 to cope with the increasing traffic with France and Italy. Bastia’s economic prominence and a German division based here during World War II accounted for severe bombing attacks. Many buildings were destroyed, including much of the old governor’s palace. Of the two largest towns on the island, Ajaccio and Bastia, the latter boasts a more genuine Corsican character. Visitors can experience an authentic feel of island life by wandering through the maze of narrow streets of Bastia’s old quarter and by exploring its fortifications. Don’t miss the vast Place Saint-Nicolas just north of the old quarter; it is the focal point of the city. Open to the sea and lined with shady trees and sidewalk cafes, it is a perfect place for people watching and for taking in the local ambiance. Pier Information The ship is scheduled to dock at the port of Bastia. The city’s focal point, Place Saint-Nicolas, is a distance of 650 feet (200 metres) to walk. Taxis are generally available at the pier but it is highly recommended to book in advance if you want to be sure to get one. It is recommended to establish the fare before leaving the port. Shopping The main shopping streets, Boulevard Paoli and Rue Cesar Campinchi, are less than one half miles (500 metres) from the port terminal. Handicrafts and the area’s specialties such as honey, wine and liqueurs may be of interest. Most shops are open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Shops are closed for the day on Sundays and some shops may also close Monday mornings (some souvenirs shops may open Sundays during the high season of July-August). The local currency is the euro. Cuisine A variety of restaurants offer a good choice of eating possibilities. Some of the best restaurants are found around the Vieux Port and on the Quai des Martyrs. French cuisine and seafood feature prominently on menus as well as such Corsican specialties as wild boar, charcuterie and aziminu, a local version of bouillabaisse. Evidence of Bastia’s strong Italian influence is apparent in the numerous pizza and pasta places in the Nouveau Port area. For outdoor dining and people watching, cafes around lively Place Saint-Nicolas are a perfect place. Other Sites Oratoire de Saint-Roch Located in the Terra Vecchia quarter, the chapel is a Genoese Baroque extravaganza built in 1604. The walls are covered with finely carved wooden panelling and the organ is magnificent with its decoration of gilt and wooden sculpture. Oratoire de L’Immaculee Conception Although its exterior is rather austere, the flamboyant interior of this 17th-century church with gilt and marble ceiling, frescoes and crystal chandeliers creates an ambiance of an opera house. Vieux Port Site of the original Porto Prado, the area around the Vieux Port is the most appealing part of town. Its soaring houses seem to bend inwards towards the water. Once busy with Genoese traders, the building of the ferry terminal and commercial docks have reduced much of the action at Vieux Port. Terra Nova As the administrative core of old Bastia, Terra Nova displays a distinct air of affluence. Its most impressive building is the 14th-century Governor’s Palace. During the Genoese heyday the governor and the bishop lived here, entertaining foreign dignitaries and hosting massive parties. Private arrangements for independent sightseeing may be requested through the Tour Office on board, subject to the availability of English-speaking guides.

Day itinerary:

As the principal port of Corsica, Bastia has vibrant historical neighborhoods with narrow streets and alleys between ancient shuttered buildings of the 18th century. One of the main squares is the Place du Marche, home of a morning market and the impressive 16th century Saint-Jean-Baptiste church. On the other side of the harbor sits the substantial citadel, the beautiful gardens of Jardin Romieu and the once very-elegant houses of the Terra Nova district.

Day 7: Portoferraio

Elba is the Tuscan archipelago’s largest island, but it resembles nearby verdant Corsica more than it does its rocky Italian sisters, thanks to a network of underground springs that keep it lush and green. It’s this combination of semitropical vegetation and dramatic mountain scenery—unusual in the Mediterranean—that has made Elba so prized for so long, and the island’s uniqueness continues to draw boatloads of visitors throughout the warm months. A car is very useful for getting around the island, but public buses stop at most towns several times a day; the tourist office has timetables.

Day itinerary:

Pine-scented forests and miles of sandy beach await your arrival on the tranquil island of Elba. Enjoy a glass of local Moscato with the fresh catch of the day before pondering your next move. Perhaps you’ll visit the nearby countryside with its small fishing villages and dramatic mountain passes. Or see the calming beauty of Tuscan Archipelago National Park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Or maybe you’ll decide to walk to the nearest beach and dip your toes into the warm Mediterranean.

Day 8: Civitavecchia

Italy’s vibrant capital lives in the present, but no other city on earth evokes its past so powerfully. For over 2,500 years, emperors, popes, artists, and common citizens have left their mark here. Archaeological remains from ancient Rome, art-stuffed churches, and the treasures of Vatican City vie for your attention, but Rome is also a wonderful place to practice the Italian-perfected il dolce far niente, the sweet art of idleness. Your most memorable experiences may include sitting at a caffè in the Campo de’ Fiori or strolling in a beguiling piazza.

Day itinerary:

In this enchanting city the past and present intersect in perfect harmony. Casually intermingled among ancient ruins and majestic cathedrals are the trappings of a modern metropolis: Skyscrapers,cafes, boutiques selling designer footwear. But of course what you seek first in the heart of Rome is its breathtaking history. A good place to begin is the Vatican, with its Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Works by Bernini, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, and Raphael are just a few of those on display, any one of which is worth hours of contemplation. Then the ancient ruins—Colosseum, Forum, Circus Maximus. And of course the Trevi Fountain for the obligatory coins promising your return to the Eternal City.

Owner's Suite
Gracious Stateroom
Owner's Suite

With an expansive 220 square feet, the Owner’s Suite gives you everything offered in a stateroom, plus lots more, including a beautiful sitting area and separate in-room dining space.

Gracious Stateroom

Every inch of your stateroom is designed for comfort. Luxurious Egyptian cotton linens wrap you in pleasant sleepiness as you stretch out in your queen bed (can be separated into twins if you prefer). Your spacious bath features granite counter tops, ample storage, and a roomy shower with massage shower head. L’Occitane® bath products invite you to indulge, while comfy waffle-weave robe and slippers entice you to relax. You’ll find fresh fruit and flowers always waiting for you after a day of sun or sightseeing. And, of course, everything else you need and expect — flat-screen television and DVD, private safe. And always at your fingertips, anything you wish from room service.

Amphora Restaurant
Candles Restaurant
Veranda Restaurant
Amphora Restaurant

Here, the dining room manager seats you, but where is your decision. There are no pre-assigned tables or first or second seatings. When you dine and with whom are entirely up to you. Seating usually begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be printed in the ship’s daily program. Each delightful dish is prepared exactly to your liking – an exquisite dinner served course-by-course with a fine selection of vintage wines.

Candles Restaurant

Here’s the perfect place for a romantic tête-a-tête under the stars in Candles, Windstar’s signature outdoor restaurant transformed by night into a dreamlike paradise. Delectable cuisine, memorable surroundings, inspired wine pairings.

Veranda Restaurant

It’s breakfast alfresco, full service or buffet-style, anytime till 9:30 a.m. No need to hurry. Again, the choices are many in Veranda. Choose the sumptuous, seemingly endless buffet. Or, order from the lunch menu between noon and 2:30 p.m.

Guest Lectures
Windstar Signature Expeditions
Culinary Demonstrations
Shore Excursions
Watersports Platform
Guest Lectures

Have you ever wanted to learn about rowing across the Atlantic or the inner workings of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix? On select Windstar voyages, satisfy your curiosity and enhance your understanding of the local culture by listening to our onboard lecturers. We’ve curated a group of speakers designed to bring you an insider’s perspective on a multitude of intriguing topics. Listen raptly as your voyage becomes more than just a vacation – and a thought-provoking exploration of enchanting lands. 

Windstar Signature Expeditions

Windstar Signature Expeditions is an immersive program that features 8 expert guides who stay on board throughout the voyage, giving informative talks and taking guests on optional adventures by foot, by kayak, or by Zodiac boat – sometimes launching straight from the ship in remote places like Misty Fjords and Kenai Fjords. It’s Alaska at its most authentic, exciting all your clients’ senses to its magnificence.

Culinary Demonstrations

Delight your palette with onboard cooking demonstrations featuring James Beard Foundation chef recipes. From wild striped bass with tomato sage “fondue” to lobster risotto, our Windstar chefs will take your taste buds on a journey through local cuisine. For a special tantalizing treat, join Windstar on one of our voyages in the James Beard Foundation Culinary Cruise Collection, where a James Beard Foundation chef will show you how to elevate your own culinary skills. It’s a taste of enrichment you’ll never forget.

Shore Excursions

Wine tastings, SCUBA diving, tours with locals and more — Windstar offers a variety of unique excursions that will add more depth and immersion to every day of your journey. Each meticulously planned excursion meets our highest standard of quality in safety and professionalism. Ensure your peace of mind knowing that you’ll always make it back to the yacht on time.

Watersports Platform

Sailings with Windstar include a lot of special amenities, but one of our most fun (and unique) is the Watersports Platform, which allows guests easy access to the ocean around them.

The platform exists on each of our six yachts and includes unlimited use of all water sports equipment including stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkel equipment, sailing, swimming, water skiing, and windsurfing. If that all sounds like too much work for your vacation, a large foam flotation island is often unfurled into the sea, allowing guests to lounge, casually swim, and take in the view around them.

Use of the Platform is always weather permitting and only takes place in certain ports during each of our journeys in select regions. (check with the crew once on board for more details on where and when the platform will be open).

And don’t forget, there’s NO need to bring snorkel equipment on many Windstar cruises! We provide complimentary masks, fins, and snorkels during your first afternoon on board, so you can take that equipment with you when you’d like to go exploring on your own (or with a designated shore excursion). It even comes in a handy mesh bag. One less thing you have to pack when heading to paradise!

Entertainment Facilities
Deck Four
Pool Bar
Entertainment Facilities

Onboard entertainment facilities include: library, casino, The Lounge, and Signature Shop.

Deck Four

Sun Loungers can be found on Deck Four.


The Pool can be found on Deck Four.

Pool Bar

The Pool Bar can be found on Deck Four.


The Reception can be found on the Deck Four.

Health and Fitness Facilities
Health and Fitness Facilities

Onboard Health & Fitness facilities include a whirlpool, fitness centre, swimming pool and watersports platform.


As you enter the hushed atmosphere of the newly-expanded WindSpa, you’ll feel every last care gently melt away. Maybe you’ll try a Hydralift facial or a new colour on your toes. Maybe you’ll surrender to the transformative power of a relaxing massage. With one of the highest crew-to-passenger ratios at sea, you will find yourself in the enviable position of never having to lift a finger.
The crew is happy to do whatever they can to make your time onboard as pampered as possible. Please book spa appointments with the hotel manager once you’ve boarded your yacht.

Guests With Disabilities
Dress Code
Age Restrictions
Premium Beverage Package
Personal Onboard Laundry Service
Your Windstar Voyage Includes
Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs
Smoking Policy
Internet/Wifi Access
Guests With Disabilities

Windstar does not discriminate against persons on the basis of disability. We seek, to the extent feasible, to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. There are no elevators on Wind Star and Wind Spirit nor were the ships originally constructed to be wheelchair accessible. As a result, these ships may be unsuitable for people relying solely on wheelchairs. The other yachts are equipped with elevators, but staterooms on Wind Surf are not wheelchair accessible. Also note, there is no elevator access to board the ship. Star Pride, Star Breeze, and Star Legend have modified wheelchair accessible suites available.

Certain ports require the ship to anchor; in this case guests must be ferried into port. Service Dogs are permitted onboard ships if prior arrangements have been made at time of booking. In limited situations where an individual with a disability would be unable to satisfy certain specified safety and other criteria, even when provided with appropriate auxiliary aids and services, we may find it necessary to ask the individual to make alternative travel arrangements. It is essential that Windstar is notified of any special medical, physical or other requirements you may have at the time of booking.

Dress Code

The less you bring the better. We suggest clothes that are light, cool, and made of natural fabrics like cotton and silk. You may wish to bring warmer clothing (layers are best), if you are traveling on an Ocean Crossing or an autumn Mediterranean cruise.

The Dress Code – from 7 am – 6 pm guests are welcome to dress as they please with the exception of no swimwear in all public lounges and restaurants and no clothing with offensive language or graphics that distract from the comfort and well-being of others. The general shipboard style is elegant, but relaxed including jeans and Bermuda/ walking shorts.

In the evening – after 6 pm when dining in Amphora, Stella Bistro or Cuadro 44 by Anthony Sasso, the dress code is country club-type clothing. For men – nice slacks, polo shirts, button down shirts, shoes other than athletic shoes. Designer denim jeans without rips or holes or are multi-colored are also acceptable. Sport coats are optional. Ties are not needed. For women – nice pants, skirts, tops, casual dresses, sundresses, nice sandals or casual shoes and designer denim dress jeans not ripped or multi-colored or having holes. Blazers are optional.

No assigned seating in Amphora or Veranda restaurants. And what can be more casual than merely signing for onboard purchases? You will feel like this is your ship, your personal yacht. The environment inspires the attitude. Reservations are required for Candles and can be made on board.

For those guests traveling to Alaska, it’s important to wear the right gear. We have partnered with the leading expedition outfitter to offer an online Alaska clothing and accessories service that ships directly to your ship. You’ll find all the right gear for Alaska, packing lists, clothing tips and our limited-edition Alaska inaugural season jacket here..

Age Restrictions

Passengers under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone who is at least 25 years old. One adult chaperone is required for every 5 people under 21. Parents, guardians, and chaperones are responsible for overseeing the onboard conduct of minors. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to guests under age 21.

Windstar Cruises is unable to accommodate children under eight (8) years of age. Guests under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone in their stateroom or suite who is at least 25 years old; one adult (age 25 or older) chaperone is required for every five (5) people under 21.

Premium Beverage Package

While all non-alcoholic beverages are complimentary, you may enjoy a pre-dinner cocktail under the setting sun or a champagne toast at the evening Sail Away with our beverage packages for wine, beer, cocktails and more. Find the perfect wine pairing with your meal and then end the night sipping scotch as you contemplate the stars.

Topmast Discoveries Beer & Wine Package – $49 per person per day An extensive package of diverse and intriguing wines from traditional European winegrowing terroirs to New World regions. Includes domestic and imported beer and 33 varieties of wine by the glass.

Captain’s Exclusive Beverage Package – $59 per person per day The ultimate beverage package and the perfect way to try new drinks for a bit of added adventure. Includes all domestic and imported beers and 33 varieties of wine/sparkling/champagne by the glass PLUS cordials, liqueurs, apertifs, cocktails and even mini bar items. (Cocktails based on house & select brands)

The All-In Package – From $79 per person per day. Have it all by making it an all-inclusive voyage with unlimited beer, wine & cocktails, unlimited Wi-Fi and gratuities, including the 15% beverage service charge. A convenient bundle that saves time and money, pays most of your expenses upfront and avoids the European VA Tax when pre-purchased. The All-In Package is sold per person and must be purchased up to 7 days prior to departure at $79.

The Topmast, Captain’s Exclusive and $89 All-In Packages are sold per person and must be purchased in advance or during the first 2 days of your cruise and for the full duration of the cruise. Prices for the Topmast and Captain’s Exclusive Packages do not include the standard 15% beverage service charge. Package prices are inclusive of applicable taxes. The minimum drinking age aboard Windstar Cruises is 21 years old.

Personal Onboard Laundry Service

Laundry service is provided on board at a nominal charge. Dry cleaning is not available. Laundry Service Packages must be added by the first day of the cruise and will be priced by the total number of cruise days. Pricing is inclusive of applicable taxes.

Your Windstar Voyage Includes

  • All meals in all venues at all times, including room service menu available 24 hours
  • All non-alcoholic beverages, including cappuccino, espresso, and other specialty non-alcoholic drinks
  • Welcome cocktails at reception
  • All onboard entertainment
  • Unlimited use of Fitness Center
  • Unlimited use of all water sports equipment
  • Informative nightly port talks and destination briefings
Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs

Here at Windstar we are committed to offering our guests healthy food selections. We offer vegetarian selections and lighter fare options, seeking to provide the freshest, top quality foods handled with the utmost care. If you have food allergies or special dietary needs, there are several ways to notify us prior to boarding the ship.

It’s important to let us know about your special request when you book your cruise to help us plan and prepare for your meals. Your travel professional will enter this information in Special Requests. It is then noted on your booking and your ship will be notified, although it will not appear on your invoice or in My Windstar.

Special Request Dietary Needs include:

  • Alcohol Free
  • Celiac
  • Dairy Free
  • Diabetic – Diet Controlled
  • Diabetic – Insulin Controlled
  • Food Allergy
  • Gluten Free
  • Lactose Intolerant
  • Low Carbohydrate
  • Low Cholesterol
  • Low Protein
  • Low Sodium
  • Other Dietary
  • Sugar Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Wheat Free Diet

Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate Kosher or Halal meals. If you have specific dietary needs– such as – lactose intolerant requiring almond milk – please complete a Special Requirements Information Form. Return this information via:

1. Mail to Windstar Vacation Planning at 2101 4th Ave., Suite 210, Seattle WA 98121

2. Fax to 206-733-2790

3. Call 866-568-0982 to speak with a Vacation Planner in person

4. Send an email to

When you embark the ship please feel free to ask to speak with the Executive Chef about your specific request.

If you have any additional questions or concerns please call us during business hours at 866-568-0982.

Smoking Policy

Smoking or vaping is not permitted in any of the staterooms, suites, or public spaces, including all restaurants and corridors. Smoking and vaping is permitted on the outside decks in designated smoking areas only. Smoking cigars is permitted in a specific designated area on each yacht, however, only sold on board the Cigar Room of Wind Surf.

Internet/Wifi Access

Windstar Cruises offers full internet capabilities, depending on course and position of the ship, as well as wireless internet service on all ships. Wi-Fi access is possible in most public areas, staterooms, and suites.

Internet Usage Plans

The Email Plan $60

This plan gives you 200 MB of data to use during your cruise. This plan is recommended for people who will be checking email and doing very limited browsing. The estimated minutes range from 15 to 60.

The Surfing Plan $120

This plan gives you 500 MB of data to use for additional browsing and small file transfers (such as posting pictures to a social media site). The estimated minutes range from 90 to 360 (approximately 5 hours).

The Unlimited Plan

Unlimited Internet Package

  • 7 Day Cost $250
  • 8 Day Cost $280
  • 9 Day Cost $315
  • 10 Day Cost $350
  • 11 Day Cost $385
  • 14 Day Cost $490
  • 15 Day Cost $525
Flying Bridge
Deck Four
Deck Three
Deck Two
Deck One
Flying Bridge
  • Bridge
Deck Four
  • Bridge
  • Veranda/Candles
  • Pool / Pool Bar / Whirlpool
Deck Three
  • Amphora Restaurant
  • Star Boutique
  • Reception
  • Library
  • WindSpa
  • Lounge
  • Yacht Club Café
Deck Two
  • Watersports Platform
  • Fitness Centre
  • Category A Cabins
  • Category AX Deluxe Cabins
Deck One
  • Owner’s Suite
  • Category B Cabins
  • Category BX Deluxe Cabins

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.