The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Dover
Day 2: Cowes, Isle of Wight
Day 4: Dublin
Day 5: Holy Loch
Day 6: Tobermory, Isle of Mull
Day 6: Staffa Island
Day 7: Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
Day 9: Heimaey Island
Day 10: Reykjavík
Day 11: Vigur Island
Day 11: Isafjørdur
Day 14: Nanortalik
Day 15: Qaqortoq (Julianehaab)
Day 18: Saint-John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Day 19: Saint Pierre
Day 22: Saguenay, Québec
Day 23: Quebec City, Québec
Day 24: Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec
Day 25: Montréal, Québec
Day 1: Dover

Known as the gateway of England, Dover welcomes millions of visitors from all over the globe each year in its role as the ferry capital of the world and the second busiest cruise port in the UK. The White Cliffs Country has a rich heritage. Within the walls of the town’s iconic castle, over 2,000 years of history waits to be explored, whilst the town’s museum is home to the Dover Bronze Age Boat, the world’s oldest known seagoing vessel. The town’s cliffs that are a welcome sight for today’s cross-channel travellers also served as the control centre for the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940.

Day 2: Cowes, Isle of Wight

The 147-square-mile island with its pretty bays and thatched villages is like a miniature England. A well-preserved Victorian character dates from no other than Queen Victoria herself, who favored the island as her summer residence and made it her permanent home after the death of her husband, Prince Albert. Several other great names have close associations with the Isle of Wight, such as Tennyson, Dickens and Keats. The small port of Cowes at the northern tip of the island hosts every year in August Britain’s most prestigious sailing event – Cowes Week, often called “the yachtsman’s Ascot.”This is when the cozy and laid-back island bursts with visitors from all over, who fill the ranks of the island’s retired folk. Apart from being a haven for sailing craft, the world’s first hovercraft made its test runs here in the 1950s. For a place of relatively small size, the Isle of Wight packs a startling variety of landscapes and coastal scenery, ranging from a terrain of low-lying woodland and pasture to open chalky downland fringed by high cliffs. In addition, there are a number of historic buildings and a splendid array of well-preserved Victoriana. The town of Cowes is bisected by the Medina River, with West Cowes near the harbor being the old, pretty part, while East Cowes is more industrialized. Outside the suburbs stands Osborne House, Queen Victoria’s favorite residence. The grand mansion was largely designed by Albert, and the interior has been left very much as it was in the Queen’s lifetime. Around the island, some of the highlights include the Needles, three tall chalk stacks beneath the cliffs at the far west end of the island. The small village of Shanklin is known for its golden cliffs and a scenic steep ravine whose mossy, fern-filled woods have been embellished with tiny lights and thatched tea shops. The port of Yarmouth features an attractive fortress and quaint pubs in the main square. Pier Information The ship is scheduled to anchor off Cowes. Guests will be taken ashore via ship’s tender. Walking distance to the town center is approximately 5 minutes. Taxis are generally available for trips around the island. Shopping Shops in the town center of Cowes carry maritime items and yachting attire, local glassware and the famous Isle of Wight colored sand. Normal opening times are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The local currency is the pound. Cuisine Not surprisingly, seafood is a good choice as well as other popular English fare. If you fancy lunch ashore, you may want to give the Amadeus Restaurant in Cowes a try, or stop in one of the local pubs for a quick meal and a cold beer. Other Sites Most of the island’s sights are covered in the organized excursions. Additionally, at the far west end of the island is the site of The Needles, a cluster of three tall chalk stacks beneath steep cliffs. The drive there takes about 45 minutes each way. Nearby is Alum Bay. The oxidized sandstone cliffs are popular for their multicolored sands, which are collected and arranged in diverse glass bottles, making popular souvenirs. Private arrangements are not encouraged in this port.

Day 4: Dublin

Dublin is making a comeback. The decade-long “Celtic Tiger” boom era was quickly followed by the Great Recession, but The Recovery has finally taken a precarious hold. For visitors, this newer and wiser Dublin has become one of western Europe’s most popular and delightful urban destinations. Whether or not you’re out to enjoy the old or new Dublin, you’ll find it a colossally entertaining city, all the more astonishing considering its intimate size.It is ironic and telling that James Joyce chose Dublin as the setting for his famous Ulysses, Dubliners, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man because it was a “center of paralysis” where nothing much ever changed. Which only proves that even the greats get it wrong sometimes. Indeed, if Joyce were to return to his once-genteel hometown today—disappointed with the city’s provincial outlook, he left it in 1902 at the age of 20—and take a quasi-Homeric odyssey through the city (as he so famously does in Ulysses), would he even recognize Dublin as his “Dear Dirty Dumpling, foostherfather of fingalls and dotthergills”?For instance, what would he make of Temple Bar—the city’s erstwhile down-at-the-heels neighborhood, now crammed with cafés and trendy hotels and suffused with a nonstop, international-party atmosphere? Or the simple sophistication of the open-air restaurants of the tiny Italian Quarter (named Quartier Bloom after his own creation), complete with sultry tango lessons? Or of the hot–cool Irishness, where every aspect of Celtic culture results in sold-out theaters, from Once, the cult indie movie and Broadway hit, to Riverdance, the old Irish mass-jig recast as a Las Vegas extravaganza? Plus, the resurrected Joyce might be stirred by the songs of Hozier, fired up by the sultry acting of Michael Fassbender, and moved by the award-winning novels of Colum McCann. As for Ireland’s capital, it’s packed with elegant shops and hotels, theaters, galleries, coffeehouses, and a stunning variety of new, creative little restaurants can be found on almost every street in Dublin, transforming the provincial city that suffocated Joyce into a place almost as cosmopolitan as the Paris to which he fled. And the locals are a hell of a lot more fun! Now that the economy has finally turned a corner, Dublin citizens can cast a cool eye over the last 20 crazy years. Some argue that the boomtown transformation of their heretofore-tranquil city has permanently affected its spirit and character. These skeptics (skepticism long being a favorite pastime in the capital city) await the outcome of “Dublin: The Sequel,” and their greatest fear is the possibility that the tattered old lady on the Liffey has become a little less unique, a little more like everywhere else.Oh ye of little faith: the rare ole gem that is Dublin is far from buried. The fundamentals—the Georgian elegance of Merrion Square, the Norman drama of Christ Church Cathedral, the foamy pint at an atmospheric pub—are still on hand to gratify. Most of all, there are the locals themselves: the nod and grin when you catch their eye on the street, the eagerness to hear half your life story before they tell you all of theirs, and their paradoxically dark but warm sense of humor. It’s expected that 2016 will be an extra-special year in the capital, as centenary celebrations of the fateful 1916 Easter Rising will dominate much of the cultural calendar.

Day 5: Holy Loch
Day 6: Tobermory, Isle of Mull

You’ll always receive a welcome to remember, as the colourful cafes, houses and shops that line Tobermory’s picturesque harbour salute your arrival. Located on the craggy Scottish Inner Hebrides, Tobermory serves as the capital of the Isle of Mull. There’s a high chance you’ll recognise the town’s colourfully-daubed buildings, as their charming exteriors have featured in countless TV shows – most notably in the children’s favourite, Balamory. There’s always a new story to discover here – not least the legend that suggests there’s a sunken Spanish galleon, brimming with lost gold, sitting just below the waves that roll around the harbour. Learn a little more of the area’s history at the Mull Museum, or head out to enjoy some of the fabulous wildlife watching opportunities on offer on a boat tour. You can spot majestic birds like white tail and golden eagles circling in the skies, or turn your attention to the waves, where friendly dolphins and Minke whales are regular visitors. Treat yourself to a sample of one of the island’s finest exports before leaving, as you drop in at the Tobermory Distillery for some whiskey tasting. Established in 1798, it’s one of Scotland’s oldest distilleries.

Day 6: Staffa Island
Day 7: Stornoway, Isle of Lewis

Tour description Stornoway, Scotland The Isle of Lewis and Harris is the northernmost and largest of the Outer Hebrides-the Western Isles in common parlance. The island’s only major town, Stornoway, is on a nearly landlocked harbor on the east coast of Lewis. It’s the port capital for the Outer Hebrides and the island’s cultural center, such that it is. Stornoway has an increasing number of good restaurants. Lewis has some fine historic attractions, including the Calanais Standing Stones-a truly magical place. The Uists are known for their rare, plentiful wildlife. Stornoway. Besides being the island’s main entry point for ferries, Stornoway is also Lewis’s main arts center. You’ll find some good restaurants in town if you want to have lunch off the ship. The town can be explored by bicycle if you are so inclined. Local rental shops can give you advice on where to ride, including a route to Tolsta that takes in five stunning beaches before reaching the edge of moorland. An Lanntair Arts Centre. The fabulous An Lanntair Arts Centre has exhibitions of contemporary and traditional art, as well as a cinema, a gift shop, and a restaurant serving international and Scottish fare. There are frequent traditional musical and theatrical events in the impressive auditorium. Kenneth St.. Black House. In the small community of Arnol, the Black House is a well-preserved example of an increasingly rare type of traditional Hebridean home. Once common throughout the islands-even into the 1950s-these dwellings were built without mortar and thatched on a timber framework without eaves. Other characteristic features include an open central peat hearth and the absence of a chimney-hence the soot and the designation black. On display inside are many of the house’s original furnishings. To reach Arnol from Port of Ness, head south on the A857 and pick up the A858 at Barvas. Off A858, 21 mi southwest of Port of Ness. Admission charged. Calanais Standing Stones. These impressive stones are actually part of a cluster of several different archaeological sites in this area. Probably positioned in several stages between 3000 BC and 1500 BC, the grouping consists of an avenue of 19 monoliths extending northward from a circle of 13 stones, with other rows leading south, east, and west. Ruins of a cairn sit within the circle on the east side. Researchers believe they may have been used for astronomical observations, but you can create your own explanations. The visitor center has an exhibit on the stones, a gift shop, and a tearoom. On an unmarked road off A858. Admission charged. Dun Carloway. One of the best-preserved Iron Age brochs (circular stone towers) in Scotland, Dun Carloway dominates the scattered community of Carloway. The mysterious tower was probably built around 2,000 years ago as protection against seaborne raiders. The Dun Broch Centre explains more about the broch and its setting. Off A857. Gearrannan. Up a side road north from Carloway, Gearrannan is an old black-house village that has been brought back to life with a museum screening excellent short films on peat cutting and weaving. For a unique experience, groups can rent the restored houses. Leverburgh. At Leverburgh you can take the ferry to North Uist. Nearby Northton has several attractions; St. Clement’s Church at Rodel is particularly worth a visit. MacGillivray Centre. Located in a round building overlooking the bay, the MacGillivray Centre gives insight into the life and work of William MacGillivray (1796-1852), a noted naturalist with strong links to Harris. MacGillivray authored the five-volume History of British Birds. This is a great location for a picnic (there are tables for just such a purpose). A walk to a ruined church starts at the parking lot. A859, Northton. Seallam! Visitor Centre and Co Leis Thu? Genealogical Research Centre. The center is where you can trace your Western Isles ancestry. Photographs and interpretive signs describe the history of Harris and its people. The owners organize guided walks and cultural evenings weekly between May and September. Off A859, Northton. Admission charged. St. Clement’s Church. At the southernmost point of Harris is the community of Rodel, where you can find St. Clement’s Church, a cruciform church standing on a hillock. This is the most impressive pre-Reformation church in the Outer Hebrides; it was built around 1500 and contains the magnificently sculptured tomb (1528) of the church’s builder, Alasdair Crotach, MacLeod chief of Dunvegan Castle. Rodel is 3 mi south of Leverburgh and 21 mi south of Tarbert. A859, Rodel. Port of Ness. The stark, windswept community of Port of Ness, 30 mi north of Stornoway, cradles a small harbor squeezed in among the rocks. Butt of Lewis Lighthouse. At the northernmost point of Lewis stands the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse, designed by David and Thomas Stevenson (of the prominent engineering family whose best-known member was not an engineer at all, but the novelist Robert Louis Stevenson). The structure was first lighted in 1862. The adjacent cliffs provide a good vantage point for viewing seabirds, whales, and porpoises. The lighthouse is northwest of Port of Ness along the B8014. Shopping Harris tweed is available at many outlets on the islands, including some of the weavers’ homes; keep an eye out for signs directing you to weavers’ workshops. Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative. The Harris Tweed Artisans Cooperative sells stylish and quirky hand-crafted tweed clothing, hats, accessories, all made by artists belonging to the cooperative. 40 Point St., Stornoway. Borgh Pottery. At Borgh Pottery, open from Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 6, you can buy attractive hand-thrown studio pottery made on the premises, including lamps, vases, mugs, and dishes. Fivepenny House, A857, Borve.

Day 9: Heimaey Island

It’s hard to imagine, as you stroll Heimaey’s idyllic streets of white wooden houses, that this island was literally torn apart by a spectacular volcanic eruption, just over 40 years ago. The fact that you can visit incredible Heimaey at all is something of a miracle – because the oozing lava of the Eldfell volcano threatened to seal the harbour off completely. Fortunately, its advance was halted by gallons of seawater, pumped onto it by the plucky islanders, who saved their fishing industry in the process. Iceland’s famous for its scenery, and the huge castles of volcanic rock that rise out of the sea’s waves here are some of the country’s most dramatic.

Day 10: Reykjavík

Sprawling Reykjavík, the nation’s nerve center and government seat, is home to half the island’s population. On a bay overlooked by proud Mt. Esja (pronounced eh-shyuh), with its ever-changing hues, Reykjavík presents a colorful sight, its concrete houses painted in light colors and topped by vibrant red, blue, and green roofs. In contrast to the almost treeless countryside, Reykjavík has many tall, native birches, rowans, and willows, as well as imported aspen, pines, and spruces.Reykjavík’s name comes from the Icelandic words for smoke, reykur, and bay, vík. In AD 874, Norseman Ingólfur Arnarson saw Iceland rising out of the misty sea and came ashore at a bay eerily shrouded with plumes of steam from nearby hot springs. Today most of the houses in Reykjavík are heated by near-boiling water from the hot springs. Natural heating avoids air pollution; there’s no smoke around. You may notice, however, that the hot water brings a slight sulfur smell to the bathroom.Prices are easily on a par with other major European cities. A practical option is to purchase a Reykjavík City Card at the Tourist Information Center or at the Reykjavík Youth Hostel. This card permits unlimited bus usage and admission to any of the city’s seven pools, the Family Park and Zoo, and city museums. The cards are valid for one (ISK 3,300), two (ISK 4,400), or three days (ISK 4,900), and they pay for themselves after three or four uses a day. Even lacking the City Card, paying admission (ISK 500, or ISK 250 for seniors and people with disabilities) to one of the city art museums (Hafnarhús, Kjarvalsstaðir, or Ásmundarsafn) gets you free same-day admission to the other two.

Day 11: Vigur Island

Vigur Island is a little more than a mile (1.6 km) in length and about 450 yards (412 m) wide. This green oasis punctuates the waters of the Ísafjarðardjúp fjord east of the town of Isafjordur. The island is home to a single farming family and has some meticulously preserved historical landmarks including Iceland’s only windmill, built in 1840 and used until 1917 for grinding imported wheat from Denmark; and a 200-year-old rowing boat, which is still in use to ferry sheep to the mainland. Summer is the best time to see large numbers of Atlantic Puffins, Arctic Terns and Black Guillemots. One of the export articles from this small island was eider down and one can see where the eider ducks nest and how the down is collected and cleaned.

Day 11: Isafjørdur

Two colossal terraces of sheer rock stand either side of this extraordinarily located town – which rides a jutting spit onto an immensity of black fjord water. Surprisingly, considering the remoteness of its location and its compact size, Isafjordur is a modern and lively place to visit, offering a great choice of cafes and delicious restaurants – which are well stocked to impress visitors. The town is a perfectly located base for adventures amongst Iceland’s fantastic wilderness – with skiing, hiking and water-sports popular pursuits among visitors.

Day 14: Nanortalik

Nanortalik lies in a scenic area surrounded by steep mountainsides and is Greenland’s tenth-largest and most southerly town with less than 1500 inhabitants. The town’s name means the “place of polar bears”, which refers to the polar bears that used to be seen floating offshore on summer’s ice floes. Nanortalik has an excellent open-air museum that gives a broad picture of the region from Inuit times to today. Part of the exhibition is a summer hunting camp, where Inuit in traditional clothing describe aspects of their ancestor’s customs and lifestyle.

Day 15: Qaqortoq (Julianehaab)

The largest town in southern Greenland, Qaqortoq has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Upon arrival in this charming southern Greenland enclave, it’s easy to see why. Qaqortoq rises quite steeply over the fjord system around the city, offering breath-taking panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains, deep, blue sea, Lake Tasersuag, icebergs in the bay, and pastoral backcountry. Although the earliest signs of ancient civilization in Qaqortoq date back 4,300 years, Qaqortoq is known to have been inhabited by Norse and Inuit settlers in the 10th and 12th centuries, and the present-day town was founded in 1774. In the years since, Qaqortoq has evolved into a seaport and trading hub for fish and shrimp processing, tanning, fur production, and ship maintenance and repair.

Day 18: Saint-John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Old meets new in the province’s capital (metro-area population a little more than 200,000), with modern office buildings surrounded by heritage shops and colorful row houses. St. John’s mixes English and Irish influences, Victorian architecture and modern convenience, and traditional music and rock and roll into a heady brew. The arts scene is lively, but overall the city moves at a relaxed pace.For centuries, Newfoundland was the largest supplier of salt cod in the world, and St. John’s Harbour was the center of the trade. As early as 1627, the merchants of Water Street—then known as the Lower Path—were doing a thriving business buying fish, selling goods, and supplying alcohol to soldiers and sailors.

Day 19: Saint Pierre

By heading almost due east from Cap-aux-Meules in Canada, it is possible to reach France in about one day’s worth of steaming! With barely 6,000 inhabitants living on tiny St. Pierre, it is the smallest French Overseas Collective. The residents of St. Pierre are predominantly descendants of Normans, Basque and Bretons and the French spoken is closer to Metropolitan French than to Canadian French. Although Basque is not spoken any longer, the influence is still felt through sport and a Basque Festival. Interestingly, this small island has two museums in part dedicated to the Prohibition. The Musée Heritage is St. Pierre’s newest museum with a focus on medical artefacts from the 19th and 20th century. Another claim to fame is a guillotine, the only one ever used in North America. In this quirky village it is easy to find the Post Office; just look for the clock tower shaped like a praying monk.

Day 22: Saguenay, Québec

Just after visiting Saguenay, the wonderful Saguenay River pours into the massive St. Lawrence River. Before then, however, it slices through one of the world’s most southerly fjords and dense forests of towering pine trees. The nature watching here is nothing short of sublime, with outdoor spots like the Parc National du Fjord-du-Saguenay offering panoramic vistas and sandy river-beaches. Island-sized blue whales cruise through the waters of the mighty rivers, and flick gallons of water into the air effortlessly with a single swish of their colossal tails. With hiking, kayaking and cycling opportunities inviting you to explore the spectacular scenery – you’ll find endless ways to fall in love with this majestic outdoor escape. In fall, gorgeous colours ripple through the foliage, and in doing so, they provide one of nature’s greatest performances.

Day 23: Quebec City, Québec

Québec City’s alluring setting atop Cape Diamond (Cap Diamant) evokes a past of high adventure, military history, and exploration. This French-speaking capital city is the only walled city north of Mexico. Visitors come for the delicious and inventive cuisine, the remarkable historical continuity, and to share in the seasonal exuberance of the largest Francophone population outside France.The historic heart of this community is the Old City (Vieux-Québec), comprising the part of Upper Town (Haute-Ville) surrounded by walls and Lower Town (Basse-Ville), which spreads out at the base of the hill from Place Royale. Many sets of staircases and the popular funicular link the top of the hill with the bottom. Cobblestone streets, horse-drawn carriages, and elaborate cathedrals here are charming in all seasons. The Old City earned recognition as an official UNESCO World Heritage site in 1985, thanks largely to city planners who managed to update and preserve the 400-year-old buildings and attractions without destroying what made them worth preserving. The most familiar icon of the city, Fairmont Château Frontenac, is set on the highest point in Upper Town, where it holds court over the entire city.Sitting proudly above the confluence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles rivers, the city’s famous military fortification, La Citadelle, built in the early 19th century, remains the largest of its kind in North America. In summer, visitors should try to catch the Changing of the Guard, held every morning at 10 am; you can get much closer to the guards here than at Buckingham Palace in London.Enchanting as it is, the Old City is just a small part of the true Québec City experience. Think outside the walls and explore St-Roch, a downtown hot spot, which has artsy galleries, foodie haunts, and a bustling square. Cruise the Grande-Allée and avenue Cartier to find a livelier part of town dotted with nightclubs and fun eateries. Or while away the hours in St-Jean-Baptiste, a neighborhood with trendy shops and hipster hangouts.

Day 24: Trois-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Québec
Day 25: Montréal, Québec

Canada’s most diverse metropolis, Montréal, is an island city that favors style and elegance over order or even prosperity, a city where past and present intrude on each other daily. In some ways it resembles Vienna—well past its peak of power and glory, perhaps, yet still vibrant and grand.But don’t get the wrong idea. Montréal has always had a bit of an edge. During Prohibition, thirsty Americans headed north to the city on the St. Lawrence for booze, music, and a good time, and people still come for the same things. Summer festivals celebrate everything from comedy and French music and culture to beer and fireworks, and, of course, jazz. And on those rare weeks when there isn’t a planned event, the party continues. Clubs and sidewalk cafés are abuzz from late afternoon to the early hours of the morning. And Montréal is a city that knows how to mix it up even when it’s 20 below zero. Rue St-Denis is almost as lively on a Saturday night in January as it is in July, and the festival Montréal en Lumière, or Montréal Highlights, enlivens the dreary days of February with concerts, balls, and fine food.Montréal takes its name from Parc du Mont-Royal, a stubby plug of tree-covered igneous rock that rises 764 feet above the surrounding cityscape. Although its height is unimpressive, “the Mountain” forms one of Canada’s finest urban parks, and views from the Chalet du Mont-Royal atop the hill provide an excellent orientation to the city’s layout and major landmarks.Old Montréal is home to museums, the municipal government, and the magnificent Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Montréal within its network of narrow, cobblestone streets. Although Montréal’s centre-ville, or Downtown, bustles like many other major cities on the surface, it’s active below street level as well, in the so-called Underground City–-the underground levels of shopping malls and food courts connected by pedestrian tunnels and the city’s subway system, or métro. Residential Plateau Mont-Royal and trendy neighborhoods are abuzz with restaurants, nightclubs, art galleries, and cafés. The greener areas of town are composed of the Parc du Mont-Royal and the Jardin Botanique.

Grand Wintergarden Suite
Wintergarden Suite
Signature Suite
Owner's Suite
Penthouse Spa Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite Guarantee
Veranda Suite
Ocean View Suite
Grand Wintergarden Suite

Approximately 1189 square feet (110 square meters) of inside space, plus two verandas totalling 214 square feet (20 square meters)

Grand Wintergarden Suites feature:

  • Large windows
  • Dining for six
  • Glass-enclosed solarium with tub and day bed
  • Bathroom with whirlpool bathtub
  • Guest bath
  • Two bedrooms
  • Convertible sofa bed for one
  • Pantry with wet bar
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service

Wintergarden Suite

Approximately 914 square feet (85 square meters) of inside space, one veranda of 183 sq. ft. (17 square meters.).

Wintergarden Suites feature:

  • Large windows
  • Dining for six
  • Whirlpool bathtub
  • Guest bath
  • Convertible sofa bed for one
  • Pantry with wet bar
  • Glass-enclosed solarium with tub and day bed
  • Two closets
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service
Signature Suite

Approximately 859 square feet (80 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 493 square feet (46 square meters)

Signature Suites feature

  • Expansive ocean views
  • Forward-facing windows
  • Dining for four to six
  • Bathroom with whirlpool bathtub
  • Guest bath
  • Pantry with wet bar
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service.
Owner's Suite

Approximately 526 and 593 square feet (49 and 55 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 133 & 354 square feet (12 and 33 square meters).

Owner’s Suites feature:

  • Expansive ocean views
  • Forward-facing windows
  • Dining for four to six
  • Bathroom with whirlpool bathtub
  • Guest bath
  • Pantry with wet bar
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Complimentary Internet/Wi-Fi service.
Penthouse Spa Suite

Approximately 536 to 539 square feet (50 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 167 to 200 square feet (16 to 19 square meters)

All Penthouse Spa Suite feature

  • Dining table for two to four
  • Separate bedroom
  • Glass door to veranda
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Fully stocked bar
  • Spacious bathroom with tub, shower and large vanity

Penthouse Suite

Approximately 436 square feet (41 square meters) of inside space, plus one veranda of 98 square feet (9 square meters)

All Penthouse Suite feature

  • Dining table for two to four
  • Separate bedroom
  • Glass door to veranda
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Fully stocked bar
  • Spacious bathroom with tub, shower and large vanity.

Penthouse Suite Guarantee

  • Dining table for two to four
  • Separate bedroom
  • Glass door to veranda
  • Two flat-screen TVs
  • Fully stocked bar
  • Spacious bathroom with tub, shower and large vanity
Veranda Suite

Total inside space of between 246 and 302 square feet (23 and 28 square meters) plus one veranda of between 68 and 83 square feet (6 and 7 square meters)

Guaranteed Suite: For this option we select the location and specific suite for you, and notify you prior to departure. Guests are guaranteed to be assigned a suite in the category selected or higher.

All Veranda Suites feature

  • A full-length window
  • Glass door to private veranda
  • Comfortable living area
  • Queen-size bed or two twin beds
  • Dining table for two
  • Walk-in closet
  • Interactive flat-screen television with music and movies
  • Fully stocked bar and refrigerator
  • Makeup vanity
  • Spacious bathroom with separate tub and shower

*Wheelchair accessible suites are roll-in shower only.

Ocean View Suite

Approximately 295 square feet (28 square meters) of inside space

Guaranteed Suite: For this option we select the location and specific suite for you, and notify you prior to departure. Guests are guaranteed to be assigned a suite in the category selected or higher.

All Ocean View Suites feature:

  • A large picture window
  • Comfortable living area
  • Queen-size bed or two twin beds
  • Dining table for two
  • Walk-in closet
  • Interactive flat-screen television with music and movies
  • Fully stocked bar and refrigerator
  • Makeup vanity
  • Spacious bathroom with separate tub and shower

*Wheelchair accessible suites are roll-in shower only.

The Restaurant
The Colonnade
The Patio
The Grill By Thomas Keller
In-Suite Dining
Earth & Ocean
The Restaurant

Before Seabourn, open-seating dining on a cruise ship was unheard of. Come when you like, with whom you please, and be seated as you wish. The room is beautiful, the cuisine is exquisite, and the service is simultaneously flawless, friendly and fun.

The Colonnade

Our more casual, indoor/outdoor alternative, features an open kitchen, lavish buffets or table service for breakfasts and lunch, and serves regionally themed, bistro-style dinners with table service nightly. At The Colonnade, special theme nights feature Chef Keller-influenced dinners that pay homage to his American childhood. His interpretations of classic comfort dishes, such as Clam Bake and BBQ Ribs will be served family-style on platters to complement the essence of sharing in a relaxed spirit of fun and togetherness. *Chef Thomas Keller influenced menu served family-style in The Colonnade are available for reservations once onboard. 

The Patio

Relaxed poolside dining offering luncheon buffets, salads, soups, grilled specialties and freshly baked pizza. Dinners feature a full menu in an alfresco setting. For The Patio, Chef Keller has developed exclusively for us, a signature Napa burger, as well as an artisanal hot dog dubbed the Yountwurst, named for the hometown of The French Laundry, Ad Hoc, and the original Bouchon and Bouchon Bakery.

The Grill By Thomas Keller

The Grill by Thomas Keller is a unique culinary concept for Chef Keller, exclusive to Seabourn. Guests setting foot inside the elegant dining room will be treated to table-side preparations of Caesar salad and ice cream sundaes as well as a range of other steakhouse favourites like Lobster Thermidor and creamed spinach, presented à la carte. The timeless menu will draw on the freshest products from artisan purveyors. A cocktail program and wine list of domestic and old-world labels complement the menu. For Booked Guests: Dining reservations for The Grill by Thomas Keller can be requested online prior to sailing, subject to availability. Online reservations close 15 days prior to sailing. Due to high demand, online reservations are recommended, however, reservations can also be made on board. One reservation permitted per voyage. For additional details or to make a reservation, log in and customise your itinerary.

In-Suite Dining

Seabourn is pleased to offer a varied menu available around the clock for service in your suite. You may also order dinner from The Restaurant menu and have your meal served, course by course, in your suite or on your veranda.

Earth & Ocean

Each evening, our skilled Earth & Ocean chefs create an imaginative array of fresh, inventive dishes—a sophisticated menu celebrating eclectic traditional flavors from around the world, served in a relaxed setting under the stars for a distinctive dining experience unlike any other on board. 

Seabourn Conversations
Spa & Wellness With Dr. Andrew Weil
Meeting Rooms
Marina Day
Caviar In The Surf
Evenings Under The Stars
Shopping With The Chef
Seabourn Conversations

The art of conversation has always been central to the Seabourn experience.

World’s Finest Ultra-Luxury Cruise Line™

Our voyages attract interesting, interested people — people who enjoy talking together, sharing their interests, their adventures and discoveries, and their life stories with longtime and newfound friends. Their enthusiasms and curiosity are far-ranging, and these are what spark their desire to travel the world.

To encourage and enhance this satisfying aspect of your Seabourn voyage, we invite luminaries of particular interest and accomplishment to join our guests on board — and bring fascinating insights, expert opinions and delightfully entertaining diversions to the conversation.

Daring explorers, heralded chefs, learned scholars, celebrated performers and renowned experts from every arena of the arts, sciences, politics and the humanities share your journey on our intimate ships. They each bring skilled presentations of their expertise for guests to enjoy. But just as importantly, they participate in the daily social scene, sharing meals, adventures ashore and casual chats throughout the voyage. On some ships, they lecture. On Seabourn, they join the conversation. 

Spa & Wellness With Dr. Andrew Weil

Seabourn is pleased to announce in partnership with The Onboard Spa by Steiner, we have created a fleet-wide mindful living program offering guests a holistic spa and wellness experience that integrates physical, social, environmental and spiritual well-being. The new Spa and Wellness with Dr. Andrew Weil program will be the first-ever of its kind at sea. The new program will be led by the newly established position, The Wellness Guide. The Guide, will be a certified yoga and meditation practitioner who will inspire and educate all guests through various complimentary classes and gatherings throughout the voyage. Guests who choose to participate in this new program will have a cruise experience that is further enhanced by a holistic mind and body perspective. The program kicked off with Dr. Weil sailing on Seabourn Encore’s inaugural cruise in January 2017. The program will be rolled out throughout the entire Seabourn fleet in 2017, including Seabourn Ovation in spring of 2018. Dr. Weil will sail on a different Seabourn ship each year where he will deliver a 60-minute lecture for guests and will also offer smaller informal group discussions. A separate team of wellness experts will also make regular visits to spa facilities throughout the Seabourn fleet. Central to the program is the daily practice of meditation and yoga through a selection of complimentary sessions. Guests can experience Mindful Meditation, which will introduce positive affirmations and mantras they can reflect on throughout the day. There will also be daily restorative yoga classes which will continue to focus upon the mantra and positive affirmations. Yoga classes will be varied, offering guests the ability to choose classes that focus on various physical issues, such as yoga to heal back and joint pain, headaches and body alignment, as well as yoga to enhance creativity, mental focus and happiness. Classes will focus on mind, body and spirit over a period of seven days, and will change daily with a new theme. Integral to the wellness program are enriching complimentary Mind and Body seminars designed to educate guests on philosophies and practices that are aligned with the program’s mission. Each presentation will aim to empower guests with ideas and practices that enhance well-being and increase the awareness of connection between mind, body, environment and wellness. Seminars are created by Dr. Weil and Steiner’s Wellness professionals, many of which will be based upon Dr. Weil’s teachings, and will explore the fields of the healing arts. The launch of the Mind and Body Wellness Program with Dr. Andrew Weil deepens the already wellness-focused Seabourn spa program that offers a wide range of body massages, facials, fitness and beauty treatments. Lending itself to the program is the powerfully aromatic Thai Poultice massages that use the traditionally prepared steamed herbs of Camphor, Kaffir Lime, Prai, Turmeric and Lemon Grass in muslin poultices to melt away stress and tension, or nourishing desecrated Coconut that nurtures the body with soothing fats and lipids. Guests will also find Deeper than Deep Hot Stone Massage, Bamboo Massage and Freestyle Massage to engage their minds and bodies.

Meeting Rooms

For meetings and gatherings, our ships offer meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 40 guests. The meeting rooms can be arranged to guests’ specifications including theatre-style or with tables; and each of the rooms have large-screen TVs for presentations. Guests may also reserve the Card Room when available. Our crew members are happy to assist guests with meeting room reservations and setup.

Marina Day

One of Seabourn’s most popular guest offerings is Marina Day. Available at select destinations, this fun-filled day features complimentary water-sports either from the ships’ unique, retractable Marina platform or from a beach, which is typically on the same day as when the line’s signature Caviar in the Surf and beach barbecue is offered. Guests may enjoy a wide array of water-sports, including kayaks, pedal boats, donut rides, banana boats, paddle-boards, waterskiing and more. Guests can be as relaxing or adventurous as they choose to be. It’s not to be missed!

Caviar In The Surf

One of Seabourn’s most popular events is our signature “Caviar in the Surf” beach barbecue. Our uniformed staff members plunge into the water and invite guests to wade in and get iced champagne and caviar at a surfboard bar. The event includes a lavish barbecue lunch, watersports, music and ample time to soak up the sun on a white-sandy beach.

Evenings Under The Stars

One of the most FUN evenings during any cruise, Evenings Under the Stars is a night where guests can let their hair down and simply be in the moment. Enjoy Let’s Dance! with great live music, interact with fellow travelers and be spoiled in true Seabourn style by our food and beverage team with Desserts Under the Stars. A signature event, this dance party has been a part of the line’s rich culture, and a Seabourn cruise is not complete without Let’s Dance! and Desserts Under The Stars. Weather permitting, this high-energy dance party is hosted poolside and under the stars by the entire entertainment team, featuring performances by The Band, vocalists and dancers. There is even the possibility your Cruise Director and Assistant Cruise Director might jump on stage to perform, as well! Guests can expect music that appeals to everyone’s taste with a great mix of hit songs. It’s a real treat and guests LOVE Evenings Under the Stars!

Shopping With The Chef

Shopping with the Chef — at local food markets. Shop a bustling Sicilian market, gather spices in Istanbul or explore the local wines of Tuscany and Provence. Wherever you are in the world, you’ll enjoy an insider’s look at unique regional markets with an expert Seabourn chef as your guide.

Seabourn chefs have always been encouraged to seek out fresh local produce, seafood, cured meats, cheeses, herbs, spices and other local specialties to augment and enliven their onboard menus. What began as a casual gathering has become one of our most anticipated shoreside activities. Guests contact Guest Services soon after embarking, and request to be alerted when the chef will be making a shopping excursion. Scheduling depends on the chef’s needs for ingredients to supplement the current menu rotation, and the expected availability of items in a particular port. Once a date and place is chosen, guests who have requested the outing are notified, and those without conflicting plans are invited to join the excursion.

Meeting dockside, guests have their first opportunity to get to know the chef. Seabourn chefs are accomplished professionals, who have acquired extensive formal training and continued with professional staging in many of the finest hotels and restaurants around the world. Daily tasks seldom bring our chefs into direct contact with guests, so it is a refreshing experience for everyone. Markets vary widely depending on location. In some cases, guests will find themselves in an open-air location among pyramids of exotic fresh fruits and vegetables or standing before a vivid array of gleaming silver tuna or salmon, gem-like tropical fish, pearl-hued prawns spilling over heaps of ice. Another stop might reveal a case of cheeses in every shape and size, or a charcutier’s hanging pendulums of smoked or cured meats. Time together is passed in tasting, learning and good-humored fun between the local vendors, guests and the chef. Later, back on board, guests will doubtless recognize in various dishes the same ingredients they first saw and learned about in the market, while they were Shopping with the Chef.

Seabourn Square
Card Room
Sky Bar
Observation Bar
The Club
The Retreat
Onboard Shopping
Grand Salon
Sun Terrace
Seabourn Square

A place to enjoy your newspaper or to socialise with your fellow passengers, Seabourn Square is what you’re looking for. Seabourn Square is the true ‘living room’ of the ships. An inviting sociable space where guests will find a charming European style coffee bar, Seabourn Square has been designed as an open, comfortable environment for guests to interact with onboard officers and the expedition team and engage in conversation with family and new friends. The space is also home to the highly-trained Guest Services staff, who provide a range of concierge services such as general ship information, assistance with special service requests, port and travel information, and more.

A selection of coffees are prepared by the skilled onboard baristas some using beans roasted in Seabourn Square. For those feeling a bit hungry, Seabourn Square offers freshly made pastries and other on-the-go breakfast items in the morning, as well as an assortment of light sandwiches and desserts later in the day, along with a selection of artisanal gelati made on board. Guests will also find a wide range of books in the adjoining library, with a host of titles on subjects such as adventure, expeditions and other topics of interest to enjoy while onboard. Staying current with the news is made easy with a selection of printed newspapers from around the world and tablets featuring the Press Reader news application available to browse each day.


World’s Finest Ultra-Luxury Cruise Line™

The Seabourn casino offers a handsome, well-appointed enclave for those attracted to games of chance and skill. Relax and test the odds on various mechanical games or pit your skills against personable, professional dealers at blackjack or poker tables.

Card Room

Many veteran cruisers specifically choose cruises that provide at least a few days at sea. The Card Room is a great choice for the sea-loving cruiser who craves that languorous feeling of lazy leisure. There will be loads of on board activities during those days, including a great game of bridge.

Sky Bar

The Sky Bar is a place to enjoy a refreshing tropical beverage during the day, or an evening cocktail under the stars.

Observation Bar

Enjoy this stunning lounge with a bar and panoramic views. Enjoy coffee and tea served every morning, and drinks before or after dinner. 

The Club

Open for afternoon tea then transforms into a dance club in the evening. Socialise while enjoying cocktails, live music, and great company.

The Retreat

A tranquil setting housed in a distinctive flower-shaped canopy that shields guests from sun and wind, The Retreat is ringed with 15 private cabanas designed as individual luxury living rooms that each feature a large HD flat screen television and a refrigerator stocked with a personalized selection of beverages. An additional Spa Treatment Cabana is also available for guests to enjoy personalized spa services, subject to availability. For additional details or reservation, log in and customize your itinerary.

The Retreat is located around a central whirlpool with step-up access to water maintained at an inviting temperature. Up to 28 guests can stretch out on comfortable sun loungers; pull up a bar stool or take a table seat for champagne and cocktails custom created by Seabourn mixologists; or enjoy a selection of bites from a healthy spa menu. A selection of amenities include fresh fruit baskets, premium sun lotions, Evian mist spray, plush towels and personalized bathrobes, while a dedicated Retreat Concierge will be available to satisfy guest requests.

Cabanas at The Retreat will be available daily and may be reserved for a full day via the Guest Service Specialists at Seabourn Square.

Onboard Shopping

Whether you’re buying souvenirs for your friends at home or want a memento of your vacation, our Shops will have what you need. Shop for fashion and cosmetics at The Boutique, jewelry and fine watches at The Collection, or logo cruisewear at the Shop. 

Grand Salon

The ship’s main showroom can accommodate all guests, though it seldom does because of the variety available. Lectures, cooking demonstrations, movies and other gatherings are held here in the daytime. In the evenings, live music for dancing before dinner gives way to vocal production shows, cabaret performances, comedy, and classical recitals, as well as more dancing later.

Sun Terrace

Sun Terrace with double sun loungers. 

Spa & Wellness
Fitness Centre
Spa & Wellness

World’s Finest Ultra-Luxury Cruise Line™

Seabourn’s Spa & Wellness with Dr. Andrew Weil is the first-ever program of its kind at sea. Seabourn has partnered with Dr. Weil, a visionary pioneer in integrative medicine, whose groundbreaking research and bestselling books combine physical, social, environmental and spiritual well-being. Each Seabourn ship’s Mindful Living Coach is a certified yoga and meditation practitioner who will inspire and educate guests with orientations, seminars and classes during the voyage. Guests who participate in the Mindful Living Program will have their cruise experiences further enhanced by a holistic mind and body perspective.

With Dr. Weil’s guidance, our fleet-wide mindful living curriculum delivers an even greater degree of mind and body balance, ensuring that guests can break away, relax and rejuvenate while they travel, and offering them an experience that will continue to enrich their lives long after their voyage.


All Seabourn ships offer a full-service Beauty Salon offering all traditional salon services including hairstyling, cut and color. Some of our favourites include the Fire and Ice Manicure and Pedicure using a combination of therapeutic cooling gels and the warmth of massage with a heated stone. The Elemis Sole Delight Foot Treatment with Pedicure, a rejuvenating therapy using warmed aromatherapy oils and the decadence of milk protein. Or, try the Elemis Frangipani Conditioning Hair and Scalp Ritual, used for centuries in Tahiti to soften the skin and hair.

Fitness Centre

Our Fitness Centre features high performance Technogym equipment for cardio and strength training. We also offer a series of complimentary classes including yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi. Or, if personal attention is preferred, our personal trainers will design a nutrition and exercise plan that will help you achieve results. Based on your body’s particular needs, this personalised session will expose you to the wellness program that works best with your body. Aboard Seabourn Odyssey, Seabourn Sojourn and Seabourn Quest you may try the Kinesis System. Using a tri-dimensional pulley system, our personal trainers will guide you through a series of exercises designed to improve balance, flexibility and strength.


Offering the perfect setting for a sunny afternoon, the swimming pool is surrounded by an expansive sundeck with chaise lounges, shaded seating, two large whirlpool spas, and is within steps of the Patio Grill. Sun loungers and cabanas are arrayed in a mix of sun and shade. A stage provides occasional live music for dancing.

Disabled Facilties
Service Animals
Special Dietary Requirements
Age Restrictions
Dress Code
Smoking Policy
Wi-Fi & Internet Access
Medical Facilities
Laundry Services
Disabled Facilties

Seabourn is committed to providing safe, easy, and accessible accommodations for all persons with disabilities, to the extent that is feasible. It is for this reason that Seabourn is honoured to be a part of Carnival Corp., which received the Society For Accessible Travel & Hospitality’s (SATH) “Access to Freedom” award. This award is the highest honour in the travel industry that SATH presents to recognise individuals or organisations that have made the greatest strides in advancing opportunities for persons with disabilities, and for promoting the awareness of, and access for, travellers with disabilities.

The Importance of Planning Ahead

Seabourn does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of disability. We seek, to the extent feasible, to accommodate guests with disabilities. However, some needs require adequate time to prepare for a guest’s arrival. It is recommended that guests make every effort to contact Guest Accessibility and to submit a Special Requirements Information form (SRI) well in advance of the departure of their cruise and/or cruise tour. We recommend submitting an SRI upon booking or a minimum of 45 days prior to departure.

Guests who are unable to care for their basic needs (e.g. dressing, eating, and attending safety drills) MUST have a capable traveling companion. The medical staff on board is not available for daily care unless an individual is hospitalised in the ship’s Medical Centre. In limited situations (either on board or ashore), we may find it necessary to ask the individual to make alternative travel arrangements, such as if an individual with a disability is unable to satisfy certain specified safety and other criteria, even when provided with appropriate auxiliary aids and services.

Our vessels have specially designed suites for guests who need mobility assistance. If you have not booked one of these accessible suites but instead will be using a standard suite you need to know about some limitations that adversely impact manoeuvrability, especially ingress and egress. Most entry doors and bathroom doors in non-accessible suites measure 23 inches wide. Bathrooms have a doorsill and the bathtubs are often difficult to negotiate for guests who have limited mobility. Passageways within the suite may be too narrow for a wheelchair or scooter to manoeuvre throughout the suite.

Accessible Suites offer features such as wider entry doors to the suite and bathroom measuring a minimum of 32 inches wide, accessible showers with grab bars, benches/seats, and hand-held shower heads as well as lowered closed and towel rods.

Accessible suite numbers are detailed in the section below by ship and their locations are noted on the deck plans for each ship within the “Onboard Life” section of this website.

Note: For safety reasons, mobility devices must be stored and charged in the guest’s suite.

If you are on an Expedition voyage click here for information. If you are on another Seabourn voyage please find the below information applicable to your cruise.

Seabourn Venture and Seabourn Pursuit

  • Suites 825, 824, 800, 738 and 737 have transfer shower configurations.

Seabourn Encore and Seabourn Ovation

  • Suites 1132, 1012, 664, 665, and 550 have transfer shower configurations.
  • Suite 1191 has a roll-in shower configuration.

Seabourn Odyssey, Seabourn Sojourn and Seabourn Quest

  • Suite 635 has a transfer shower configuration.
  • Suites 913, 813, 815, 619, 619 and 408 have roll-in shower configurations.

Service Animals

Seabourn only permits service animals on board, defined as those animals that are individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. We do not permit our guests to bring pets, therapy/companion animals, and other animals that do not meet the definition of service animals. If you have any questions about whether the animal you wish to bring on board is, in fact, a service animal, you may contact Guest Accessibility.

Your itinerary may include ports of call that have very specific and strict requirements that need to be met prior to your service animal being allowed off of the ship. Please be sure you understand the requirements for a service animal to disembark in each port of call. The best places to obtain specific information on required documentation and immunisations for your service animal are the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website, local customs offices in the specific ports, and from your service animal’s veterinarian. All documentation and immunisation requirements are established by government authorities and not by Seabourn. Should you need assistance in locating this information, please contact Guest Accessibility.

To board the ship, your service animal must have current vaccinations. Records confirming the vaccination status should be provided to Guest Accessibility prior to your departure. We also recommend that you carry the immunisation records with you in case they are required at any port of call. If you do not have the proper documentation and proof of vaccinations for your service animal required at a port of call, or if there are local quarantine requirements, your service animal will be denied the right to leave the ship. If your service animal is denied the right to leave the ship in a specific port of call, the staff and crew will work with you to determine what actions may be possible to allow you to visit the port without your service animal. Please note that in your absence, you will need to provide for the care and supervision of your service animal. Except in those circumstances where your service animal has been denied disembarkation, you may not leave your service animal unattended on the vessel or in your suite at any time.

The Australian quarantine authorities have changed their approach regarding service dogs on-board cruise ships. Unfortunately, their new approach makes it practically impossible for us to accept service animals on domestic or roundtrip cruises from Australia. The Department of Agriculture now considers these cruises to be akin to an international voyage and therefore under ‘biosecurity control’. As a company, we are incredibly disappointed with the Department’s new approach, and we have written to the Federal Minister to ask for a return to their previous way of doing things. At this time guests will not be able to travel with service animals on voyages that end in Australia or call upon a port in Australia after visiting a foreign country. Guests sailing on voyages that begin in Australia will be able to sail with their service animal provided the voyage does not return to Australia after visiting a foreign port. Should you have further questions please contact Guest Accessibility via email at

Special Dietary Requirements

For guests with food intolerances or allergies that are not life-threatening, please contact our Reservations Department. For guests with life-threatening food allergies, we ask that guests provide detailed information to Guest Accessibility by completing a Special Requirements Information form (SRI). Guests should indicate on this form which foods may potentially cause a severe reaction.

Guests with a variety of severe food allergies sail with Seabourn regularly. Our galley staff on board is accustomed to and experienced in dealing with these types of needs. The galley itself has many different areas of food preparation, which can help reduce the possibility of cross-contamination. It is important to note, however, that meals are prepared in open galleys on board the ships, thus there is always the possibility of some cross-contamination. As such, Seabourn cannot guarantee that a guest will not come in contact with those items. Although Guest Accessibility will provide the ship with an advance notice of all food allergies detailed on an SRI submitted to them, it is recommended that guests also contact the Maitre d’ upon boarding to review the details of these special dietary needs.

Age Restrictions

Guests under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone who is at least 21 years old; one adult chaperone is required for every five people under age 21. A guest must be at least 6 years of age at the time of embarkation in order to sail on voyages to Antarctica or on Expedition Cruises. We will not accept reservations for infants 6 months or younger for non-transocean sailings, 12 months or younger for transocean sailings at the time the cruise commences. Seabourn cannot accept a booking or carry any guest who will be 24 completed weeks or more pregnant on the last day of the intended cruise. All pregnant women are required to produce a physician’s letter stating that mother and baby are in good health, fit to travel, and that the pregnancy is not high-risk.

Dress Code

Attire During the Day

  • During the daytime, casual, resort-style attire, including shorts and jeans, is welcome in all lounges and dining venues. Swimsuits, brief shorts, cover-ups and exercise attire should be reserved for poolside, on deck or in the spa and fitness centre.

In the evening (after 6pm) there are two different dress codes:

Elegant Casual

  • Men: Slacks with a collared dress shirt or sweater; Jacket Optional.
  • Ladies: Slacks / skirt, blouse, pant suit or dress. This is the dress standard for all dining venues
  • Jeans are welcome in all dining venues during the day, but not appropriate in The Restaurant after 6pm.


  • In the Restaurant, Men: Tuxedo, suit or slacks and jacket required.
  • Ladies: evening gown or other formal apparel. Dress in other dining venues is Elegant Casual.
  • Jeans are welcome in all dining venues during the day, but not appropriate in the Restaurant after 6pm.

The itinerary in the preliminary document booklet will inform you of the number of Formal evenings to expect during your voyage. As a rule of thumb, Formal evenings are scheduled as follows:

  • Cruises up to 13 days: One Formal evening
  • Cruises of 14 to 20 days: Two Formal evenings
  • Cruises of 21 or more days: Three Formal evenings

(Note: Extended Explorations, Holiday voyages and crossings may be scheduled differently.)

Attire Ashore

Packing clothing that can be layered is the best way to plan for cruising in virtually any climate. For tropical cruises, bring light, loose-fitting garments that can be paired with a lightweight jacket or sweater. For cooler climates, pack extra layers of warmer garments such as a light top coat and some sweaters. When dressing to go ashore, it is helpful to be aware of the customs of the countries you are visiting. In some ports men and women should not wear shorts. Many cultures prefer that women wear dresses or skirts when visiting shrines, churches, mosques and temples.

Some of our more adventurous destinations like Alaska and Antarctica voyages have additional special packing requirements.

  • Packing for an Alaska Cruise
  • Packing for an Antarctica Cruise

Please Note: Firearms, explosives, fireworks, other weapons and knives or sharp blades over 2.5 inches long and illegal drugs of any kind are prohibited without exception.

Full list of Prohibited Items

For safety reasons drones and any other remote controlled aerial devices/toys, as well as hoverboards or similar devices are not allowed on board our ships.

Smoking Policy


We are implementing a “no smoking” policy on Seabourn Venture and Seabourn Pursuit, our two expedition ships, which includes e-cigarettes. Expedition travel visits many remote and rarely visited environments that are pristine, with diverse ecosystems and wildlife. We have implemented this policy to eliminate the possibility that cigarette butts and other smoking materials would end up harming the environment.


For the comfort of all guests, most public areas on board, as well as guest suites are smoke-free.

Cigarette smoking is permitted in the following areas:

Smoking of electronic cigarettes is permitted in guest suites. Smoking of water-pipes, glass-pipes or other smoking devices is not permitted on board. Smoking is not permitted on open decks during fuel bunkering operations in port.

Inside smoking of cigarettes is not permitted.

Outside smoking of cigarettes is permitted in designated areas of Seabourn Odyssey, Seabourn Sojourn, Seabourn Quest, Seabourn Encore and Seabourn Ovation:

  • The designated smoking area for all ships is the starboard half of the Sky Bar open deck.
  • Cigarette, cigar & pipe smoking is allowed on the starboard half of the Seabourn Square outside deck.

Guests are asked to refrain from smoking anywhere inside the ship, including in guest suites, on verandas and balconies. If you have any doubts about any area, please consult your onboard staff.

Any guest who smokes inside staterooms or on adjoining verandas in violation of our policy will be charged a US$250 cleaning fee per day of violation

Wi-Fi & Internet Access

Seabourn ships offer guests access to the internet by means of transmission between satellites orbiting approximately 20,000 miles above the earth and our mobile shipboard system. While this technology enables mid-ocean access in virtually every part of the world, satellite service is frequently noticeably slower and slightly less reliable than land-based methods of access due to the motion of the ship and limitations of bandwidth. There are two main reasons for this:

  • The available bandwidth from satellite transmission is much lower than is available from most shoreside systems served by stationary cables with much greater bandwidth capacity.
  • In addition, a shipboard system is typically serving a greater number of users simultaneously than most shoreside networks. Many shoreside users use wireless cell phone systems for internet access, further reducing demand on hardwired systems. Each user’s data transmission occupies a portion of the available bandwidth. More users means slower service.

For these reasons, we ask that guests not use internet service for high volume uses such as gaming, file sharing or streaming video content. The internet service on board is generally quite adequate for all guests’ usage when web browsing and sending or retrieving email.

Guests can access the internet either at terminals located in Seabourn Square, or wirelessly using their own wireless-enabled devices in most locations on board, including in guest suites, lounges and most areas on open decks.

Medical Facilities

Your ship’s small but modern basic medical facility is staffed by a doctor and a nurse. This facility is equipped to provide medical care for illness or accidents that may arise during the cruise, but is not intended to provide ongoing medical treatment. Since we are either at sea or in ports where availability of medical facilities and pharmaceutical products may be limited, we suggest you bring adequate supplies of prescription medications and other health-related items.

Laundry Services

Full laundry, dry cleaning (on selected ships wet-cleaning) and pressing services are available. Suite attendants take care of pick-up and delivery. Same-day service is available at extra charge if requested by 9:00 a.m. A complimentary launderette with washers, dryers, laundry soap and ironing facilities are available onboard all Seabourn ships..

Deck 11
Deck 10
Deck 9
Deck 7
Deck 8
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
Deck 2
Deck 11
  • Sun Terrace 
  • The Retreat
Deck 10
  • Observation Bar
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Veranda Suite
  • Sky Light
  • Penthouse Spa Suite
Deck 9
  • The Spa at Seabourn
  • Spa Pool
  • Treatment Rooms
  • Salon
  • Fitness Centre
  • Motion Studio
  • Sky Bar
  • Bridge
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Veranda Suites
Deck 7
  • The Colonnade
  • Galley
  • Restaurant 2
  • Pool
  • Whirlpools
  • Stage
  • Patio Bar
  • Patio Grill
  • Owner’s Suites
  • Veranda Suites
Deck 8
  • Seabourn Square
  • Seabourn Shop
  • Coffee Bar
  • The Boutique
  • Card Room
  • The Collection
  • Veranda Suites
  • Owner’s Suite
  • Grand Wintergarden Suites
  • Wintergarden Suites
  • Grand Signature Suites
  • Signature Suites
Deck 6
  • Grand Salon with Stage
  • Whirlpool
  • Veranda Suites
  • Owner’s Suites
Deck 5
  • Veranda Suites
  • Meeting Rooms
  • The Club
  • Casino
  • Pool
  • Whirlpools
Deck 4
  • Galley
  • The Restaurant
  • Seabourn Suites
Deck 3
  • Medical Facility
Deck 2
  • Marina
  • Pool

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.