The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Tokyo
Day 2: Hitachinaka
Day 3: Miyako, Iwate
Day 4: Hakodate
Day 5: Muroran
Day 6: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 7: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 8: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 9: Crossing the International Date Line
Day 10: Cruising the Bering Sea
Day 11: Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Day 12: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 13: Kodiak, Alaska
Day 14: Seward, Alaska
Day 15: Cruising the Hubbard Glacier
Day 16: Sitka, Alaska
Day 17: Ketchikan, Alaska
Day 18: Cruising the Inside Passage
Day 19: Vancouver, British Columbia
Day 20: Victoria, British Columbia
Day 21: Seattle, Washington
Day 22: Seattle, Washington
Day 23: Astoria, Oregon
Day 24: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 25: San Francisco, California
Day 1: Tokyo

Lights, sushi, manga! Sprawling, frenetic, and endlessly fascinating, Japan’s capital is a city of contrasts. Shrines and gardens are pockets of calm between famously crowded streets and soaring office buildings. Mom-and-pop noodle houses share street space with Western-style chain restaurants and exquisite fine dining. Shopping yields lovely folk arts as well as the newest electronics. And nightlife kicks off with karaoke or sake and continues with techno clubs and more. Whether you seek the traditional or the cutting edge, Tokyo will provide it.

Day 2: Hitachinaka
Day 3: Miyako, Iwate
Day 4: Hakodate

Facing out on two bays, Hakodate is a 19th-century port town, with clapboard buildings on sloping streets, a dockside tourist zone, streetcars, and fresh fish on every menu. In the downtown historic quarter, a mountain rises 1,100 feet above the city on the southern point of the narrow peninsula. Russians, Americans, Chinese, and Europeans have all left their mark; this was one of the first three Japanese ports the Meiji government opened up to international trade in 1859. The main sights around the foot of Mt. Hakodate can be done in a day, but the city is best appreciated with an overnight stay for the illumination in the historic area, the night views from either the mountain or the fort tower, and the fish market at dawn. City transport is easy to navigate and English information is readily available. Evening departure trains from Tokyo arrive here at dawn—perfect for fish-market breakfasts.

Day 5: Muroran
Day 6: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 7: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 8: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 9: Crossing the International Date Line
Day 10: Cruising the Bering Sea
Day 11: Dutch Harbor, Alaska

The crumpled peaks, and tranquil scenery, of Dutch Harbor belies its history as one of the few places on American soil to have been directly attacked by the Japanese – who bombed the significant US military base here during the Second World War. Located on a string of islands, which loops down into the Pacific from Alaska, a visit to this Aleutian Island destination offers comprehensive military history, and extraordinary ocean scenery. Hike the volcanic, gloriously green landscapes, and look out for wonderful wildlife, like bald eagles, as they survey the surroundings. You can also watch on in awe, as incredible marine mammals crash through the waves just offshore.Dutch Harbor, gives you the chance to sample some of the rich local fishing heritage. Why not book yourself onto a voyage aboard a working fishing boat, to see for yourself how richly filled the waters of the Bering Sea are, as the hard-working fishermen pull bountiful supplies of cod and pollock from the water? The fish plucked from the Bering Sea are shipped to dining tables across America, and you’ll quickly see why Dutch Harbor is one of the US’s most important fishing locations

Day 12: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 13: Kodiak, Alaska

Today, commercial fishing is king in Kodiak. Despite its small population—about 6,475 people scattered among the several islands in the Kodiak group—the city is among the busiest fishing ports in the United States. The harbor is also an important supply point for small communities on the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula.Visitors to the island tend to follow one of two agendas: either immediately fly out to a remote lodge for fishing, kayaking, or bear viewing; or stay in town and access whatever pursuits they can reach from the limited road system. If the former is too pricey an option, consider combining the two: drive the road system to see what can be seen inexpensively, then add a fly-out or charter-boat excursion to a remote lodge or wilderness access point.Floatplane and boat charters are available from Kodiak to many remote attractions, chief among them the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge , which covers four islands in the Gulf of Alaska: Kodiak, Afognak, Ban, and Uganik.

Day 14: Seward, Alaska

It is hard to believe that a place as beautiful as Seward exists. Surrounded on all sides by Kenai Fjords National Park, Chugach National Forest, and Resurrection Bay, Seward offers all the quaint realities of a small railroad town with the bonus of jaw-dropping scenery. This little town of about 2,750 citizens was founded in 1903, when survey crews arrived at the ice-free port and began planning a railroad to the Interior. Since its inception, Seward has relied heavily on tourism and commercial fishing. It is also the launching point for excursions into Kenai Fjords National Park, where it is quite common to see marine life and calving glaciers.

Day 15: Cruising the Hubbard Glacier
Day 16: Sitka, Alaska

It’s hard not to like Sitka, with its eclectic blend of Alaska Native, Russian, and American history and its dramatic and beautiful open-ocean setting. This is one of the best Inside Passage towns to explore on foot, with St. Michael’s Cathedral, Sheldon Jackson Museum, Castle Hill, Sitka National Historical Park, and the Alaska Raptor Center topping the must-see list.Sitka was home to the Kiksádi clan of the Tlingit people for centuries prior to the 18th-century arrival of the Russians under the direction of territorial governor Alexander Baranof, who believed the region was ideal for the fur trade. The governor also coveted the Sitka site for its beauty, mild climate, and economic potential; in the island’s massive timber forests he saw raw materials for shipbuilding. Its location offered trading routes as far west as Asia and as far south as California and Hawaii. In 1799 Baranof built St. Michael Archangel—a wooden fort and trading post 6 miles north of the present town.Strong disagreements arose shortly after the settlement. The Tlingits attacked the settlers and burned their buildings in 1802. Baranof, however, was away in Kodiak at the time. He returned in 1804 with a formidable force—including shipboard cannons—and attacked the Tlingits at their fort near Indian River, site of the present-day 105-acre Sitka National Historical Park, forcing many of them north to Chichagof Island.By 1821 the Tlingits had reached an accord with the Russians, who were happy to benefit from the tribe’s hunting skills. Under Baranof and succeeding managers, the Russian-American Company and the town prospered, becoming known as the Paris of the Pacific. The community built a major shipbuilding and repair facility, sawmills, and forges, and even initiated an ice industry, shipping blocks of ice from nearby Swan Lake to the booming San Francisco market. The settlement that was the site of the 1802 conflict is now called Old Sitka. It is a state park and listed as a National Historic Landmark.The town declined after its 1867 transfer from Russia to the United States, but it became prosperous again during World War II, when it served as a base for the U.S. effort to drive the Japanese from the Aleutian Islands. Today its most important industries are fishing, government, and tourism.

Day 17: Ketchikan, Alaska

Ketchikan is famous for its colorful totem poles, rainy skies, steep–as–San Francisco streets, and lush island setting. Some 13,500 people call the town home, and, in the summer, cruise ships crowd the shoreline, floatplanes depart noisily for Misty Fiords National Monument, and salmon-laden commercial fishing boats motor through Tongass Narrows. In the last decade Ketchikan’s rowdy, blue-collar heritage of logging and fishing has been softened by the loss of many timber-industry jobs and the dramatic rise of cruise-ship tourism. With some effort, though, visitors can still glimpse the rugged frontier spirit that once permeated this hardscrabble cannery town. Art lovers should make a beeline for Ketchikan: the arts community here is very active. Travelers in search of the perfect piece of Alaska art will find an incredible range of pieces to choose from.The town is at the foot of 3,000-foot Deer Mountain, near the southeastern corner of Revillagigedo (locals shorten it to Revilla) Island. Prior to the arrival of white miners and fishermen in 1885, the Tlingit used the site at the mouth of Ketchikan Creek as a summer fish camp. Gold discoveries just before the turn of the 20th century brought more immigrants, and valuable timber and commercial fishing resources spurred new industries. By the 1930s the town bragged that it was the “salmon-canning capital of the world.” You will still find some of Southeast’s best salmon fishing around here. Ketchikan is the first bite of Alaska that many travelers taste. Despite its imposing backdrop, hillside homes, and many staircases, the town is relatively easy to walk through. Favorite downtown stops include the Spruce Mill Development shops and Creek Street. A bit farther away you’ll find the Totem Heritage Center. Out of town (but included on most bus tours) are two longtime favorites: Totem Bight State Historical Park to the north and Saxman Totem Park to the south.

Day 18: Cruising the Inside Passage
Day 19: Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver is a delicious juxtaposition of urban sophistication and on-your-doorstep wilderness adventure. The mountains and seascape make the city an outdoor playground for hiking, skiing, kayaking, cycling, and sailing—and so much more—while the cuisine and arts scenes are equally diverse, reflecting the makeup of Vancouver’s ethnic (predominantly Asian) mosaic. Vancouver is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most livable cities, and it’s easy for visitors to see why. It’s beautiful, it’s outdoorsy, and there’s a laidback West Coast vibe. On the one hand, there’s easy access to a variety of outdoor activities, a fabulous variety of beaches, and amazing parks. At the same time, the city has a multicultural vitality and cosmopolitan flair. The attraction is as much in the range of food choices—the fresh seafood and local produce are some of North America’s best—as it is in the museums, shopping, and nightlife.Vancouver’s landscaping also adds to the city’s walking appeal. In spring, flowerbeds spill over with tulips and daffodils while sea breezes scatter scented cherry blossoms throughout Downtown; in summer office workers take to the beaches, parks, and urban courtyards for picnic lunches and laptop meetings. More than 8 million visitors each year come to Vancouver, Canada’s third-largest metropolitan area. Because of its peninsula location, traffic flow is a contentious issue. Thankfully, Vancouver is wonderfully walkable, especially in the downtown core. The North Shore is a scoot across the harbor, and the rapid-transit system to Richmond and the airport means that staying in the more affordable ’burbs doesn’t have to be synonymous with sacrificing convenience. The mild climate, exquisite natural scenery, and relaxed outdoor lifestyle keep attracting residents, and the number of visitors is increasing for the same reasons. People often get their first glimpse of Vancouver when catching an Alaskan cruise, and many return at some point to spend more time here.

Day 20: Victoria, British Columbia

Victoria, the capital of a province whose license plates brazenly label it “The Best Place on Earth,” is a walkable, livable seaside city of fragrant gardens, waterfront paths, engaging museums, and beautifully restored 19th-century architecture. In summer, the Inner Harbour—Victoria’s social and cultural center—buzzes with visiting yachts, horse-and-carriage rides, street entertainers, and excursion boats heading out to visit pods of friendly local whales. Yes, it might be a bit touristy, but Victoria’s good looks, gracious pace, and manageable size are instantly beguiling, especially if you stand back to admire the mountains and ocean beyond. At the southern tip of Vancouver Island, Victoria dips slightly below the 49th parallel. That puts it farther south than most of Canada, giving it the mildest climate in the country, with virtually no snow and less than half the rain of Vancouver. The city’s geography, or at least its place names, can cause confusion. Just to clarify: the city of Victoria is on Vancouver Island (not Victoria Island). The city of Vancouver is on the British Columbia mainland, not on Vancouver Island. At any rate, that upstart city of Vancouver didn’t even exist in 1843 when Victoria, then called Fort Victoria, was founded as the westernmost trading post of the British-owned Hudson’s Bay Company. Victoria was the first European settlement on Vancouver Island, and in 1868 it became the capital of British Columbia. The British weren’t here alone, of course. The local First Nations people—the Songhees, the Saanich, and the Sooke—had already lived in the areas for thousands of years before anyone else arrived. Their art and culture are visible throughout southern Vancouver Island. You can see this in private and public galleries, in the totems at Thunderbird Park, in the striking collections at the Royal British Columbia Museum, and at the Quw’utsun’Cultural and Conference Centre in nearby Duncan. Spanish explorers were the first foreigners to explore the area, although they left little more than place names (Galiano Island and Cordova Bay, for example). The thousands of Chinese immigrants drawn by the gold rushes of the late 19th century had a much greater impact, founding Canada’s oldest Chinatown and adding an Asian influence that’s still quite pronounced in Victoria’s multicultural mix. Despite its role as the provincial capital, Victoria was largely eclipsed, economically, by Vancouver throughout the 20th century. This, as it turns out, was all to the good, helping to preserve Victoria’s historic downtown and keeping the city largely free of skyscrapers and highways. For much of the 20th century, Victoria was marketed to tourists as “The Most British City in Canada,” and it still has more than its share of Anglo-themed pubs, tea shops, and double-decker buses. These days, however, Victorians prefer to celebrate their combined indigenous, Asian, and European heritage, and the city’s stunning wilderness backdrop. Locals do often venture out for afternoon tea, but they’re just as likely to nosh on dim sum or tapas. Decades-old shops sell imported linens and tweeds, but newer upstarts offer local designs in hemp and organic cotton. And let’s not forget that fabric prevalent among locals: Gore-Tex. The outdoors is ever present here. You can hike, bike, kayak, sail, or whale-watch straight from the city center, and forests, beaches, offshore islands, and wilderness parklands lie just minutes away. A little farther afield, there’s surfing near Sooke, wine touring in the Cowichan Valley, and kayaking among the Gulf Islands.

Day 21: Seattle, Washington

Seattle is a scenic seaport city in western Washington, situated on an isthmus between Puget Sound to the west and Lake Washington to the east. It is the largest city in Washington. Five pioneer families from Illinois first settled the area in 1851, and named the town after a friendly Suquamish Indian chief. It was incorporated as a city in 1869, and grew quickly after the Great Northern Railway arrived in 1893, especially during the Alaska Gold Rush of 1897. When the Panama Canal opened in 1914, Seattle became a major Pacific port of entry, and today it is the region’s commercial and transportation hub and the centre of manufacturing, trade, and finance, with an estimated 684,451 residents as of 2015.

Day 22: Seattle, Washington

Seattle is a scenic seaport city in western Washington, situated on an isthmus between Puget Sound to the west and Lake Washington to the east. It is the largest city in Washington. Five pioneer families from Illinois first settled the area in 1851, and named the town after a friendly Suquamish Indian chief. It was incorporated as a city in 1869, and grew quickly after the Great Northern Railway arrived in 1893, especially during the Alaska Gold Rush of 1897. When the Panama Canal opened in 1914, Seattle became a major Pacific port of entry, and today it is the region’s commercial and transportation hub and the centre of manufacturing, trade, and finance, with an estimated 684,451 residents as of 2015.

Day 23: Astoria, Oregon
Day 24: Cruising the Pacific Ocean
Day 25: San Francisco, California

With its myriad hills and spectacular bay, San Francisco beguiles with natural beauty, vibrant neighborhoods, and contagious energy. From the hipster Mission District to the sassy Castro, from bustling Union Square to enduring Chinatown, this dynamic town thrives on variety. The city makes it wonderfully easy to tap into the good life, too: between San Francisco’s hot arts scene, tempting boutiques, parks perfect for jogging or biking, and all those stellar locavore restaurants and cocktail bars, it’s the ultimate destination for relaxed self-indulgence.

Master Suite
Grand Suite
Mariner Suite
Seven Seas Suite
Horizon View Suite
Penthouse Suite
Concierge Suite
Deluxe Veranda Suite
Master Suite

You’ll find Park Avenue chic onboard Seven Seas Mariner® in this spectacular suite. Elegant rosewood furniture, luxe fabrics and a crystal chandelier create sophisticated comfort, while a personal butler is available to fulfil whatever requests you may have. With two bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, a large living room and two private balconies, this sublime suite is perfect for hosting new friends in luxury.


  • 2 Spacious Bedrooms with European King-Sized Elite Slumber™ Bed

  • 2 1/2 Marble Bathrooms
  • Spacious Living Room
  • 2 Private Balconies
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 5 Guests


  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: 

    Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage

  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • FREE Valet Laundry Service
  • Choice of Guerlain, Acqua di Parma and L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Guerlain Fragrance and Spongelle Buffer
  • Personal Butler
  • Priority Check-in on embarkation day with suite access at Noon
  • Welcome Bottle of Premium Champagne
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • VIP Status to Include Dinner with a Senior Officer
  • Welcome Letter from President and General Manager
  • Complimentary Cocktail Party for 8
  • Personalized In-Suite Full-Liquor Bar Set-Up
  • 1 Sumptuous In-Suite Caviar Service
  • Guaranteed Reservation Each Night in Specialty Restaurant of Your Choice†
  • Complimentary 25-Minute Personal Fitness Session at the Serene Spa & Wellness™ Fitness Center
  • 24-Hour Room Service with Specialty Restaurant Selections During Dining Hours
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Selection of Fig and Tea Leaves Bath Salts
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Luxe Fruit Arrangement and Chocolate Leonidas
  • Tea Forte Set-Up
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Complimentary Shore Excursion Bag
  • Delivery of Up to Three Daily Newspapers
  • World Atlas and Elegant Weather Clock
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Bath Scale
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Grand Suite

Step into the richness of a dining area perfectly ensconced within a spacious, art-filled living room. Just outside is a private balcony with a table and chairs just right for in-suite breakfast. The master bedroom is large and inviting, its soothing color palette conducive to a peaceful night’s rest on your King-Sized Elite Slumber™ Bed. Two full baths and luxurious bath products invite you to indulge in unbridled ‘me time’.


  • 1 Spacious Bedroom With European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®

  • 2 Marble Bathrooms
  • Spacious Living Room
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests


  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: 

    Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage

  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • FREE Valet Laundry Service
  • Choice of Guerlain, Acqua di Parma and L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Guerlain Fragrance and Spongelle Buffer
  • Personal Butler
  • Priority Check-in on embarkation day with suite access at Noon
  • Welcome Bottle of Premium Champagne
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • VIP Status to Include Dinner with a Senior Officer
  • Welcome Letter from President and General Manager
  • Complimentary Cocktail Party for 8
  • Personalized In-Suite Full-Liquor Bar Set-Up
  • 1 Sumptuous In-Suite Caviar Service
  • Guaranteed Reservation Each Night in Specialty Restaurant of Your Choice†
  • Complimentary 25-Minute Personal Fitness Session at the Serene Spa & Wellness™ Fitness Center
  • 24-Hour Room Service with Specialty Restaurant Selections During Dining Hours
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Selection of Fig and Tea Leaves Bath Salts
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Luxe Fruit Arrangement and Chocolate Leonidas
  • Tea Forte Set-Up
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Complimentary Shore Excursion Bag
  • Delivery of Up to Three Daily Newspapers
  • World Atlas and Elegant Weather Clock
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Bath Scale
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Mariner Suite

Spectacular panoramic views will seem to have been created just for you when you relax on your suite’s private balcony. Comfortably located mid-ship, this suite has a spacious separate bedroom with a European king-sized Elite Slumber™ bed and one-and-a-half baths. This suite features a spacious walk-in closet with drawers as well. To elevate your experience even more, a personal butler will be on call to help make your onboard wishes come true.


  • 1 1/2 Marble Bathrooms

  • Private Balcony
  • Spacious Bedroom
  • Expansive Living Room
  • Maximum of 3 Guests


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service

  • FREE Roundtrip Business Class Air* on European Voyages
  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including:
    – FREE Ground Transfers
    – FREE Breakfast
    – FREE Porterage
  • FREE Unlimited WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite*
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • L’Occitane® Mer & Mistral Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Personal Butler Committed to Fulfilling Your Wishes
  • European King-Size or Twin Bed Configurations Featuring our Exclusive Suite Slumber Bed®
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Mini-Bar Replenished Daily With Soft Drinks, Beer and Bottled Water — All Complimentary
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Regent Bathrobes and Slippers
  • A Variety of Guerlain® and L’Occitane® Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • In-Suite use of Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blanket
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with Fresh Fruit Arrangement
  • 24-Hour Room Service With Dinner Served Course-by-Course

Seven Seas Suite

This suite welcomes you with soothing colors, pleasing artwork and comfortable furnishings. Relax in the sitting area after an exciting day ashore and enjoy the selection of fresh canapés delivered by your personal butler. Then retreat to your private balcony to watch the ever-changing vistas and ponder your next destination. Up to one-and-a-half baths feature fine marble accents and a tub or walk-in shower.

Seven Seas Suite AFT


  • 1 Spacious Bedroom With European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®
  • 1 1/2 Marble Bathrooms
  • Living Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service
  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage
  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • Choice of Guerlain, Acqua di Parma and L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Personal Butler
  • Priority boarding on Embarkation Day with Suite Access at 1:00 pm
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with
  • Fresh Floral Arrangement
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • Luxe Fruit Arrangement
  • In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up and Refill
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Selection of Fig and Tea Leaves Bath Salts
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Elegant Weather Clock
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Seven Seas Suite FORWARD


  • 1 Spacious Bedroom With European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®
  • 1 Marble Bathroom
  • Intimate Sitting Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service
  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage
  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • Choice of Guerlain, Acqua di Parma and L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Personal Butler
  • Priority boarding on Embarkation Day with Suite Access at 1:00 pm
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with
  • Fresh Floral Arrangement
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • Luxe Fruit Arrangement
  • Personalized In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Selection of Fig and Tea Leaves Bath Salts
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Elegant Weather Clock
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Horizon View Suite

Located along the stern of Seven Seas Mariner®, this suite offers a panoramic vista and expansive balcony that is large enough for two cushioned chaises, two chairs and a table. Inside, the bed alcove is separated from a beautifully appointed sitting area by curtains, allowing you to control how much sunlight greets you each morning. You’ll also have a personal butler attending to your needs and a bevy of luxurious amenities.


  • 1 Spacious Bedroom with European King-Sized Elite Slumber™ Bed

  • 1 Marble Bathroom
  • Intimate Sitting Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service

  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage
  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • Choice of Guerlain and L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Personal Butler
  • Access to your suite on embarkation day at 1:00 pm
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with
  • Fresh Floral Arrangement
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • Luxe Fruit Arrangement
  • Personalized In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Elegant Weather Clock
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Penthouse Suite

The luxurious suite has been carefully designed to maximize space and comfort. Relax on your private balcony and indulge in your lavish bath amenities as you recharge and ready yourself for new adventures in the next port of call. This suite also includes priority online reservations for shore excursions and dining, and you’re encouraged to call on the services of a personal butler for special requests.


  • European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®

  • 1 Marble Bathroom
  • Intimate Sitting Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service

  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage
  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • Guerlain & L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Personal Butler
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with Fresh Fruit Arrangement
  • Complimentary Pressing on First Night
  • In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up and Refill
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Selection of Bed Pillow Styles
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Daily Canapés
  • Personalized Stationery
  • BOSE® SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth Speaker
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Essentials Including Men’s Unscented Shaving Kit, Facial Wipes, Sewing Kit, Emory Board, Stain Remover and Hand Sanitizer
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Concierge Suite

In this superbly designed suite, you enjoy the comfort of richly furnished accommodations as well as exclusive luxuries available only in suites at the Concierge level and higher. Your suite includes amenities such as an illy® espresso maker and cashmere blankets, perfect for use in the morning when you wish to sip coffee and enjoy an in-suite breakfast on your private balcony. Take advantage of 24-hour room service when the mood strikes.


  • European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®

  • 1 Marble Bathroom
  • Intimate Sitting Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests
  • This category includes Accessibility Options in suites 1012 and 1013. 


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service

  • FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Hotel Package Including: Ground Transfers, Breakfast & Porterage
  • INCLUDED & UNLIMITED WiFi includes up to four logins, four devices, per suite
  • FREE 15 Minutes of Ship-to-Shore Phone Time
  • L’Occitane® Jasmin & Bergamot Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with Fresh Fruit Arrangement
  • In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up and Refill
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • Priority Online Shore Excursions and Dining Reservations
  • 10% Discount on Premium Wine and Liquor
  • 5% savings on Pre- or Post-Cruise Hotel or Land Programs
  • 5% savings on Regent Choice Shore Excursions
  • Regent Plush Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Binoculars, illy® Espresso Maker and Cashmere Blankets
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service
  • Complimentary Tote Bag

Deluxe Veranda Suite

Every inch of this suite has been thoughtfully designed to maximize interior space and embrace the magnificent scenery outdoors. From the sitting area, admire the ocean views through the floor-to-ceiling windows, or better yet, take a seat outside on your private balcony to watch the world go by. Elegant finishes such as luxurious bedding and beautiful marble detailing in the bath further enhance your comfort.


  • European King-Sized Suite Slumber Bed®

  • 1 Marble Bathroom
  • Intimate Sitting Area
  • Private Balcony
  • Walk-in Closet With Safe
  • Accommodates Up To 3 Guests
  • This category includes Accessibility Options in suites 828 and 829. 


  • FREE Valet Laundry Service

  • FREE Unlimited WiFi includes one log-in, one device, per suite*
  • Welcome Bottle of Champagne with Fresh Fruit Arrangement
  • In-Suite Mini-Bar Set-Up and Refill
  • 24-Hour Room Service
  • L’Occitane® Soaps, Shampoos and Lotions
  • Regent Bathrobes and Slippers
  • Vanity and Hair Dryer
  • Interactive Flat-Screen Television With Extensive Media Library, Complimentary Movies-on-Demand
  • Direct Dial Satellite Phone
  • Shoe Shine Service

Compass Rose
La Veranda
Prime 7
Sette Mari at La Veranda
Pool Grill
Coffee Connection
Room Service
Compass Rose

Whether you arrive for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can look forward to European-inspired Continental cuisine served in a beautifully refined atmosphere decorated in blues and silvers with stunning Versace tableware.

La Veranda

La Veranda features quiet alcoves, made-to-order omelets and tasty lunch buffets that include hot carving stations, an authentic pizzeria and regional specialties that reflect cuisines of the region you’re visiting.

Prime 7

An elegantly intimate, art-filled and luxurious setting to enjoy classic American steakhouse cuisine with a modern flair. A handsome bar is a relaxing destination if you arrive early.

Sette Mari at La Veranda

Enjoy an extensive menu of authentic antipasti and Italian specialties served á la carte and paired with fine Italian wines. All dishes are prepared with the freshest gourmet ingredients and served by our attentive waiters.


A restaurant with a modern French menu and attention to detail you’ll notice in its Parisian décor, expertly prepared dishes and wait staff. About the closest thing to a Parisian culinary gem on the high seas.

Pool Grill

After sunbathing or swimming in the pool, you may be in the mood for grilled-to-order burgers, seafood, sandwiches, even hand-dipped ice cream with sprinkles. Our Pool Grill will satisfy your comfort food cravings.

Coffee Connection

Enjoy barista-made coffees, delicious pastries, gourmet sandwiches and homemade cookies at Coffee Connection. Peruse international newspapers and news magazines or strike up a conversation with new friends.

Room Service

Enjoy delectable appetisers, main courses and desserts in your suite 24 hours a day. During dinner hours, delight in ordering dishes made to your exact taste from the expansive Compass Rose menu.

Included & Unlimited Shore Excursions
Gourmet Explorer Tours
Regent Choice Shore Excursions
Eco-Connect Tours
Behind The Design Tours
Go Local Tours
Wellness Tours
In-Port Overnights
Included & Unlimited Shore Excursions

Embrace amazing opportunities in each port of call with more than 3,800 Included & Unlimited Shore Excursions across every region of the world. Indulge in any variety of interests, from the history and ancestry found at hundreds of UNESCO World Heritage Sites to the beauty and culture of present-day people experienced through their food, music and art.

Gourmet Explorer Tours

Taste the cultures of the world with our specially curated, Master Chef-led, Gourmet Explorer Tours, unique to sailings aboard Seven Seas Splendor® and Seven Seas Explorer®. Be treated to a particularly French dining experience with Michelin-starred Master Chef René Bérard at his private estate along with a Provençal cooking demonstration in Provence or be led through the open-air, seaside market in Nice and partake in an exquisite lunch at Château Eza in Eze. Please your palate and expand your culinary knowledge with each of our delectable Gourmet Explorer Tours.

Regent Choice Shore Excursions

As the name suggests, these excursions work a little harder to engage your explorer spirit. Unique itineraries and smaller groups create more personal experiences… and memories of a lifetime.

Unique, unparalleled experiences

Soaring over Alaskan forests and mountains via helicopter en route to feeling the majesty of Mendenhall Glacier beneath your feet. Discover the best our world has to offer through the unparalleled experiences you’ll enjoy with Regent Choice Shore Excursions.

Enhance your shoreside experience with a Regent Choice Small Group tour. Hosting up to 16 guests, these tours provide a more intimate experience and allow for more personal engagement with your knowledgeable guide.

Eco-Connect Tours

Engage with local groups and businesses to learn about how they are transforming the world around them while experiencing the impact of their efforts first-hand.

Our Eco-Connect Tours provide enriching opportunities to interact with and learn from local communities around the world as they work to conserve and sustain their surrounding environments.

Discover the valuable and beautiful flora and fauna of places like Costa Rica, Vietnam and Australia. Sample the products of sustainable farming practices in regions like France, New Zealand and Argentina. Absorb the inspiring innovations in energy production at facilities in Portugal, Iceland and Japan. This is only a sampling of the more than 150 unique Eco-Connect Tours we offer.

Reinvigorate your love for the world around you with these insightful experiences — many of which are available as part of our FREE Unlimited Shore Excursions.

Behind The Design Tours

Glimpse behind the scenes of some of the most captivating and brilliant designs around the world.

Brilliant architectural achievements

Glimpse behind the scenes of some of the most captivating and brilliant designs around the world.

Go Local Tours

Go Local Tours provide a more direct way for you to experience the culture of a destination through the communities within. Spend a day at a family-owned goat farm in the countryside of Andalusia to learn the generations-old way of making cheese, discover the joy of fishing with the residents of Portofino or observe skilled local artists in their personal studios on Palma de Mallorca. Many Go Local tours are part of our FREE Unlimited Shore Excursions, while some require a discounted, supplementary charge. Experience the world through the eyes of those who actually live there and discover the best of what you didn’t know about your favorite destination with Go Local Tours.

Wellness Tours

Transcend the moment as you expand your mind and strengthen your body with a Wellness Tour. Soak in a restorative, mineral-rich thermal spring in Rome or center your chi with a taiji (tai chi) class on a beautiful and serene beach on Palma de Mallorca. Be refreshed by a Mediterranean breeze as you calm your mind and strengthen your focus through a yoga class overlooking the seaside town of Taormina. Restore and heal your mind, body and soul as you travel throughout the world with our Wellness Tours.

In-Port Overnights

Evenings provide a different view of a city as the streets light up and the locals unwind. Discover the fun of a destination’s nightlife and enjoy more time ashore with more overnights in ports across every region of the world.

Reception & Concierge
Observation Lounge
Connoisseur Club
Constellation Theatre
Mariner Lounge
Stars Lounge & Night Club
Horizon Lounge
The Casino
Pool Bar
Card & Conference Room
Pool Deck
Reception & Concierge

Our knowledgeable Reception staff is available around the clock to answer your questions and ensure your voyage is as pleasurable as possible. Reception is also where you may contact the ship’s Concierge.


Whether you’re interested in a tour from our FREE Unlimited Shore Excursion menu or a unique, small-group Regent Choice Shore Excursion, our staff at Destination Services is ready to make it happen.


While cruise-related issues are first submitted to Reception/Concierge, you can be assured that a General Manager is on hand to resolve issues to your satisfaction.

Observation Lounge

As indicated by its name, the Observation Lounge offers a wonderful vantage point to enjoy staggering views as your glorious ship enters and leaves ports of call. Live music adds to the serene vibe.

Connoisseur Club

Engage in spirited conversation with new friends in an elegant hideaway that calls to mind gentleman’s clubs of old. An elegant throwback where cigars are savored, you’ll take to like a favorite cardigan.


Simply put, the Atrium is the very heart of Seven Seas Mariner®. With natural light shining from above, it’s a natural hub for guests to rendezvous or gather for organized activities.

Often described as the crossroads of the ship, our Atrium is an inspiring testament to the grandeur of luxury ocean travel. Winding staircases wrap down several decks before meeting in the Atrium, which is a work of art itself. A glittering, modern, glass sculpture rises up the inside of the Atrium, reaching all the way to the open decks. 

Located on decks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11.


Browse a vast collection of volumes, from destination-specific guide books to best-selling mysteries to classics of literature, upon a variety of comfortable chairs in our cozy Library.

Constellation Theatre

Take in lavishly staged, high-energy shows created and produced by our own team of Broadway choreographers and directors in our delightful hall. So grand it needs two decks, it offers plush seating and surroundings.

Mariner Lounge

You’ll find our popular Mariner Lounge tough to resist. It’s an inviting spot to chat with new friends over cocktails before a delicious dinner, and an exciting space to dance the night away afterwards.

Stars Lounge & Night Club

Encircling a glistening stairwell that leads to the Casino, the Stars Lounge is a throwback nightspot that draws fun-loving crowds for after-dinner drinks and late-night cocktails. A favorite with night owls.

Horizon Lounge

An alluring destination for informal drinks in an elegant setting. With live music throughout the day and expertly poured cocktails only a request away, the Horizon Lounge is a natural spot to rendezvous with fellow travelers.

The Casino

Glass doors lead to an elegant setting bustling with games of chance that include Blackjack, roulette, poker and slot machines. The Casino is open every day at sea when not restricted by territorial border limits.


Whether it’s designer evening wear, handbags, fragrances or a smart gift, our boutique items are carefully selected and of the highest quality. The same may be said of our personable staff.

It’s easy to stay connected, even while sailing the seven seas. Our ships have WiFi throughout for guests with their own laptops, and there are plenty of computers in the staffed Internet Café, which is open round the clock. Printers, e-mails, Internet access and Wireless access throughout the ship are all available for a nominal fee.

Pool Bar

Very few things equate to a pure vacation activity more than sitting at our Pool Bar. Make new friends while sipping a cocktail or frozen drink in the most laid-back atmosphere imaginable.

Card & Conference Room

Gather your favourite teammates in the Card Room for a lively afternoon or evening of cards, board games or a social game of Bridge. The spaces, which may be combined, are also designed to host conferences.

Pool Deck

For those days when nothing but sitting poolside will do, head to our Pool Deck. You’ll be greeted by an expansive space with unforgettable views, teak accents and an amiable crew offering cold drinks and lounge chairs.

Serene Spa & Wellness
Fitness Center
Jogging Track
Paddle Tennis Court
Putting Green
Golf Nets
Bocce Court
Serene Spa & Wellness

A globally inspired, tranquil haven of health, beauty and wellness, our spa offers restorative treatments and activities that incorporate globally sourced, natural ingredients to soothe both the body and mind.

Fitness Center

Look after yourself at sea. Take part in Pilates, yoga and aerobics classes or help yourself to spinning bikes, dumbbells, treadmills, Technogym Strength Machines, workout mats and step benches. For guests 16 and over.

Jogging Track

If you have a regular walking or running routine, fear not – your healthy habit can be maintained while cruising the high seas. Regardless of the speed you traverse our track, dramatic views and fresh air await.

Paddle Tennis Court

Our completely screened and well-maintained paddle tennis court will beckon you and your teammates to win at all costs – or simply enjoy a fun game of paddle tennis or two.

Putting Green

Not nearly as serious as the Golf Net, our Putting Greens invite you to gather friends – perhaps after an afternoon cocktail – for a spirited round of putt-putt golf or two.

Golf Nets

If the mood strikes to work on your fairway swing, head to our Golf Net. All equipment is provided for you to practice your swing while soaking up the most glorious views imaginable.

Bocce Court

Gather some friends and engage in a game originated in 5,000 BC. Our Bocce Court has the requisite equipment – a pallina and 8 larger balls – for you to engage in a spirited contest as the sun sets.


Probably the game most associated with cruise ships, shuffleboard onboard Seven Seas Mariner® is a more dramatic affair. High atop your ship, you won’t mind awaiting your turn as you take in glorious horizon views.

Disabled Facilities
Special Dietary Requirements
Age Restrictions
Dress Code
Smoking Policy
Sail & Sustain
Alcohol Policy
Internet Access
Medical Services
Laundry Services
Disabled Facilities

For details on a prearranged rental program, please contact our authorized vendor:

Scootaround Personal Transportation Solutions
Phone: 1.888.441.7575

Accessibility Options in suites 828, 829, 918, 919, 1012, and 1013. For more information about accessible suites click here.

Service or guide animals are allowed on board, provided the passenger notifies Carrier prior to the cruise of their intention to bring such animal and agrees to take sole responsibility for any expense, damage, injuries or losses associated with or caused by such animal.

Special Dietary Requirements

Please advise Regent Seven Seas Cruises of any special dietary requirements you may have 120 days prior to sailing for voyages embarking in the US and 150 days for all other voyages, by sending an e-mail to General dietary needs such as low salt or low cholesterol foods can be satisfied onboard the ship just by speaking with the dining wait staff.

Age Restrictions

Infants must be six months of age as of the first day of the cruise. For voyages that have three or more consecutive days at sea, infants must be at least one year of age as of the first day of the cruise. Guests traveling with a young infant that does not meet the infant policy will be denied boarding. No refunds or other compensation shall be due from Regent Seven Seas Cruises to anyone as a result of the denial of boarding to an underage infant or any accompanying guests. Based on SOLAS requirements Regent Seven Seas Cruises cannot and will not make any exceptions to allow infants on any of their cruises which do not meet the minimum one year of age requirement. No waivers will be accepted. Please do not enquire about making any exceptions, as all requests will be denied. Any guest under the age of 18 must be accompanied by and occupy the same suite as an adult 18 years or older. Regent Seven Seas Cruises does not provide for the care, entertainment or supervision of children. Guests under the age of 16 are not permitted to use the spa or fitness facilities, even if supervised by an adult. Special promotional rates are available for children on select sailings. To be eligible, the child must be under the age of 18.

Dress Code

Attire ranges from Casual to Formal Optional. Casual wear consists of resort-style outfits; some examples are jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. Casual wear is appropriate for daytime both on board or ashore. Casual wear is not appropriate after 6:00 PM. On the night prior to disembarkation, guests may need to pack their luggage early due to morning flights the next day. With this in mind, on the last night of every voyage, we will relax the dress code for dinner to Casual.

Otherwise, the recommended onboard dress in the evenings is Elegant Casual. Dinner dress for ladies includes a skirt, or slacks with a blouse or sweater, a pant suit or dress; slacks and a collared shirt for gentlemen. Sport jackets are optional. Casual wear is not to be worn at dinner. Ties are not required.

On sailings of 16 nights or more, Formal and Semi-Formal attire is optional on two of the evenings. On the two Formal Optional evenings, guests are welcome to dress as per the elegant Casual dress code or opt for a more formal choice of clothing including gowns and cocktail dresses for ladies; tuxedos, dinner jackets or dark suits with tie for gentlemen.

Smoking Policy

For the comfort and safety of all of our Guests, smoking is not permitted in any enclosed dining area, certain public venues, elevators, the Theater, and all suites and balconies, and is only permitted in specific designated smoking areas. The use of electronic cigarettes is allowed within designated smoking areas only.

Cigarette smoking is only permitted in designated areas of the outdoor pool area and the following public rooms:

  • Seven Seas Splendor: Connoisseur Club, Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)
  • Seven Seas Explorer: Connoisseur Club, Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)
  • Seven Seas Voyager: Connoisseur Club, Horizon Lounge (outdoor one side designated area), Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)
  • Seven Seas Mariner: Connoisseur Club, Horizon Lounge (outdoor one side designated area), Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)
  • Seven Seas Navigator: Galileo’s (outdoor one side designated area), Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)

Cigar Smoking is only permitted in the Connoisseur Club on applicable ships and the designated area on the opposite side of the Pool Bar.

Pipe smoking is only permitted in the Connoisseur Club. Pipe smoking in open deck areas is considered an extreme fire hazard and is not permitted.

Failure to comply with the above smoking policy will result in guests being asked to leave the ship at their expense, without refund or credit for the unused portion of their cruise.

Sail & Sustain

Our global sustainability program, Sail & Sustain, is centered around our commitment to drive a positive impact on society and the environment while delivering on our vision to be the vacation of choice for everyone around the world. We visit nearly 500 destinations globally, allowing our guests to travel and explore the world, and our business is inextricably linked to the preservation of our planet and the protection of our shared resources.

Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy is focused on five pillars and was developed through cross-functional collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders. As we continue our ESG journey, we look forward to building upon this foundation and meaningfully contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we collectively chart a path towards a more sustainable future.

Alcohol Policy

The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages will be limited to guests aged 21 years or older. However, with the exception of Hawaii, Alaska and New England voyages not leaving U.S. territorial waters, guests between the ages of 18 through 20 may purchase and personally consume wine and beer only while on board and with the consent of an accompanying parent. Authorization will be given only when the accompanying parent completes the Young Adult Alcoholic Beverage Waiver form. This form can be obtained and completed at the Reception Desk upon embarkation. While sailing on select international voyages, guests 18 years or older are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages without having to complete the Young Adult Alcoholic Beverage Waiver form. Guests are kindly reminded to consume alcohol in moderation. Regent Seven Seas Cruises reserves the right to prohibit and retain all liquor brought aboard the ship.

Internet Access

Wireless access is available throughout the ship, including most suites. Access is provided utilizing satellite communication systems. Service and speed will vary port to port. Please be advised that bandwidth-heavy applications such as Skype, Netflix, YouTube and VPN are not included in our FREE Unlimited WiFi plans.

If you are utilizing a mobile device that access the internet via a cellular carrier’s network (4G for example) instead of the ship’s wireless access, it will be treated as if you were using your cell phone and International roaming charges will apply. Any costs associated will be billed directly through your cell phone provider, and not through the ship. Check for more information.

Medical Services

Each ship has a licensed and registered doctor and nurse for professional and emergency services, which are available at customary charges. The ships’ medical centers are designed to provide medical care for certain temporary illnesses and accidents, and are not intended or capable of providing on-going treatment of pre-existing medical conditions. For guests requiring oxygen equipment, an oxygen concentrator is the only form of oxygen equipment allowed aboard ship, and must be provided by the guest. Regent Seven Seas Cruises’ wheelchairs on board are for emergency purposes only.

Laundry Services

All guests will now benefit from FREE Valet Laundry Service during their cruise. Enjoy the luxury and convenience of freshly washed, carefully pressed and folded laundry picked up and delivered to your suite throughout your voyage.

Deck 12
Deck 11
Deck 10
Deck 9
Deck 8
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 12
  • Paddle Tennis
  • Golf Nets
  • Golf Putting Green
  • Bocce Court
  • Shuffleboard
  • Jogging Track
  • Observation Lounge
Deck 11
  • Atrium
  • La Veranda
  • Sette Mari at La Veranda
  • Pool Grill
  • Pool Bar
  • Pool
  • Whirlpools
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Grand Suites
Deck 10
  • Atrium
  • Laundrette
  • Bridge
  • Horizon View Suites
  • Seven Seas Suites
  • Concierge Suites
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Mariner Suites
Deck 9
  • Atrium
  • Laundrette
  • Deluxe Veranda Suites
  • Horizon View Suites
  • Seven Seas Suites
  • Deluxe Suites
  • Concierge Suites
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Mariner Suites
  • Master Suites
Deck 8
  • Atrium
  • Laundrette
  • Horizon View Suites
  • Seven Seas Suites
  • Deluxe Veranda Suites
  • Concierge Suites
  • Penthouse Suites
  • Mariner Suites
Deck 7
  • Atrium
  • Boutiques
  • Fitness Centre
  • Serene Spa & Wellness
  • The Casino
Deck 6
  • Atrium
  • Boutiques
  • Card & Conference Room
  • Chartreuse
  • Coffee Connection
  • Connoisseur Club
  • Constellation Theater
  • Horizon Lounge
  • Stars Lounge
  • Stars Night Club
  • Library 
  • The Garden Promenade 
  • Horizon Lounge
Deck 5
  • Atrium
  • Compass Rose
  • Constellation Theater
  • Mariner Lounge
  • Prime 7 
  • Destination Services
  • Reception & Concierge

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.