Like many southeast Florida neighbors, Fort Lauderdale has long been revitalizing. In a state where gaudy tourist zones often stand aloof from workaday downtowns, Fort Lauderdale exhibits consistency at both ends of the 2-mile Las Olas corridor. The sparkling look results from upgrades both downtown and on the beachfront. Matching the downtown’s innovative arts district, cafés, and boutiques is an equally inventive beach area, with hotels, cafés, and shops facing an undeveloped shoreline, and new resort-style hotels replacing faded icons of yesteryear. Despite wariness of pretentious overdevelopment, city leaders have allowed a striking number of glittering high-rises. Nostalgic locals and frequent visitors fret over the diminishing vision of sailboats bobbing in waters near downtown; however, Fort Lauderdale remains the yachting capital of the world, and the water toys don’t seem to be going anywhere.
Begin exploring the capital by strolling along the waterfront Harbour Drive to Elmslie Memorial United Church, named after the first Presbyterian missionary to serve in Cayman. Its vaulted ceiling, wooden arches, and sedate nave reflect the religious nature of island residents. In front of the court building, in the center of town, names of influential Caymanians are inscribed on the Wall of History, which commemorates the islands’ quincentennial in 2003. Across the street is the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly Building, next door to the 1919 Peace Memorial Building. In the middle of the financial district is the General Post Office, built in 1939. Let the kids pet the big blue iguana statues.
One of Jamaica’s largest resort cities, Montego Bay offers a range of activities bound to interest an array of visitors, from arts enthusiasts to the more adventurous type.
If you associate Puerto Rico’s capital with the colonial streets of Old San Juan, then you know only part of the picture. San Juan is a major metropolis, radiating out from the bay on the Atlantic Ocean that was discovered by Juan Ponce de León. More than a third of the island’s nearly 4 million citizens proudly call themselves sanjuaneros. The city may be rooted in the past, but it has its eye on the future. Locals go about their business surrounded by colonial architecture and towering modern structures.By 1508 the explorer Juan Ponce de León had established a colony in an area now known as Caparra, southeast of present-day San Juan. He later moved the settlement north to a more hospitable peninsular location. In 1521, after he became the first colonial governor, Ponce de León switched the name of the island—which was then called San Juan Bautista in honor of St. John the Baptist—with that of the settlement of Puerto Rico (“rich port”).Defended by the imposing Castillo San Felipe del Morro (El Morro) and Castillo San Cristóbal, Puerto Rico’s administrative and population center remained firmly in Spain’s hands until 1898, when it came under U.S. control after the Spanish-American War. Centuries of Spanish rule left an indelible imprint on the city, particularly in the walled area now known as Old San Juan. The area is filled with cobblestone streets and brightly painted, colonial-era structures, and its fortifications have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Old San Juan is a monument to the past, but most of the rest of the city is planted firmly in the 21st century and draws migrants island-wide and from farther afield to jobs in its businesses and industries. The city captivates residents and visitors alike with its vibrant lifestyle as well as its balmy beaches, pulsing nightclubs, globe-spanning restaurants, and world-class museums. Once you set foot in this city, you may never want to leave.
French and Dutch have lived side by side on St. Maarten/St. Martin for hundreds of years—with no border patrols or customs between them. The French side has a more genteel ambience, more fashionable shopping, and a Continental flair. The Dutch tends to be less expensive, has casino hotels, and more nightlife. Water sports abound all over—diving, snorkeling, sailing, and windsurfing are all top draws. And it’s easy to while away the day relaxing on one of the 37 beaches, strolling the boardwalk of Dutch-side Philipsburg, and exploring the very French town of Marigot. Although luck is an important commodity at St. Maarten’s 13 casinos, chance plays no part in finding a good meal at the island’s excellent eateries. The best way to explore St. Maarten/St. Martin is by car. Though often congested, especially around Philipsburg and Marigot, the roads are fairly good, though narrow and winding, with some speed bumps, potholes, roundabouts, and an occasional wandering goat herd. Few roads are marked with their names, but destination signs are common. Besides, the island is so small that it’s hard to get really lost—at least that is what locals tell you. If you’re spending a few days, get to know the area with a scenic “loop” around the island. Be sure to pack a towel and some water shoes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock. Head up the east shoreline from Philipsburg, and follow the signs to Dawn Beach and Oyster Pond. The road winds past soaring hills, turquoise waters, quaint West Indian houses, and wonderful views of St. Barth. As you cross over to the French side, turn into Le Galion for a stop at the calm sheltered beach, the stables, the butterflies, or the windsurfing school, then keep following the road toward Orient Bay, the St-Tropez of the Caribbean. Continue to Anse Marcel, Grand Case, Marigot, and Sandy Ground. From Marigot, the flat island of Anguilla is visible. Completing the loop brings you past Cupecoy Beach, through Maho and Simpson Bay, where Saba looms in the horizon, and back over the mountain road into Philipsburg.
The largest of the Windward Islands, Martinique is 4,261 mi (6,817 km) from Paris, but its spirit and language are decidedly French, with more than a soupçon of West Indian spice. Tangible, edible evidence of the fact is the island’s cuisine, a superb blend of French and creole. Martinique is lushly landscaped with tropical flowers. Trees bend under the weight of fruits such as mangoes, papayas, lemons, limes, and bright-red West Indian cherries. Acres of banana plantations, pineapple fields, and waving sugarcane stretch to the horizon. The towering mountains and verdant rain forest in the north lure hikers, while underwater sights and sunken treasures attract snorkelers and scuba divers. Martinique is also wonderful if your idea of exercise is turning over every 10 minutes to get an even tan and your taste in adventure runs to duty-free shopping. A popular cruise-ship excursion goes to St-Pierre, which was buried by ash when Mont Pelée erupted in 1902.
Located beside the island’s only natural harbour, the capital of Barbados combines modern and colonial architecture with glorious palm tree-lined beaches and a number of historical attractions. Experience the relaxed culture of the city renowned for its British-style parliament buildings and vibrant beach life, and seek out the Anglican church and the 19th-century Barbados Garrison. The distance between the ship and your tour vehicle may vary. This distance is not included in the excursion grades.
Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, cocoa those heady aromas fill the air in Grenada (pronounced gruh-nay-da). Only 21 miles (33½ km) long and 12 miles (19½ km) wide, the Isle of Spice is a tropical gem of lush rain forests, white-sand beaches, secluded coves, exotic flowers, and enough locally grown spices to fill anyone’s kitchen cabinet. St. George’s is one of the most picturesque capital cities in the Caribbean, St. George’s Harbour is one of the most picturesque harbors, and Grenada’s Grand Anse Beach is one of the region’s finest beaches. The island has friendly, hospitable people and enough good shopping, restaurants, historic sites, and natural wonders to make it a popular port of call. About one-third of Grenada’s visitors arrive by cruise ship, and that number continues to grow each year. Grenada’s capital is a bustling West Indian city, much of which remains unchanged from colonial days. Narrow streets lined with shops wind up, down, and across steep hills. Brick warehouses cling to the waterfront, and pastel-painted homes rise from the waterfront and disappear into steep green hills. The horseshoe-shaped St. George’s Harbour, a submerged volcanic crater, is arguably the prettiest harbor in the Caribbean. Schooners, ferries, and tour boats tie up along the seawall or at the small dinghy dock. The Carenage (pronounced car-a-nahzh), which surrounds the harbor, is the capital’s center. Warehouses, shops, and restaurants line the waterfront. The Christ of the Deep statue that sits on the pedestrian plaza at the center of The Carenage was presented to Grenada by Costa Cruise Line in remembrance of its ship, Bianca C, which burned and sank in the harbor in 1961 and is now a favorite dive site. An engineering feat for its time, the 340-foot-long Sendall Tunnel was built in 1895 and named for Walter Sendall, an early governor. The narrow tunnel, used by both pedestrians and vehicles, separates the harbor side of St. George’s from the Esplanade on the bay side of town, where you can find the markets (produce, meat, and fish), the Cruise Ship Terminal, the Esplanade Mall, and the public bus station.
Dutch settlers came here in the 1630s, about the same time they sailed through the Verazzano Narrows to Manhattan, bringing with them original red-tile roofs, first used on the trade ships as ballast and later incorporated into the architecture of Willemstad. Much of the original colonial structures remain, but this historic city is constantly reinventing itself and the government monument foundation is always busy restoring buildings in one urban neighborhood or another. The salty air causes what is called “wall cancer” which causes the ancient abodes to continually crumble over time. The city is cut in two by Santa Anna Bay. On one side is Punda (the point)—crammed with shops, restaurants, monuments, and markets and a new museum retracing its colorful history. And on the other side is Otrobanda (literally meaning the “other side”), with lots of narrow, winding streets and alleyways (called “steekjes” in Dutch), full of private homes notable for their picturesque gables and Dutch-influenced designs. In recent years the ongoing regeneration of Otrobanda has been apparent, marked by a surge in development of new hotels, restaurants, and shops; the rebirth, concentrated near the waterfront, was spearheaded by the creation of the elaborate Kura Hulanda complex.There are three ways to cross the bay: by car over the Juliana Bridge; by foot over the Queen Emma pontoon bridge (locally called “The Swinging Old Lady”); or by free ferry, which runs when the pontoon bridge is swung open for passing ships. All the major hotels outside town offer free shuttle service to town once or twice daily. Shuttles coming from the Otrobanda side leave you at Riffort. From here it’s a short walk north to the foot of the pontoon bridge. Shuttles coming from the Punda side leave you near the main entrance to Ft. Amsterdam.
Aruba’s capital is easily explored on foot. Its palm-lined central thoroughfare runs between old and new pastel-painted buildings of typical Dutch design (Spanish influence is also evident in some of the architecture). There are a lot of malls with boutiques and shops—the Renaissance mall carries high-end luxury items and designer fashions. A massive renovation in downtown has given Main Street (a.k.a. Caya G. F. Betico Croes) behind the Renaissance Resort a whole new lease on life: boutique malls, shops, and restaurants have opened next to well-loved family-run businesses. The pedestrian-only walkway and resting areas have unclogged the street, and the new eco-trolley is free and a great way to get around. At this writing, Linear Park was well and will showcase local merchants and artists. There will be activities along a boardwalk that will eventually run all the way to the end of Palm Beach, making it the longest of its kind in the Caribbean.
Cartagena’s magnificent city walls and fortresses, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, enclose a well-restored historic center (the Cuidad Amurallada, or walled city) with plazas, churches, museums, and shops that have made it a lively coastal vacation spot for South Americans and others. New hotels and restaurants make the walled city a desirable place to stay, and the formerly down-at-the-heels Getsemaní neighborhood attracts those seeking a bohemian buzz. The historic center is a small section of Cartagena; many hotels are in the Bocagrande district, an elongated peninsula where high-rise hotels overlook a long, gray-sand beach.When it was founded in 1533 by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Heredia, Cartagena was the only port on the South American mainland. Gold and silver looted from indigenous peoples passed through here en route to Spain and attracted pirates, including Sir Francis Drake, who in 1586 torched 200 buildings. Cartagena’s walls protected the city’s riches as well as the New World’s most important African slave market.
Cartagena’s magnificent city walls and fortresses, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, enclose a well-restored historic center (the Cuidad Amurallada, or walled city) with plazas, churches, museums, and shops that have made it a lively coastal vacation spot for South Americans and others. New hotels and restaurants make the walled city a desirable place to stay, and the formerly down-at-the-heels Getsemaní neighborhood attracts those seeking a bohemian buzz. The historic center is a small section of Cartagena; many hotels are in the Bocagrande district, an elongated peninsula where high-rise hotels overlook a long, gray-sand beach.When it was founded in 1533 by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Heredia, Cartagena was the only port on the South American mainland. Gold and silver looted from indigenous peoples passed through here en route to Spain and attracted pirates, including Sir Francis Drake, who in 1586 torched 200 buildings. Cartagena’s walls protected the city’s riches as well as the New World’s most important African slave market.
Samaná (pronounced sah-mah-NAH) is a dramatically beautiful peninsula, like an island unto itself, of coconut trees stretching into the sea. It’s something of a microcosm of the Dominican Republic: here you’ll see poverty and fancy resorts, brand-new highways as well as bad roads, verdant mountainsides, tropical forests, tiny villages lined with street-side fruit vendors, secluded beaches, and the radiant warmth of the Dominican people. Samaná is the name of both the peninsula and its biggest town, as well as the bay to the south. It’s worth noting that to locals, Samaná denotes only the largest town, Santa Bárbara de Samaná, which makes a great departure point for whale-watching or an excursion to Los Haitises Park across the bay. The bay is home to some of the world’s best whale-watching from mid-January to late March. It is now the site of Puerto Bahia Marina and Residences and the Bannister Hotel, contemporary, luxurious yet moderately priced. This complex has brought an entirely new level of tourism to this area, and given yachts a full-service facility in what has always been a desirable cruising destination.A visit here is really about two things: exploring the preserved natural wonders and relaxing at a small beachfront hotel. The latter is most readily accomplished in Las Terrenas, the only true tourist center, where you can find picturesque restaurants, accommodations of all types (including the new oceanfront Sublime Samaná and the luxury condo-hotel, Balcones del Atlantico), and great beaches. At Las Terrenas you can enjoy peaceful playas, take advantage of the vibrant nightlife, and make all your plans for expeditions on the peninsula. The other pleasures are solitary—quiet beaches, the massive national park Los Haitises, and water sports and hiking. A relatively new toll road connects Santo Domingo to the peninsula; it’s about a 2- to 2½-hour drive. Small El Catey International Airport is near Las Terrenas and is now being served by twice-weekly JetBlue flights (Wednesday and Saturday). On the Dominican Republic’s Samaná Peninsula, the green mountains teem with coconut trees and dramatic vistas of the ocean. The area is full of hidden beaches reachable only on foot or by sea, protected coves, and undeveloped bays. A visit to Samaná is really about two things: exploring its preserved natural wonders and relaxing on the beach. There are a number of all-inclusive resorts where you can hang your hat, quaint and low-key beachfront hotels, as well as new world-class properties, where you can find complete relaxation and tranquillity.
Just 7 miles (11 km) long and a little more than 1 mile (1½ km) wide, this island, the capital and seat of the Turks and Caicos government, has been a longtime favorite destination for divers eager to explore the 7,000-foot-deep pristine coral walls that drop down only 300 yards out to sea. On shore, the tiny, quiet island is home to white-sand beaches, the National Museum, and a small population of wild horses and donkeys, which leisurely meander past the white-walled courtyards, pretty churches, and bougainvillea-covered colonial inns on their daily commute into town. But things aren’t entirely sleepy: a cruise-ship complex at the southern end of the island brings about 600,000 visitors per year. That said, the dock is self-contained and is about 3 miles (5 km) from the tranquil, small hotels of Cockburn Town, Pillory Beach, and the Ridge and far from most of the western-shore dive sites. Pristine beaches with vistas of turquoise waters, small local settlements, historic ruins, and native flora and fauna are among the sights on Grand Turk. Fewer than 4,000 people live on this 7½-square-mile (19-square-km) island, and it’s hard to get lost, as there aren’t many roads.
Freeport is the tourist centre on Grand Bahama Island. With surroundings filled with beautiful sights and opportunities for exciting activities, Freeport should have something of interest for most visitors. Most notable attractions of the area include the Garden of the Groves, a 12-acre botanical garden, and Port Lacuya Marketplace.
Like many southeast Florida neighbors, Fort Lauderdale has long been revitalizing. In a state where gaudy tourist zones often stand aloof from workaday downtowns, Fort Lauderdale exhibits consistency at both ends of the 2-mile Las Olas corridor. The sparkling look results from upgrades both downtown and on the beachfront. Matching the downtown’s innovative arts district, cafés, and boutiques is an equally inventive beach area, with hotels, cafés, and shops facing an undeveloped shoreline, and new resort-style hotels replacing faded icons of yesteryear. Despite wariness of pretentious overdevelopment, city leaders have allowed a striking number of glittering high-rises. Nostalgic locals and frequent visitors fret over the diminishing vision of sailboats bobbing in waters near downtown; however, Fort Lauderdale remains the yachting capital of the world, and the water toys don’t seem to be going anywhere.
Our largest suite, with expansive living areas, a private veranda, sumptuous finishings and attentive butler service.
24 hour in-suite dining
Redesigned in 2023, this large suite includes spacious rooms with separate dining and living areas, looking onto a private veranda, and accompanied by attentive butler service. Includes complimentary laundry.
Spacious suite, with living area, elegant finishings and private veranda, accompanied by attentive butler service. Sapphire suites are available to book in new and classic design. Includes complimentary laundry.
Suite offering comfortable living area, private veranda and perfect for grand yet intimate moments, accompanied by attentive butler service. Aquamarine suites are available to book in new and classic design.
Contemporary classic bedroom redesigned in 2023, with butler service and comfortable seating constellations opening onto a private veranda.
Contemporary classic bedroom redesigned in 2023, with butler service and impressive windows onto ocean views.
Cozy bedroom redesigned in 2023, with welcoming and comfortable detailing, butler service and ocean views.
The main dining room, features open seating as well as tables for two and four guests. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No reservations are required.
Created by legendary Master Chef Nobuyki (Nobu) Matusuhisa, Umi Uma is an innovative Japanese-Peruvian restaurant inspired by the rich culture of Japanese cuisine and Peruvian ingredients. Reservations required and limited per sailing
All inclusive – however its one complimentary reservation in each specialty restaurant (Umi Uma and Osteria) is included on sailings of 11 days or less, two reservations on sailings between 12 and 22 days, three reservations on sailings 23 days or more, and unlimited reservations for all full World Cruise guests”. However guests can pay to dine outside of their allowance at £50 pp which is great value for these 2 specialist restaurants
The most exciting flavors from the global street-food scene – Beef, Reef and Leaf – are fashioned from the freshest ingredients by creative chefs and served for sharing in stylish surroundings.
Beefbar’s curated menu features prime cuts from renowned regions, including Wagyu from Australia, Black Angus from the United States and and the flavorful Kobe beef from Japan. Each cut is meticulously chosen for its quality and flavor profile, ensuring a unique dining experience for every meat lover. Join us at sea to savor the finest beef, prepared with expert craftsmanship and served the Beefbar way, onboard Crystal’s ships.
Open for lunch & dinner (reservations required in the evening), everyday
Our pool restaurant featuring favorite classics such as Burgers, melts, salads and quick snacks for an indulgent poolside snack.
Fine Italian cuisine, featuring original menus and dishes created by talented Crystal chefs. Reservations required and limited per sailing.
All inclusive – however its one complimentary reservation in each specialty restaurant (Umi Uma and Osteria) is included on sailings of 11 days or less, two reservations on sailings between 12 and 22 days, three reservations on sailings 23 days or more, and unlimited reservations for all full World Cruise guests”. However guests can pay to dine outside of their allowance at £50 pp which is great value for these 2 specialist restaurants
Parisian-inspired café and coffee bar with light snacks such as fresh pastries, bagels and fruit in the morning and a selection of international cheeses, pâtés, prosciutto, smoked salmon and dessert delicacies through late afternoon.
The Vintage Room offers guided pairings and dinners highlighting the vast selection of wines in the ship’s onboard cellar. This intimate, innovative concept offers guests an education in fine wine and cuisine, allowing them to gain privileged insights into the art of enology. In addition to daytime tastings and discussions, guests may enjoy a variety of private wine-themed lunches and dinners by special arrangement with the Head Sommelier.
A sumptuous ice cream bar featuring fresh toppings and homemade cookies, with frozen yoghurt accompanying classics from Ben & Jerry’s.
Buffet style dining wrapped in floor to ceiling windows and a chic open air dining area. This venue offers breakfast and lunch with a variety of choices from appetizers to desserts. Itinerary driven food selections keep the menu’s fresh, while carving stations and individual a la minute cooking add a dynamic element. Open seating.
Dine in the comfort of your own suite, 24 hours a day. Savor the extensive selection of delicious dishes from Waterside’s menu. Guests staying in the Crystal Penthouse can also enjoy in-suite dining from our specialty restaurants, during opening hours.Service includes afternoon snacks and our Connoisseur Caviar Menu, for a epicurean treat (for an additional charge).
More information coming soon.
Visit the Shore Excursions desk to learn about our unique on shore experiences. Each experience is created in partnership with our sister company, A&K Travel.
Bridging shoreside discovery with onboard elegance — the lauded Crystal experience was voted #1 in Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards, and the very best for food, service, nightlife and romance in Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best Awards — both Crystal Symphony and Crystal Serenity will offer extended seasons throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. Crystal Symphony will spend the entire year sailing abroad, exploring places from Vietnam, Cambodia, and India to destinations including Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE and Egypt. Crystal Serenity will also navigate the shores of North America, with routes revealing treasures from Canada to the Caribbean.
Enjoy lectures and enriching experiences in this intimate classroom setting.
Le Casino de Monte-Carlo is offering a new and unique experience onboard. Place your bets on table games with the unique savoir-faire of Monaco’s world-famous casino or get excited to a dynamic range of slots to hit the jackpot. An ultimate way to embrace the thrill of the game in an elegant atmosphere adorned in the hues of the historical building.
An ideal refreshment stop any time of the day, and the perfect place to meet friends for a pre-dinner cocktail. Enjoy a variety of musical styles as the day turns into night.
A well-stocked library containing over 2,000 books on a range of subjects from classics to popular biographies, history to contemporary mysteries. Plus enjoy an ample selection of magazines and board games perfect for poolside reading
Featuring large sky lights, floor-to-ceiling windows and a fabulous 270-degree forward view, this venue is perfect for afternoon tea, social gatherings and dancing.
Our lap pool with plenty of surrounding deck space to sunbathe, relax and read while enjoying a cool drink in the afternoon.
Heighten the experience on board with a selection of fine jewelry, watches and cruise wear available in our arcade, alongside designer apparel. Make the most of being at sea with a selection of duty free items available.
On selected evenings before and after dinner, this entertainment lounge features dancing, production spot shows, cabaret performances and other themed events. Additionally, on select nights, Stardust will open the doors for Supper Club for up to 116 guests to enjoy an evening show where they can dine and dance at the same time. Supper Club is by reservations only.
An intimate lounge for a late-night drink, dancing or a place to let loose with karaoke.
Performances are the focal point here, with appearances by fantastic Broadway-style performers and headline entertainers. Drink service provided before each show.
The ship’s sleek cinema for recent-released movies, live sport events, guest lectures and religious services.
An elegant space to indulge in the finest cigars and cognacs.
Our innovative Computer lab onboard led by a team of tech experts.
Crystal Plaza can be found on Deck 5.
Signature piano bar with an intimate ambience. The perfect setting for a cocktail before and after dinner.
The Bridge Lounge can be found on Deck 7.
The Reception can be found on Deck 5.
More information coming soon.
Our spa offers a wide range of health and beauty services for ladies and gentlemen. There is a complete sauna and steam room facilities, as well as a variety of treatments, including aromatherapy, aqua meditation, exfoliation, reflexology and Swedish massage. Treatments are by appointment only.
Our 3,000+ square-foot Fitness Center, Weight Room and Aerobics Studio feature an extensive line of professional weights and Technogym® exercise equipment, along with panoramic views. We also offer Wellness program with classes in yoga, mat pilates and spinning classes. Our ships’ full-time Fitness Director offers fitness advice and a variety of stretch and aerobic instruction.
Hit the full-sized paddle tennis and pickle ball court for a friendly game. Crystal Serenity has two courts available.
Practice your golf-game with the expert coaching of our qualified PGA golf pro (available on most cruises). TaylorMade® clubs are available from the sports director or golf pro, and for personal use in port, you can head to the concierge desk to rent a set of clubs.
Challenge a friend to a fun game of ping-pong on one of our tennis tables.
Specialized fun for junior cruisers.
Guests with limited mobility should ideally be able to navigate the ship independently. Alternatively, they may opt to travel with a companion who can provide assistance if needed.
Service animals will be permitted on select voyages. Animals that are not trained to do work or perform tasks are not considered to be service animals. Emotional support animals, which provide emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship to an individual with disabilities but are not trained to do work or perform tasks, are not considered to be service animals. Pets and other animals who are not service animals are not allowed on board.
For more details, please contact
At Crystal, we recognise that some of our guests smoke and others do not. While most areas of the ship are non-smoking, there will be designated smoking areas throughout. Please note that pipe and cigar smoking is only allowed in the Connoisseurs Club and all suites/guest rooms are non-smoking, including on the verandas.
At Crystal, we want guests to feel confident and relaxed throughout their stay, so we have compiled the following guide to the different dress codes on board. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling 1.888.617.0110 or +1.786.464.4420.
Day Casual
A less formal look allows guests to feel comfortable during the day; Day Casual attire may be worn everywhere, including our restaurants, until 18:00.
Suggestions for a Day Casual look:
NOTE: Swimwear on its own, wet swimwear, revealing clothing, bathrobes, bare feet, tank tops, baseball caps, and clothes bearing any offensive messaging are not permitted. Covered swimsuits may only be worn at Trident Grill, Tastes, and Marketplace.
Evening Resort
A step up from Day Casual, after 18:00, we ask that guests adopt the more refined Evening Resort dress code.
Suggestions for an Evening Resort look:
NOTE: Please avoid flip-flops/sliders, swimwear, and hats.
Formal Evening
On sailings over seven days, there will be at least one optional ship-wide formal night (depending on the length of the segment), which will require more formal cocktail chic attire. These special events will be defined in your personal pre-sailing guide.
Suggestions for a Formal Evening look:
*Formal evening attire should be adhered to in the specialty restaurants, during a captain or officer dinner, and during a recognition dinner
As always, dress for the climate and conditions of any destination we visit.
Our restaurants are complimentary, except for The Vintage Room. For our specialty restaurants, Umi Uma by Nobu Matsuhisa Restaurant and Sushi Bar and Osteria d’Ovidio, guests will be allotted one complimentary reservation for two people per voyage of up to 11 days (more than one for more extended stays – see below). In addition, guests staying in Crystal Penthouse or Junior Crystal Penthouse Suites can enjoy unlimited free visits.
• Beverages including select fine wines, champagne, premium spirits, and all nonalcoholic beverages such as bottled water, soft drinks, and specialty coffees
• Gratuities for housekeeping, dining, and bar staff
• One complimentary reservation to Osteria d’ Ovidio and one complimentary reservation to our second Asian specialty restaurant (not yet announced)
• Butler service in all suites and guest rooms
• Wi-Fi/Internet access in-room and throughout the ship, signal permitting
Dry cleaning will be included in select suite categories and detailed on your itinerary.
An expansive, complimentary in-suite dining menu will be available. Select suite categories will also be able to order from specialty dining venues via their butler.
If you are dependent on oxygen or require oxygen therapy, you must supply your own oxygen.
The following devices are permitted on board:
The official language spoken on board is English. All officers, staff, and crew as well as local guides and regional specialists speak fluent English. All announcements and lectures will be presented in English.
In most cases, we can accommodate special requirements. Please provide details about any allergies or food requirements to our Reservations team or your travel advisor prior to your cruise departure.
You may bring your own nonalcoholic or alcoholic drinks aboard. Please note that certain restrictions apply by country or destination.
Suites & Guest Rooms Beyond The Forward Elevators Are Subject To Alternative Pricing
Suites & Guest Rooms Beyond The Forward Elevators Are Subject To Alternative Pricing
Suites & Guest Rooms Beyond The Forward Elevators Are Subject To Alternative Pricing
Suites & Guest Rooms Beyond The Forward Elevators Are Subject To Alternative Pricing
Suites & Guest Rooms Beyond The Forward Elevators Are Subject To Alternative Pricing