The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Venice
Day 2: Venice
Day 3: Zadar
Day 4: Dubrovnik
Day 5: Dubrovnik
Day 7: Messina
Day 8: Naples
Day 9: Rome
Day 10: Naples
Day 11: Catania
Day 12: Catania
Day 13: Crotone
Day 14: Corfu
Day 15: Corfu
Day 16: Delphi
Day 17: Athens
Day 18: Delphi
Day 20: Santorini
Day 21: Bodrum
Day 22: Kusadasi
Day 23: Mykonos
Day 24: Myrina, Lemnos
Day 25: Istanbul
Day 1: Venice

Venice is a city unlike any other. No matter how often you’ve seen it in photos and films, the real thing is more dreamlike than you could imagine. With canals where streets should be, water shimmers everywhere. The fabulous palaces and churches reflect centuries of history in what was a wealthy trading center between Europe and the Orient. Getting lost in the narrow alleyways is a quintessential part of exploring Venice, but at some point you’ll almost surely end up in Piazza San Marco, where tourists and locals congregate for a coffee or an aperitif.

Day itinerary:

No other sea approach in the Adriatic raises goose bumps like Venice, a small ship exclusive where the entire city and its lagoon are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On your luxurious home-away-from home, you arrive already equipped with a sense of what it’s like to live in the city that’s neither land nor water. Add your own sigh to the Bridge of Sighs, sip a spritz al bitter as you plot your agenda, and let the water taxis do your navigating unless you don’t mind getting lost. Not such a bad prospect, with serendipitous discoveries around every corner.

Day 2: Venice

Venice is a city unlike any other. No matter how often you’ve seen it in photos and films, the real thing is more dreamlike than you could imagine. With canals where streets should be, water shimmers everywhere. The fabulous palaces and churches reflect centuries of history in what was a wealthy trading center between Europe and the Orient. Getting lost in the narrow alleyways is a quintessential part of exploring Venice, but at some point you’ll almost surely end up in Piazza San Marco, where tourists and locals congregate for a coffee or an aperitif.

Day itinerary:

No other sea approach in the Adriatic raises goose bumps like Venice, a small ship exclusive where the entire city and its lagoon are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On your luxurious home-away-from home, you arrive already equipped with a sense of what it’s like to live in the city that’s neither land nor water. Add your own sigh to the Bridge of Sighs, sip a spritz al bitter as you plot your agenda, and let the water taxis do your navigating unless you don’t mind getting lost. Not such a bad prospect, with serendipitous discoveries around every corner.

Day 3: Zadar

Dalmatia’s capital for more than 1,000 years, Zadar is all too often passed over by travelers on their way to Split or Dubrovnik. What they miss out on is a city of more than 73,000 that is remarkably lovely and lively despite—and, in some measure, because of—its tumultuous history. The Old Town, separated from the rest of the city on a peninsula some 4 km (2½ miles) long and just 1,640 feet wide, is bustling and beautiful: the marble pedestrian streets are replete with Roman ruins, medieval churches, palaces, museums, archives, and libraries. Parts of the new town are comparatively dreary, a testament to what a world war followed by decades of communism, not to mention a civil war, can do to the architecture of a city that is 3,000 years old. A settlement had already existed on the site of the present-day city for some 2,000 years when Rome finally conquered Zadar in the 1st century BC; the foundations of the forum can be seen today. Before the Romans came the Liburnians had made it a key center for trade with the Greeks and Romans for 800 years. In the 3rd century BC the Romans began to seriously pester the Liburnians, but required two centuries to bring the area under their control. During the Byzantine era, Zadar became the capital of Dalmatia, and this period saw the construction of its most famous church, the 9th-century St. Donat’s Basilica. It remained the region’s foremost city through the ensuing centuries. The city then experienced successive onslaughts and occupations—both long and short—by the Osogoths, the Croatian-Hungarian kings, the Venetians, the Turks, the Habsburgs, the French, the Habsburgs again, and finally the Italians before becoming part of Yugoslavia and, in 1991, the independent republic of Croatia. Zadar was for centuries an Italian-speaking city, and Italian is still spoken widely, especially by older people. Indeed, it was ceded to Italy in 1921 under the Treaty of Rapallo (and reverted to its Italian name of Zara). Its occupation by the Germans from 1943 led to intense bombing by the Allies during World War II, which left most of the city in ruins. Zadar became part of Tito’s Yugoslavia in 1947, prompting many Italian residents to leave. Zadar’s most recent ravages occurred during a three-month siege by Serb forces and months more of bombardment during the Croatian-Serbian war between 1991 and 1995. But you’d be hard-pressed to find outward signs of this today in what is a city to behold. There are helpful interpretive signs in English all around the Old Town, so you certainly won’t feel lost when trying to make sense of the wide variety of architectural sites you might otherwise pass by with only a cursory look.

Day itinerary:

Something here will capture your heart. A Roman amphitheater, 9th century churches, and museums packed with Byzantine-era artworks crowd the peninsula that tidily contains the Old Town. It’s a tempting way to spend the day for sure. While away the day listening to Zadar’s giant Sea Organ, a haunting musical improv performed by the surging Adriatic or share a bench with a sun-drunk cat as you bite into a truffle.

Day 4: Dubrovnik

Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of Dubrovnik. Lying 216 km (135 miles) southeast of Split and commanding a jaw-dropping coastal location, it is one of the world’s most beautiful fortified cities. Its massive stone ramparts and fortress towers curve around a tiny harbor, enclosing graduated ridges of sun-bleached orange-tiled roofs, copper domes, and elegant bell towers. Your imagination will run wild picturing what it looked like seven centuries ago when the walls were built, without any suburbs or highways around it, just this magnificent stone city rising out of the sea.In the 7th century AD, residents of the Roman city Epidaurum (now Cavtat) fled the Avars and Slavs of the north and founded a new settlement on a small rocky island, which they named Laus, and later Ragusa. On the mainland hillside opposite the island, the Slav settlement called Dubrovnik grew up. In the 12th century the narrow channel separating the two settlements was filled in (now the main street through the Old Town, called Stradun), and Ragusa and Dubrovnik became one. The city was surrounded by defensive walls during the 13th century, and these were reinforced with towers and bastions in the late 15th century.From 1358 to 1808 the city thrived as a powerful and remarkably sophisticated independent republic, reaching its golden age during the 16th century. In 1667 many of its splendid Gothic and Renaissance buildings were destroyed by an earthquake. The defensive walls survived the disaster, and the city was rebuilt in baroque style.Dubrovnik lost its independence to Napoléon in 1808, and in 1815 passed to Austria-Hungary. During the 20th century, as part of Yugoslavia, the city became a popular tourist destination, and in 1979 it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During the war for independence, it came under heavy siege. Thanks to careful restoration, few traces of damage remain; however, there are maps inside the Pile and Ploče Gates illustrating the points around the city where damage was done. It’s only when you experience Dubrovnik yourself that you can understand what a treasure the world nearly lost

Day itinerary:

While larger ships must pass by, we anchor right beyond the famous walled city so you can admire its beauty with every glance. Tender ashore and step right into Old Town, a UNESCO site where no cars are allowed, just eons of history. Capture the exhilarating views on your camera — and in your memory. End your day at the Buza Café (if you can find it) watching bold divers leap off the cliffs into the crystalline sea.

Day 5: Dubrovnik

Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of Dubrovnik. Lying 216 km (135 miles) southeast of Split and commanding a jaw-dropping coastal location, it is one of the world’s most beautiful fortified cities. Its massive stone ramparts and fortress towers curve around a tiny harbor, enclosing graduated ridges of sun-bleached orange-tiled roofs, copper domes, and elegant bell towers. Your imagination will run wild picturing what it looked like seven centuries ago when the walls were built, without any suburbs or highways around it, just this magnificent stone city rising out of the sea.In the 7th century AD, residents of the Roman city Epidaurum (now Cavtat) fled the Avars and Slavs of the north and founded a new settlement on a small rocky island, which they named Laus, and later Ragusa. On the mainland hillside opposite the island, the Slav settlement called Dubrovnik grew up. In the 12th century the narrow channel separating the two settlements was filled in (now the main street through the Old Town, called Stradun), and Ragusa and Dubrovnik became one. The city was surrounded by defensive walls during the 13th century, and these were reinforced with towers and bastions in the late 15th century.From 1358 to 1808 the city thrived as a powerful and remarkably sophisticated independent republic, reaching its golden age during the 16th century. In 1667 many of its splendid Gothic and Renaissance buildings were destroyed by an earthquake. The defensive walls survived the disaster, and the city was rebuilt in baroque style.Dubrovnik lost its independence to Napoléon in 1808, and in 1815 passed to Austria-Hungary. During the 20th century, as part of Yugoslavia, the city became a popular tourist destination, and in 1979 it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During the war for independence, it came under heavy siege. Thanks to careful restoration, few traces of damage remain; however, there are maps inside the Pile and Ploče Gates illustrating the points around the city where damage was done. It’s only when you experience Dubrovnik yourself that you can understand what a treasure the world nearly lost

Day itinerary:

While larger ships must pass by, we anchor right beyond the famous walled city so you can admire its beauty with every glance. Tender ashore and step right into Old Town, a UNESCO site where no cars are allowed, just eons of history. Capture the exhilarating views on your camera — and in your memory. End your day at the Buza Café (if you can find it) watching bold divers leap off the cliffs into the crystalline sea.

Day 7: Messina

Home to the Museo Regionale of Messina, known for featuring two of Caravaggio’s paintings, the city is also famous for having been the capital of the ancient kingdom of Sicily.

Day itinerary:

The cobblestone streets of Messina, Sicily, are the perfect launching point for an optional visit to nearby Taormina. Stroll along flower-filled streets in search of a delightful lunch or an artist’s palette of colorful gelati. The ancient Greek Theater is an ideal place to sit back and admire shimmering waters below and Mount Etna, languidly smoking in the distance.

Day 8: Naples

Naples, in the Campania region, is Italy’s third largest city. Its claim to fame is the spectacular location along one of the world’s most splendid bays, backed by the perfect cone of Mount Vesuvius. In addition to its beautiful setting, Naples’ surprises with other outstanding attractions such as the Royal Palace, San Carlos Opera House, the impressive National Archaeological Museum and the Castel Nuovo, dating from the 13th-century. The city’s central area is best explored on foot. Chaotic traffic conditions make driving around the city a very frustrating experience. Naples provides a convenient starting point for trips to such favored destinations as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius. The Isle of Capri can be reached via a 45-minute hydrofoil service. The region of Campania was home to Greeks settlers some 300 years before Rome was founded. Pompeii, too, was a Greek town before being conquered by the Romans during the 5th century BC. It was under the Romans that Pompeii flourished and grew prosperous. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the population of 20,000 was wiped out, but dozens of buildings were preserved under layers of cinder more than 20 feet deep. The most important finds from Pompeii are displayed in Naples’ National Archaeological Museum. A visit here will no doubt enhance a visit to ancient Pompeii.

Day itinerary:

Less than two hours from Rome, the port city of Naples was founded by the Greeks, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is unlike any other city in Italy. It is a busy, bustling place where mini-operettas take place on street corners, Vespas scoot across the pedestrian piazzas, the small narrow streets are hanging thick with laundry and graffiti is everywhere. But Naples is full of archaeological treasures that are among the most impressive in the world, including breathtaking frescoes and sculptures. Its beautiful palaces, castles and churches make Rome look provincial. And the food in Naples is among the best you’ll find in Italy, serving decadent pizza, pasta, coffee, and seafood dishes you’ll never forget.

Day 9: Rome

Rome, Italy, the Eternal City, is a stunning blend of ancient history and vibrant modern life. Iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, Vatican City, and the Pantheon showcase its glorious past. Cobblestone streets lead to charming piazzas, bustling markets, and world-renowned museums. Rome’s culinary scene delights with traditional Italian cuisine and lively cafes. The city’s rich culture, impressive architecture, and warm, welcoming atmosphere make it an unforgettable destination for travellers.

Day itinerary:

In this enchanting city the past and present intersect in perfect harmony. Casually intermingled among ancient ruins and majestic cathedrals are the trappings of a modern metropolis: Skyscrapers,cafes, boutiques selling designer footwear. But of course what you seek first in the heart of Rome is its breathtaking history. A good place to begin is the Vatican, with its Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Works by Bernini, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, and Raphael are just a few of those on display, any one of which is worth hours of contemplation. Then the ancient ruins—Colosseum, Forum, Circus Maximus. And of course the Trevi Fountain for the obligatory coins promising your return to the Eternal City.

Day 10: Naples

Naples, in the Campania region, is Italy’s third largest city. Its claim to fame is the spectacular location along one of the world’s most splendid bays, backed by the perfect cone of Mount Vesuvius. In addition to its beautiful setting, Naples’ surprises with other outstanding attractions such as the Royal Palace, San Carlos Opera House, the impressive National Archaeological Museum and the Castel Nuovo, dating from the 13th-century. The city’s central area is best explored on foot. Chaotic traffic conditions make driving around the city a very frustrating experience. Naples provides a convenient starting point for trips to such favored destinations as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius. The Isle of Capri can be reached via a 45-minute hydrofoil service. The region of Campania was home to Greeks settlers some 300 years before Rome was founded. Pompeii, too, was a Greek town before being conquered by the Romans during the 5th century BC. It was under the Romans that Pompeii flourished and grew prosperous. When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the population of 20,000 was wiped out, but dozens of buildings were preserved under layers of cinder more than 20 feet deep. The most important finds from Pompeii are displayed in Naples’ National Archaeological Museum. A visit here will no doubt enhance a visit to ancient Pompeii.

Day itinerary:

Less than two hours from Rome, the port city of Naples was founded by the Greeks, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is unlike any other city in Italy. It is a busy, bustling place where mini-operettas take place on street corners, Vespas scoot across the pedestrian piazzas, the small narrow streets are hanging thick with laundry and graffiti is everywhere. But Naples is full of archaeological treasures that are among the most impressive in the world, including breathtaking frescoes and sculptures. Its beautiful palaces, castles and churches make Rome look provincial. And the food in Naples is among the best you’ll find in Italy, serving decadent pizza, pasta, coffee, and seafood dishes you’ll never forget.

Day 11: Catania

Catania is an ancient port city on Sicily’s east coast. It sits at the foot of Mt. Etna, an active volcano with trails leading up to the summit. The city’s wide central square, Piazza del Duomo, features the whimsical Fontana dell’Elefante statue and richly decorated Catania Cathedral. In the southwest corner of the square, La Pescheria weekday fish market is a rowdy spectacle surrounded by seafood restaurants.

Day itinerary:

In this fascinating city nestled at the foot of Mount Etna you’ll find a thriving downtown that is not only the active city center, but a historic UNESCO World Heritage Site, combining the best of ancient and modern city style. Your options are as wide as your imagination. Explore the temperamental volcano that has reshaped the city many times, visit the beautiful setting of Taormina where stunning views and beautiful antiquities vie for your attention or the UNESCO site of Tantalica. If you prefer, explore the ancient city of Syracuse, called by Cicero himself “the most beautiful of all,” and another UNESCO site.

Day 12: Catania

Catania is an ancient port city on Sicily’s east coast. It sits at the foot of Mt. Etna, an active volcano with trails leading up to the summit. The city’s wide central square, Piazza del Duomo, features the whimsical Fontana dell’Elefante statue and richly decorated Catania Cathedral. In the southwest corner of the square, La Pescheria weekday fish market is a rowdy spectacle surrounded by seafood restaurants.

Day itinerary:

In this fascinating city nestled at the foot of Mount Etna you’ll find a thriving downtown that is not only the active city center, but a historic UNESCO World Heritage Site, combining the best of ancient and modern city style. Your options are as wide as your imagination. Explore the temperamental volcano that has reshaped the city many times, visit the beautiful setting of Taormina where stunning views and beautiful antiquities vie for your attention or the UNESCO site of Tantalica. If you prefer, explore the ancient city of Syracuse, called by Cicero himself “the most beautiful of all,” and another UNESCO site.

Day 13: Crotone

Day itinerary:

Crotone is a vibrant city located in the Calabria region of southern Italy, nestled along the Ionian Sea. Steeped in history, Crotone has ancient origins dating back to Magna Graecia. This coastal city is renowned for its captivating blend of archaeological treasures and natural beauty. Visitors can explore historical sites such as the Temple of Hera Lacinia, an ancient Greek structure dedicated to the goddess Hera, and the Castle of Charles V, a medieval fortress offering panoramic views of the city and the sea.

Day 14: Corfu

Corfu town today is a vivid tapestry of cultures—a sophisticated weave, where charm, history, and natural beauty blend. Located about midway along the island’s east coast, this spectacularly lively capital is the cultural heart of Corfu and has a remarkable historic center that UNESCO designated as a World Heritage Site in 2007. All ships and planes dock or land near Corfu town, which occupies a small peninsula jutting into the Ionian Sea.Whether arriving by ferry from mainland Greece or Italy, from another island, or directly by plane, catch your breath by first relaxing with a coffee or a gelato in Corfu town’s shaded Liston Arcade, then stroll the narrow lanes of its pedestrians-only quarter. For an overview of the immediate area, and a quick tour of Mon Repos palace, hop on the little tourist train that runs from May to September. Corfu town has a different feel at night, so book a table at one of its famed tavernas to savor the island’s unique cuisine.The best way to get around Corfu town is on foot. The town is small enough so that you can easily walk to every sight. There are local buses, but they do not thread their way into the streets (many now car-free) of the historic center. If you are arriving by ferry or plane, it’s best to take a taxi to your hotel. Expect to pay about €10 from the airport or ferry terminal to a hotel in Corfu town. If there are no taxis waiting, you can call for one.

Day itinerary:

One of the most beautiful and popular islands, located on the Ionian Sea, Corfu has wonderful beaches and small villages throughout the island. Take in the Venetian influence at the two fortresses located in Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 15: Corfu

Corfu town today is a vivid tapestry of cultures—a sophisticated weave, where charm, history, and natural beauty blend. Located about midway along the island’s east coast, this spectacularly lively capital is the cultural heart of Corfu and has a remarkable historic center that UNESCO designated as a World Heritage Site in 2007. All ships and planes dock or land near Corfu town, which occupies a small peninsula jutting into the Ionian Sea.Whether arriving by ferry from mainland Greece or Italy, from another island, or directly by plane, catch your breath by first relaxing with a coffee or a gelato in Corfu town’s shaded Liston Arcade, then stroll the narrow lanes of its pedestrians-only quarter. For an overview of the immediate area, and a quick tour of Mon Repos palace, hop on the little tourist train that runs from May to September. Corfu town has a different feel at night, so book a table at one of its famed tavernas to savor the island’s unique cuisine.The best way to get around Corfu town is on foot. The town is small enough so that you can easily walk to every sight. There are local buses, but they do not thread their way into the streets (many now car-free) of the historic center. If you are arriving by ferry or plane, it’s best to take a taxi to your hotel. Expect to pay about €10 from the airport or ferry terminal to a hotel in Corfu town. If there are no taxis waiting, you can call for one.

Day itinerary:

One of the most beautiful and popular islands, located on the Ionian Sea, Corfu has wonderful beaches and small villages throughout the island. Take in the Venetian influence at the two fortresses located in Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 16: Delphi

Day itinerary:

Before there were fortune cookies there was the oracle of Delphi, dating back to 1400 B.C. The oracle gave cryptic guidance to the leaders of the day and was so highly respected that Delphi, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, became known as the center of the world. An optional tour lets you go exploring, from the Temple of Apollo to the Delphi Archaeological Museum, which contains some of the finest works of art in Greece.

Day 17: Athens

Day itinerary:

With 3,000 years of history, you can’t turn around in Athens without encountering the past. The Acropolis, a UNESCO site, the Plaka, and the Acropolis Museum are must-sees. But leave time if you can to climb Pnyx Hill for photos of the Parthenon at sunset, to buy your own set of Greek komboloi (worry beads), and to explore the metro stations that serve as mini-museums for the relics that are constantly being unearthed.

Day 18: Delphi

Day itinerary:

Before there were fortune cookies there was the oracle of Delphi, dating back to 1400 B.C. The oracle gave cryptic guidance to the leaders of the day and was so highly respected that Delphi, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, became known as the center of the world. An optional tour lets you go exploring, from the Temple of Apollo to the Delphi Archaeological Museum, which contains some of the finest works of art in Greece.

Day 20: Santorini

Undoubtedly the most extraordinary island in the Aegean, crescent-shape Santorini remains a mandatory stop on the Cycladic tourist route—even if it’s necessary to enjoy the sensational sunsets from Ia, the fascinating excavations, and the dazzling white towns with a million other travelers. Called Kállisti (the “Loveliest”) when first settled, the island has now reverted to its subsequent name of Thira, after the 9th-century-BC Dorian colonizer Thiras. The place is better known, however, these days as Santorini, a name derived from its patroness, St. Irene of Thessaloniki, the Byzantine empress who restored icons to Orthodoxy and died in 802. You can fly conveniently to Santorini, but to enjoy a true Santorini rite of passage, opt instead for the boat trip here, which provides a spectacular introduction. After the boat sails between Sikinos and Ios, your deck-side perch approaches two close islands with a passage between them. The bigger one on the left is Santorini, and the smaller on the right is Thirassia. Passing between them, you see the village of Ia adorning Santorini’s northernmost cliff like a white geometric beehive. You are in the caldera (volcanic crater), one of the world’s truly breathtaking sights: a demilune of cliffs rising 1,100 feet, with the white clusters of the towns of Fira and Ia perched along the top. The bay, once the high center of the island, is 1,300 feet in some places, so deep that when boats dock in Santorini’s shabby little port of Athinios, they do not drop anchor. The encircling cliffs are the ancient rim of a still-active volcano, and you are sailing east across its flooded caldera. On your right are the Burnt isles, the White isle, and other volcanic remnants, all lined up as if some outsize display in a geology museum. Hephaestus’s subterranean fires smolder still—the volcano erupted in 198 BC, about 735, and there was an earthquake in 1956. Indeed, Santorini and its four neighboring islets are the fragmentary remains of a larger landmass that exploded about 1600 BC: the volcano’s core blew sky high, and the sea rushed into the abyss to create the great bay, which measures 10 km by 7 km (6 mi by 4½ mi) and is 1,292 feet deep. The other pieces of the rim, which broke off in later eruptions, are Thirassia, where a few hundred people live, and deserted little Aspronissi (“White isle”). In the center of the bay, black and uninhabited, two cones, the Burnt Isles of Palea Kameni and Nea Kameni, appeared between 1573 and 1925. There has been too much speculation about the identification of Santorini with the mythical Atlantis, mentioned in Egyptian papyri and by Plato (who says it’s in the Atlantic), but myths are hard to pin down. This is not true of old arguments about whether tidal waves from Santorini’s cataclysmic explosion destroyed Minoan civilization on Crete, 113 km (70 mi) away. The latest carbon-dating evidence, which points to a few years before 1600 BC for the eruption, clearly indicates that the Minoans outlasted the eruption by a couple of hundred years, but most probably in a weakened state. In fact, the island still endures hardships: since antiquity, Santorini has depended on rain collected in cisterns for drinking and irrigating—the well water is often brackish—and the serious shortage is alleviated by the importation of water. However, the volcanic soil also yields riches: small, intense tomatoes with tough skins used for tomato paste (good restaurants here serve them); the famous Santorini fava beans, which have a light, fresh taste; barley; wheat; and white-skin eggplants.

Day itinerary:

As our yacht approaches the spectacular cliffs rising from the deep azure sea, you’ll understand the magic of this area, where some say the ruins of Atlantis remain hidden. Visit the village of Oia and see the iconic Santorini blue domes or take a guided tour of Bronze Age excavations at the UNESCO site of Akrotiri. Toast the day with a crisp, cold glass of local Assyrtiko wine and appreciate the magic accessible to small ships like ours.

Day 21: Bodrum

Day itinerary:

The 15th century Castle of St. Peter, built by the Crusaders, presides over the city’s dual harbors. Colorful peacocks strut their stuff trying to claim your attention, but they have nothing on the white sugar cube houses, palm-lined boulevards, and shockingly blue Aegean below. For a picture-perfect seaside playground, Bodrum offers a surprisingly rich history, or maybe it’s the other way around. Visit the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Surrender to the captivating magic of bathtub-warm waters and the Marina. Shop the bazaar for Milas cloth scarves and silver jewelry. Stroll the marina to see the other private yachts in port. (None as grand as yours, of course.)

Day 22: Kusadasi

Whilst the busy resort town of Kusadasi offers much in the way of shopping and dining – not to mention a flourishing beach life scene, the real jewel here is Ephesus and the stunning ruined city that really take centre stage. With only 20% of the classical ruins having been excavated, this archaeological wonder has already gained the status as Europe’s most complete classical metropolis. And a metropolis it really is; built in the 10th century BC this UNESCO World Heritage site is nothing short of spectacular. Although regrettably very little remains of the Temple of Artemis (one of the seven wonders of the ancient world), the superb Library of Celsus’ façade is practically intact and it is one of life’s great joys to attend an evening performance in the illuminated ruins once all the tourists have left. The history of the city is fascinating and multi-layered and it is well worth reading up on this beforehand if a visit is planned. Another point of interest for historians would be the house of the Virgin Mary, located on the romantically named Mount Nightingale and just nine kilometres away from Ephesus proper. Legend has it that Mary (along with St. John) spent her final years here, secluded from the rest of the population, spreading Christianity. An edifying experience, even for non-believers. For the less historical minded amongst you, Kusadasi offers plenty in the way of activities. After a stroll through the town, jump in a taxi to Ladies’ Beach (men are allowed), sample a Turkish kebap on one of the many beachfront restaurants and enjoy the clement weather. If you do want to venture further afield, then the crystal clear beaches of Guzelcamli (or the Millipark), the cave of Zeus and the white scalloped natural pools at Pamukkale, known as Cleopatra’s pools, are definitely worth a visit.

Day itinerary:

Few places offer such a rich combination of history and scenic beauty. In Ephesus, one of the greatest outdoor museums in the world, you’ll explore legendary sites steeped in history. Also visit the houses of Bulbul Mountain, where the roof of one forms the terrace of the next. This evening we present our Destination Discovery Event — dinner in the moonlight and a concert near the Celsus Library or on Harbour Street in ancient Ephesus.

Day 23: Mykonos

Although the fishing boats still go out in good weather, Mykonos largely makes its living from tourism these days. The summer crowds have turned one of the poorest islands in Greece into one of the richest. Old Mykonians complain that their young, who have inherited stores where their grandfathers once sold eggs or wine, get so much rent that they have lost ambition, and in summer sit around pool bars at night with their friends, and hang out in Athens in winter when island life is less scintillating. Put firmly on the map by Jackie O in the 1960s, Mykonos town—called Hora by the locals—remains the Saint-Tropez of the Greek islands. The scenery is memorable, with its whitewashed streets, Little Venice, the Kato Myli ridge of windmills, and Kastro, the town’s medieval quarter. Its cubical two- or three-story houses and churches, with their red or blue doors and domes and wooden balconies, have been long celebrated as some of the best examples of classic Cycladic architecture. Luckily, the Greek Archaeological Service decided to preserve the town, even when the Mykonians would have preferred to rebuild, and so the Old Town has been impressively preserved. Pink oleander, scarlet hibiscus, and trailing green pepper trees form a contrast amid the dazzling whiteness, whose frequent renewal with whitewash is required by law. Any visitor who has the pleasure of getting lost in its narrow streets (made all the narrower by the many outdoor stone staircases, which maximize housing space in the crowded village) will appreciate how its confusing layout was designed to foil pirates—if it was designed at all. After Mykonos fell under Turkish rule in 1537, the Ottomans allowed the islanders to arm their vessels against pirates, which had a contradictory effect: many of them found that raiding other islands was more profitable than tilling arid land. At the height of Aegean piracy, Mykonos was the principal headquarters of the corsair fleets—the place where pirates met their fellows, found willing women, and filled out their crews. Eventually the illicit activity evolved into a legitimate and thriving trade network. Morning on Mykonos town’s main quay is busy with deliveries, visitors for the Delos boats, lazy breakfasters, and street cleaners dealing with the previous night’s mess. In late morning the cruise-boat people arrive, and the shops are all open. In early afternoon, shaded outdoor tavernas are full of diners eating salads (Mykonos’s produce is mostly imported); music is absent or kept low. In mid- and late afternoon, the town feels sleepy, since so many people are at the beach, on excursions, or sleeping in their air-conditioned rooms; even some tourist shops close for siesta. By sunset, people have come back from the beach, having taken their showers and rested. At night, the atmosphere in Mykonos ramps up. The cruise-boat people are mostly gone, coughing three-wheelers make no deliveries in the narrow streets, and everyone is dressed sexy for summer and starting to shimmy with the scene. Many shops stay open past midnight, the restaurants fill up, and the bars and discos make ice cubes as fast as they can. Ready to dive in? Begin your tour of Mykonos town (Hora) by starting out at its heart: Mando Mavrogenous Square.

Day itinerary:

Wake this morning to the postcard-like scene of Mykonos, the classic Greek isle dotted with hundreds of whitewashed churches and thatch-roofed windmills, in a harbor bobbing with fishing boats and luxurious private yachts. An optional tour including a scenic ferry ride takes you back to the 6th century B.C. to the tiny island of Delos, a UNESCO site and the mythical birthplace of Apollo.

Day 24: Myrina, Lemnos

Day itinerary:

Limnos is a delightful, off the beaten path island with wild mountainous geology and large, uncrowded, sandy beaches all along the coastline. Windsurfing is becoming increasingly popular here. Sites to see here include the Medieval Castle of Myrina, Ancient Poliochni, Ancient Kavirio and the legendary cave of Philocetes.

Day 25: Istanbul

The only city in the world that can lay claim to straddling two continents, Istanbul—once known as Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine and then the Ottoman Empire—has for centuries been a bustling metropolis with one foot in Europe and the other in Asia. Istanbul embraces this enviable position with both a certain chaos and inventiveness, ever evolving as one of the world’s most cosmopolitan crossroads. It’s often said that Istanbul is the meeting point of East and West, but visitors to this city built over the former capital of two great empires are likely to be just as impressed by the juxtaposition of old and new. Office towers creep up behind historic palaces, women in chic designer outfits pass others wearing long skirts and head coverings, peddlers’ pushcarts vie with battered old Fiats and shiny BMWs for dominance of the noisy, narrow streets, and the Grand Bazaar competes with modern shopping malls. At dawn, when the muezzin’s call to prayer resounds from ancient minarets, there are inevitably a few hearty revelers still making their way home from nightclubs and bars. Most visitors to this sprawling city of more than 14 million will first set foot in the relatively compact Old City, where the legacy of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires can be seen in monumental works of architecture like the brilliant Aya Sofya and the beautifully proportioned mosques built by the great architect Sinan. Though it would be easy to spend days, if not weeks, exploring the wealth of attractions in the historical peninsula, visitors should make sure also to venture elsewhere in order to experience the vibrancy of contemporary Istanbul. With a lively nightlife propelled by its young population and an exciting arts scene that’s increasingly on the international radar—thanks in part to its stint as the European Capital of Culture in 2010—Istanbul is truly a city that never sleeps. It’s also a place where visitors will feel welcome: Istanbul may be on the Bosphorus, but at heart it’s a Mediterranean city, whose friendly inhabitants are effusively social and eager to share what they love most about it.

Day itinerary:

Ah, Constantinople, Queen of Cities and the Door to Happiness. Istanbul is the only city in the world built on two continents—Europe and Asia—and its appeal is truly universal. The Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans all ruled their empires from here, leaving behind some of their finest monuments and a fascinating blend of cultures. Visit the harem at Topkapi Palace, where the clatter of silver soles once warned concubines of the approaching sultan. Admire the Iznik tiles and stained glass windows of the Blue Mosque, and the mystical light bathing the nave of Hagia Sofia. Shop the Grand Bazaar for a coffee cezve, magic lamp, embroidered slippers, or hand-woven kilim. Temper a tiny cup of potent Turkish coffee with bites of sweet lokum (Turkish delight).

Owner's Suite Midship
Owner's Suite Forward
Star Porthole Suite
Classic Suite
Deluxe Suite
Star Balcony Suite
Star Balcony Suite 1
Balcony Suite
Balcony Suite 1
Star Ocean View Suite 1
Ocean View Suite
Ocean View Suite 1
Ocean View Suite 2
Ocean View Suite 3
Broadmoor Suite
Sea Island Suite
Owner's Suite Midship

A stunning brand new owner’s suites with 820 square feet of space featuring two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a verandah, and plenty of space in the sitting area for entertaining. This is the most sought after suite on the entire ship and once you stay here, you’ll never stay anywhere else.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Owner's Suite Forward

With 575 square feet, your Owner’s Suite offers separate living room and dining areas. A veranda, Interactive TVs, and a full master bath and separate powder room indulge you in spacious comfort.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens

  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Star Porthole Suite

These rooms represent a nod to the sailing tradition of porthole windows. And while sailors might have had cramped quarters, your 277 square foot stateroom is wonderfully spacious and furnished with all the modern amenities and comforts of home.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Classic Suite

Relax in 400 to 530 spacious square feet. Your living area offers beautiful views from the forward-facing window and French doors onto your private veranda. Two spacious closets give you plenty of room to unpack.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Deluxe Suite

Brand new Deluxe Suites welcome you with 468 square feet of casually elegant living space and an ocean viewing French balcony. All these suites feature 3rd berths, and a sleep-inducing queen bed easily converted to twins.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Star Balcony Suite

As soon as you walk through the door, you’re greeted with an open living area for a more welcoming entrance. Drift off to sleep by the window in your queen bed as you watch the same stars that sailors used to navigate the seas hundreds of years ago.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Star Balcony Suite 1

As soon as you walk through the door, you’re greeted with an open living area for a more welcoming entrance. Drift off to sleep by the window in your queen bed as you watch the same stars that sailors used to navigate the seas hundreds of years ago.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access(various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Balcony Suite

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savour a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Balcony Suite 1

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savour a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Star Ocean View Suite 1

As soon as you walk through the door, you’re greeted with an open living area for a more welcoming entrance. Drift off to sleep by the window in your queen bed as you watch the same stars that sailors used to navigate the seas hundreds of years ago. 

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Ocean View Suite

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savor a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers. 

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Ocean View Suite 1

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savour a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Ocean View Suite 2

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savour a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Ocean View Suite 3

Stylish comfort and ocean views welcome you in 277 square feet. Your queen bed (which can be separated as twins if you prefer) features luxurious Egyptian cotton linens. Enjoy a luxurious soak in your full-size tub or an invigorating shower, then wrap up in your waffle-weave robe and slippers, savor a treat from the fresh fruit bowl, or simply stretch out and enjoy the fresh flowers.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair

Broadmoor Suite

Inspired by the design of The Broadmoor, the suite offers a traditional space with classic furniture, floral motifs, white trim with gold finishes, and wide crown moulding. New furnishings, and wall sconces have been specially commissioned in the resort’s style. The striking wallpaper used in the suite’s walk-in closet is an exact replica of the wallpaper used throughout The Broadmoor. The resort’s signature carpeting, with shades of light blue, brown, yellow and gold, was also recreated for the space. Historical black and white images of The Broadmoor will be on display.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Sea Island Suite

This suite will offer a coastal airy space with curved arches, lovely “hardwood” floors, gorgeous inset carpeting, light walls, and white trim with black finishes. New antique-style furnishings and custom wallpapers have been specially commissioned in the resort’s style. You’ll never see a TV at Sea Island (they are all tucked away in cabinets), so you won’t see one in this suite, either. Historical black and white images of Sea Island will be on display.

Newly Redesigned Restrooms

We reimagined our restrooms to provide you a private oasis within your own room.


  • Queen Size Bed with Luxurious Linens
  • Waffle Weave Robe and Slippers
  • Interactive TV
  • Fully Stocked Mini Bar/Refrigerator
  • Safe
  • Direct Dial Phone
  • L’Occitane Bath Amenities
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Hair Dryers and 110/220 outlets
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access (various plans available for purchase)
  • Mirrored closet with ample drawer space
  • Granite vanity with magnifying mirror and chair
Amphora Restaurant
The Yacht Club
Candles Restaurant
Star Grill by Steven Raichlen
Cuadro 44 by Anthony Sasso
Amphora Restaurant

Here, the dining room manager seats you, but where is your decision. There are no pre-assigned tables or first or second seatings. When you dine and with whom are entirely up to you. Seating usually begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be printed in the ship’s daily program. Each delightful dish is prepared exactly to your liking – an exquisite dinner served course-by-course with a fine selection of vintage wines.

The Yacht Club

Certainly a Windstar favourite, The Yacht Club is the perfect place if you want to enjoy some casual dining. Serving gourmet sandwiches, snacks and beverages, all the food is prepared to your liking and is presented in impeccable Windstar style.


It’s breakfast alfresco, full service or buffet-style, anytime till 9:30 a.m. No need to hurry. Again, the choices are many in Veranda. Choose the sumptuous, seemingly endless buffet. Or, order from the lunch menu between noon and 2:30 p.m.

Candles Restaurant

Here’s the perfect place for a romantic tête-a-tête under the stars in Candles, Windstar’s signature outdoor restaurant transformed by night into a dreamlike paradise. Delectable cuisine, memorable surroundings, inspired wine pairings.

Star Grill by Steven Raichlen

You’ll find all your traditional grilled and barbecued favourites (and discover new dishes from around the world) in our new casual outdoor restaurant brought to you in partnership with global grilling authority, Steven Raichlen.

Cuadro 44 by Anthony Sasso

Savor flavors of Spanish local culture as you dine in intimate surroundings that encourage sharing and camaraderie by ten-time Michelin-starred Chef Anthony Sasso. With seating for 38 including a chef’s counter and communal table, it’s an inventive take on modern Spanish cuisine. 

Guest Lecturers
Windstar Signature Expeditions
Culinary Demonstrations
Shore Excursions
Watersports Platform
Guest Lecturers

Have you ever wanted to learn about rowing across the Atlantic or the inner workings of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix? On select Windstar voyages, satisfy your curiosity and enhance your understanding of the local culture by listening to our onboard lecturers. We’ve curated a group of speakers designed to bring you an insider’s perspective on a multitude of intriguing topics. Listen raptly as your voyage becomes more than just a vacation – and a thought-provoking exploration of enchanting lands.

Windstar Signature Expeditions

Windstar Signature Expeditions is an immersive program that features 8 expert guides who stay on board throughout the voyage, giving informative talks and taking guests on optional adventures by foot, by kayak, or by Zodiac boat – sometimes launching straight from the ship in remote places like Misty Fjords and Kenai Fjords. It’s Alaska at its most authentic, exciting all your clients’ senses to its magnificence.

Culinary Demonstrations

Delight your palette with onboard cooking demonstrations featuring James Beard Foundation chef recipes. From wild striped bass with tomato sage “fondue” to lobster risotto, our Windstar chefs will take your taste buds on a journey through local cuisine. For a special tantalizing treat, join Windstar on one of our voyages in the James Beard Foundation Culinary Cruise Collection, where a James Beard Foundation chef will show you how to elevate your own culinary skills. It’s a taste of enrichment you’ll never forget.

Shore Excursions

Wine tastings, SCUBA diving, tours with locals and more — Windstar offers a variety of unique excursions that will add more depth and immersion to every day of your journey. Each meticulously planned excursion meets our highest standard of quality in safety and professionalism. Ensure your peace of mind knowing that you’ll always make it back to the yacht on time.

Watersports Platform

Sailings with Windstar include a lot of special amenities, but one of our most fun (and unique) is the Watersports Platform, which allows guests easy access to the ocean around them.

The platform exists on each of our six yachts and includes unlimited use of all water sports equipment including stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkel equipment, sailing, swimming, water skiing, and windsurfing. If that all sounds like too much work for your vacation, a large foam flotation island is often unfurled into the sea, allowing guests to lounge, casually swim, and take in the view around them.

Use of the Platform is always weather permitting and only takes place in certain ports during each of our journeys in select regions. (check with the crew once on board for more details on where and when the platform will be open).

And don’t forget, there’s NO need to bring snorkel equipment on many Windstar cruises! We provide complimentary masks, fins, and snorkels during your first afternoon on board, so you can take that equipment with you when you’d like to go exploring on your own (or with a designated shore excursion). It even comes in a handy mesh bag. One less thing you have to pack when heading to paradise!

Compass Rose
The Yacht Club
Screening Room
Compass Rose

Compass Rose can be found on Deck 6.

The Yacht Club

The Yacht Club can be found on Deck 8.


The Lounge can be found on Deck 5.

Screening Room

The ship’s card room is now the new Star Screening Room, where guests can view current movies.

Health & Fitness Facilities
Fitness Centre

As you enter the hushed atmosphere of the newly-expanded WindSpa, you’ll feel every last care gently melt away. Maybe you’ll try a Hydralift facial or a new colour on your toes. Maybe you’ll surrender to the transformative power of a relaxing massage. With one of the highest crew-to-passenger ratios at sea, you will find yourself in the enviable position of never having to lift a finger.
The crew is happy to do whatever we can to make your time on board as pampered as possible. Please book spa appointments with the hotel manager once you’ve boarded your yacht.

Health & Fitness Facilities

These include Watersports Platform, Whirlpools & Pool, and Beauty Salon.

Fitness Centre

The fitness centre is located on deck 7.

Guests With Disabilities
Age Restrictions
Dress Code
Premium Beverage Package
Your Windstar Voyage Includes
Personal Onboard Laundry Service
Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs
Smoking Policy
Internet Access & Usage Plans
Guests With Disabilities

Windstar does not discriminate against persons on the basis of disability. We seek, to the extent feasible, to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. There are no elevators on Wind Star and Wind Spirit nor were the ships originally constructed to be wheelchair accessible. As a result, these ships may be unsuitable for people relying solely on wheelchairs. The other yachts are equipped with elevators, but staterooms on Wind Surf are not wheelchair accessible. Also note, there is no elevator access to board the ship. Star Pride, Star Breeze, and Star Legend have modified wheelchair accessible suites available.

Certain ports require the ship to anchor; in this case guests must be ferried into port. Service Dogs are permitted onboard ships if prior arrangements have been made at time of booking. In limited situations where an individual with a disability would be unable to satisfy certain specified safety and other criteria, even when provided with appropriate auxiliary aids and services, we may find it necessary to ask the individual to make alternative travel arrangements. It is essential that Windstar is notified of any special medical, physical or other requirements you may have at the time of booking.

Age Restrictions

Windstar Cruises is unable to accommodate children under eight (8) years of age. All Guests under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or chaperone who is at least 21 years old. Parents, guardians, and chaperones are responsible for overseeing the onboard conduct of minors. Alcoholic beverages will not be served to guests under age 21.

For family groups booking multiple staterooms, the minimum age for at least one person in each stateroom is 18 years of age, provided they are traveling with a parent, guardian or chaperone.

Dress Code

The less you bring the better. We suggest clothes that are light, cool, and made of natural fabrics like cotton and silk. You may wish to bring warmer clothing (layers are best), if you are traveling on an Ocean Crossing or an autumn Mediterranean cruise.

The Dress Code – from 7 am – 6 pm guests are welcome to dress as they please with the exception of no swimwear in all public lounges and restaurants and no clothing with offensive language or graphics that distract from the comfort and well-being of others. The general shipboard style is elegant, but relaxed including jeans and Bermuda/ walking shorts.

In the evening – after 6 pm when dining in Amphora, Stella Bistro or Cuadro 44 by Anthony Sasso, the dress code is country club-type clothing. For men – nice slacks, polo shirts, button down shirts, shoes other than athletic shoes. Designer denim jeans without rips or holes or are multi-coloured are also acceptable. Sport coats are optional. Ties are not needed. For women – nice pants, skirts, tops, casual dresses, sundresses, nice sandals or casual shoes and designer denim dress jeans not ripped or multi-coloured or having holes. Blazers are optional.

No assigned seating in Amphora or Veranda restaurants. And what can be more casual than merely signing for onboard purchases? You will feel like this is your ship, your personal yacht. The environment inspires the attitude. Reservations are required for Candles and can be made on board.

For those guests traveling to Alaska, it’s important to wear the right gear. We have partnered with the leading expedition outfitter to offer an online Alaska clothing and accessories service that ships directly to your ship. You’ll find all the right gear for Alaska, packing lists, clothing tips and our limited-edition Alaska inaugural season jacket here..

Premium Beverage Package

While all non-alcoholic beverages are complimentary, you may enjoy a pre-dinner cocktail under the setting sun or a champagne toast at the evening Sail Away with our beverage packages for wine, beer, cocktails and more. Find the perfect wine pairing with your meal and then end the night sipping scotch as you contemplate the stars.

Topmast Discoveries Beer & Wine Package – $49 per person per day An extensive package of diverse and intriguing wines from traditional European winegrowing terroirs to New World regions. Includes domestic and imported beer and 33 varieties of wine by the glass.

Captain’s Exclusive Beverage Package – $59 per person per day The ultimate beverage package and the perfect way to try new drinks for a bit of added adventure. Includes all domestic and imported beers and 33 varieties of wine/sparkling/champagne by the glass PLUS cordials, liqueurs, apertifs, cocktails and even mini bar items. (Cocktails based on house & select brands)

The All-In Package – From $79 per person per day. Have it all by making it an all-inclusive voyage with unlimited beer, wine & cocktails, unlimited Wi-Fi and gratuities, including the 15% beverage service charge. A convenient bundle that saves time and money, pays most of your expenses upfront and avoids the European VA Tax when pre-purchased. The All-In Package is sold per person and must be purchased up to 7 days prior to departure at $79.

The Topmast, Captain’s Exclusive and $89 All-In Packages are sold per person and must be purchased in advance or during the first 2 days of your cruise and for the full duration of the cruise. Prices for the Topmast and Captain’s Exclusive Packages do not include the standard 15% beverage service charge. Package prices are inclusive of applicable taxes. The minimum drinking age aboard Windstar Cruises is 21 years old.

Your Windstar Voyage Includes

  • All meals in all venues at all times, including room service menu available 24 hours

  • All non-alcoholic beverages, including cappuccino, espresso, and other specialty non-alcoholic drinks
  • Welcome cocktails at reception
  • All onboard entertainment
  • Unlimited use of Fitness Center
  • Unlimited use of all water sports equipment
  • Informative nightly port talks and destination briefings

Personal Onboard Laundry Service

Laundry service is provided on board at a nominal charge. Dry cleaning is not available. Laundry Service Packages must be added by the first day of the cruise and will be priced by the total number of cruise days. Pricing is inclusive of applicable taxes.

Food Allergies and Special Dietary Needs

Here at Windstar we are committed to offering our guests healthy food selections. We offer vegetarian selections and lighter fare options, seeking to provide the freshest, top quality foods handled with the utmost care. If you have food allergies or special dietary needs, there are several ways to notify us prior to boarding the ship.

It’s important to let us know about your special request when you book your cruise to help us plan and prepare for your meals. Your travel professional will enter this information in Special Requests. It is then noted on your booking and your ship will be notified, although it will not appear on your invoice or in My Windstar.

Special Request Dietary Needs include:

  • Alcohol Free
  • Celiac
  • Dairy Free
  • Diabetic – Diet Controlled
  • Diabetic – Insulin Controlled
  • Food Allergy
  • Gluten Free
  • Lactose Intolerant
  • Low Carbohydrate
  • Low Cholesterol
  • Low Protein
  • Low Sodium
  • Other Dietary
  • Sugar Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Wheat Free Diet

Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate Kosher or Halal meals. If you have specific dietary needs– such as – lactose intolerant requiring almond milk – please complete a Special Requirements Information Form. Return this information via:

1. Mail to Windstar Vacation Planning at 2101 4th Ave., Suite 210, Seattle WA 98121

2. Fax to 206-733-2790

3. Call 866-568-0982 to speak with a Vacation Planner in person

4. Send an email to

When you embark the ship please feel free to ask to speak with the Executive Chef about your specific request.

If you have any additional questions or concerns please call us during business hours at 866-568-0982.

Smoking Policy

Smoking or vaping is not permitted in any of the staterooms, suites, or public spaces, including all restaurants and corridors. Smoking and vaping is permitted on the outside decks in designated smoking areas only. Smoking cigars is permitted in a specific designated area on each yacht, however, only sold on board the Cigar Room of Wind Surf.

Internet Access & Usage Plans

As part of our onboard service we offer internet access on our ships. We recently modified our internet usage packages from minutes to the amount of data used.

How does internet access at home differ from access at sea?

As with all ship communications, the internet service is operated through satellites. While you are most likely used to a fast internet connection at home, in hotels or other local Wi-Fi spots, internet at sea can be slow, and at times, disruptive. The only option available is satellite connection, which is costly and limits the amount of data used. The connection is also influenced by weather, the movement of the ship, and in the case of our sailing ships, blockage from our sails passing in front of the satellite dish.

It is not recommended for downloading movies or large files due to system speed. In some areas the service can be interrupted by weather or the ship’s position. We recommend that guests use the service only for emails or small files.

Why did the Internet Usage Plan change from minutes to megabytes?

Windstar modified the Internet Usage Plan in order to provide guests with the ability to access the same number of sites and/or read the same number of emails, regardless of connection speed. The previous plan was based on the number of minutes the guest was accessing the internet, regardless of connection speed. At times, factors like bad weather, ship speed, overcast conditions, all contributed to slow and/or disrupted connections.

What is a megabyte (MB)?

Any file, whether it’s a spreadsheet, word document, or email, takes up electronic storage space, otherwise known as bytes. The larger the file, the greater the number of bytes. The standard increment of measurement is bytes, kilobytes (1000 bytes), megabytes (1,000,000 bytes) and gigabytes (1,000,000,000, bytes).

As a frame of reference, an 80-word email is around 10 kilobytes, while a typical web page is approximately 1 megabyte.

What type of Internet Usage Plans are available?

The Email Plan $60

This plan gives you 200 MB of data to use during your cruise. This plan is recommended for people who will be checking email and doing very limited browsing. The estimated minutes range from 15 to 60.

The Surfing Plan $120

This plan gives you 500 MB of data to use for additional browsing and small file transfers (such as posting pictures to a social media site). The estimated minutes range from 90 to 360 (approximately 5 hours).

The Unlimited Plan –

Unlimited Internet Package

  • 7 Day Cost $245
  • 8 Day Cost $280
  • 9 Day Cost $315
  • 10 Day Cost $350
  • 11 Day Cost $385
  • 14 Day Cost $490
  • 15 Day Cost $525

This plan gives you unlimited internet access. You have no worries about how much time you spend on the internet.

How can I get internet access on board?

Guests can purchase Internet Usage Plans prior to their cruise through a Vacation Planner or on board at Reception. These plans can be used on personal laptops or smart devises that are Wi-Fi enabled.

Computers for public use are available on board.

* Please Note: All packages only allow for one device at a time to be connected to the internet.

Please contact a Vacation Planner if you have questions.

Deck 8
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
Deck 8
  • Yacht Club Café & Library (1)
  • Star Bar (2)
  • Star Grill by Steven Raichlen (3)
Deck 7
  • Bridge (4)
  • World Spa by Windstar (5)
  • Fitness Centre and Motion Studio (6)
  • Pool and Whirlpool (7)
  • Veranda/Candles (8)
Deck 6
  • Star Boutique (9)
  • Cuadro 44 by Anthony Sasso (10)
  • Compass Rose (11)
  • Owner’s Suites
  • Star Porthole Suites
  • Star Balcony Suites
  • Deluxe Suite
  • Star Ocean View Suites
  • Balcony Suites
  • Owner’s Suite
Deck 5
  • Whirlpool (12)
  • Reception (13)
  • Destination Office (14)
  • Screening Room (15)
  • Lounge (16)
  • Classic Suites
  • Ocean View Suites
  • Balcony Suites
  • Deluxe Suite
  • Star Balcony Suite
  • Star Ocean View Suite
  • Ocean View Suite – Accessible Suites (548, 550)
Deck 4
  • Star Ocean View Suites
  • Balcony Suite
  • Ocean View Suites – Accessible Suites (448,450)
  • Deluxe Suite
Deck 3
  • Watersports Platform (18)
  • Amphora Restaurant (17)
  • Medical Facility (19)
  • Star Porthole Suites

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.