The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Tema
Day 2: Takoradi
Day 3: Abidjan
Day 6: Freetown
Day 7: Tokeh
Day 8: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 9: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 10: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 12: Praia, Santiago Island
Day 13: Porto Novo, Santo Antão Island
Day 16: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Day 17: San Sebastian de la Gomera
Day 18: Arrecife, Lanzarote
Day 19: Agadir
Day 20: Safi
Day 22: Lisbon
Day 1: Tema

From a modest fishing port to the biggest in Ghana, Tema’s industrial activity has all but tarnished the charming, postcard scenery of the region. The neighbouring white-sanded beaches remain immaculate, still serving as a testimony of the rich variety of fishing birds that can be found in the area.In the way Mother Nature intended it, gannets, boobies and kingfishers amongst other species fish in and around the cerulean waters of the coast. A light breeze tickles the inflamed, iron-filled soil of the mainland on which the railway linking Tema to Accra lures hundreds of visitors each day. On board one of the carriages to Accra, distinctively noticeable by their painted coats of red, yellow and green that echo Ghana’s national flag, a peek out of the window will offer scenic views of the harbour and coast, as well as the large fields that separate Tema from the capital by 15 miles/25 kilometres of open space.Accra’s ambiance contrasts with the peaceful setting of Tema, but nevertheless has its own charm to be enjoyed. Through rich, contemporary monuments which recall Ghana’s 1957 independence, the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park is an architectural jewel which also narrates the life and exploits of the eponymous president who fought for his country’s freedom. A more casual but perhaps interesting approach to the City’s culture and history is the visit to an artisanal studio, where primary materials such as wood and metal are transformed into stunning carvings of all sorts, illustrating a traditional African belief of a new life beyond death. And for a relaxing yet enriching experience, the hospitable restaurants are always eager to share their Banku, a local dish made out of corn and served with fish or stew.Craft markets are also worth a detour and are great for cherry-picking souvenirs. Demonstrating other fine Ghanaian traditions such as leather crafting and weaving, a popular favourite is the country’s hand-made Black Soap, which is renowned for its soothing virtues.

Day itinerary:

From a modest fishing port to the biggest in Ghana Tema’s industrial activity has all but tarnished the charming postcard scenery of the region. The neighbouring white-sanded beaches remain immaculate still serving as a testimony of the rich variety of birds that can be found in the area.In the way Mother Nature intended it gannets boobies and kingfishers amongst other species fish in and around the cerulean waters of the coast. A light breeze tickles the inflamed iron-filled soil of the mainland on which the railway linking Tema to Accra lures hundreds of visitors each day. On board one of the carriages to Accra distinctively noticeable by their painted coats of red yellow and green that echo Ghana’s national flag a peek out of the window will offer scenic views of the harbour and coast as well as the fields that separate Tema from the capital.

Day 2: Takoradi

Ghana’s fourth-largest city plays serene beaches against a bustling commercial centre. People from around the world visit the shore, both for its beauty and to enjoy the fresh seafood served right on the sands. Frantic city life awaits a short distance inland, where an economy fuelled by Ghana’s oil industry is most apparent in the maze of vendors at Market Circle.

Day itinerary:

The colours, chaos and the happy cacophony of street life greet you as you are welcomed in Takoradi (or Taadi to the locals). Internationally recognised as a major player on the world scene due to its prosperous oil and gas reserves, Takoradi is in fact and amalgamation of two cities. The plurality of these towns has given the town its dual personality — a beachside resort area, framed with uncrowded white sandy beaches and four-star hotels, and a busy traditional market, with street vendors selling a bewildering array of goods, piled high into metal basins or baskets and carried atop the vendor’s head. Suffice to say that these twin cities are infused with a vitality and history that is uncommon even in Africa. The panoramic beauty of the area is stunning; indulge in the subtle scents of jasmine, inhale the heady perfume of hibiscus and morahia, or admire the stark sketch of a royal palm set against a sapphire sky. Eco-tourists will be interested no doubt by the Monkey Hill reserve, a sanctuary for primates in danger set right in the heart of the city. An active fishing port, Takoradi’s sister city Sekondi gains its welfare from the sea. The industry supports millions of Ghanaians and fish is still caught in the traditional manner. Fishermen unload their catch from that morning or sit mending their nets in the boatyard while the womenfolk prepare and sell the fish to the local community on the harbour side.

Day 3: Abidjan

Three hours south of Yamoussoukro, nestled in between the canals and waterways, lies Abidjan the economic capital of the Ivory Coast. Considered the crossroads of West Africa both economically and culturally, Abidjan benefits from clement temperatures year round, reaching average highs of around 88˚ Fahrenheit, or 30˚ Celsius. Like much of West Africa, this city has cachet and soul, and enjoys a diversity of cultures, traditions and people, notably through the French influence, but also through the steady stream of tourists that make the city both vibrant and cosmopolitan. Although its reputation was tarnished during the civil war in 2011, Abidjan held firm and has blossomed into a stunning coastal city, ripe for exploration.

Day itinerary:

Located on Africa’s Ivory Coast, Abidjan lies amid canals and waterways. It’s a modern African city, affectionately known as Babi by locals, or, more optimistically, Paris of West Africa. This last moniker could be due to two things: one, Abidjan is both the economic and cultural capital of West Africa and two: it truly is a city of lights. It is also the most populous French speaking country in the continent, so welcome, bienvenue to Abidjan! Looking at Abidjan’s towering skyscrapers, you would be surprised to think that the sprawling city was originally a small fishing village. The French established a protectorate in Abidjan in 1842, and eventually colonised the region in 1893. Under French rule Abidjan quickly became a major port terminus, exporting mainly timber and coffee to Europe. Cote d’Ivoire was granted independence in 1960 but Abidjan remained the country’s capital until 1983. Today it considered one of the foremost African cities in terms of fashion, culture and the standard of living. Like much of West Africa, Abidjan has cachet and soul in buckets. The civil war of 2007-2007 may have left some pock marked remnants, but that should and must be easily overlooked. The city is bubbling with energy, enjoying a diversity of cultures from the aforementioned French connection to the steady stream of travellers that come to Abidjan looking for a destination with a bit of authenticity. If travelling outside of the city, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Grand Bassam is less than an hour away.

Day 6: Freetown

Day itinerary:

It may still be a bit of a rough diamond, but Sierra Leone’s capital is a true traveller’s gem. Lush rainforest and palm fringed beaches have been sadly overshadowed by Freetown’s turmoil, which has left its pock marked legacy on the city. Happily, this reputation is slowly receding. Expect to be greeted by warm welcomes and wide smiles. The city is slowly rebuilding after spats of fierce fighting in the 1990s. Today Freetown is a bustling metropolis, centred around the busy port. While there may be an undeniable element of poverty to the city, this is more than out balanced by the unfailingly optimistic vibrancy and intriguing history that Freetown offers. This joie de vivre makes Freetown one of West Africa’s most dynamic cities; think bustling streets and gentle sign-song sounds of local dialect Krio. British philanthropists founded the ‘Province of Freedom’, which later became Freetown in 1787. This was a British crown colony and the principal base for the suppression of the slave trade. By 1792, over 1,000 freed slaves from Nova Scotia had joined the original settlers, called the Maroons. Another group of slaves rebelled in Jamaica and travelled to Freetown in 1800. Unsurprisingly, colonial reign has left its mark on the architecture of the city. British involvement is best viewed at the National Museum, and in the superbly preserved Victorian railway. The uplands around Freetown are verdant and home to the Western Area Forest Reserve (accepted by UNESCO as a tentative World Heritage Site).

Day 7: Tokeh

Tokeh, or Tokeh Town as it is also known, is a coastal resort town thatrelies mainly on fishing and tourism. Only twenty miles outside Freetown, thecapital of Sierra Leone, this town is nestled in an area of beautiful scenery,surrounded by mountains, forests and beaches. The Tokeh Beach is considered oneof the largest and most attractive beaches in West Arica. This town was firstfounded by a Sherbo fisherman who settled along the river bank. Much later, in1968, a prominent barrister from Sierra Leone purchased the land, and inpartnership with a French company, developed the village. Today, it is athriving town with the resort, a church, mosque, community center, school andabout 6000 residents.

Day itinerary:

Tokeh or Tokeh Town as it is also known is a coastal resort town that relies mainly on fishing and tourism. Only twenty miles outside Freetown the capital of Sierra Leone this town is nestled in an area of beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains forests and beaches. The Tokeh Beach is considered one of the largest and most attractive beaches in West Arica. This town was first founded by a Sherbo fisherman who settled along the river bank. Much later in 1968 a prominent barrister from Sierra Leone purchased the land and in partnership with a French company developed the village. Today it is a thriving town with the resort a church mosque community center school and about 6000 residents.

Day 8: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 9: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 10: João Vieira, Bijagós Archipelago
Day 12: Praia, Santiago Island

Start your Expedition Cruise in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde, located in the south of Santiago Island. You can explore its old centre overlooking the ocean and its historical buildings with transom windows. In the old quarter, you can also learn about the diversity of the archipelago’s cultural origins in the Ethnographic Museum. To finish your day, head to the harbour to visit the Diogo Gomes statue, paying homage to the man who discovered the archipelago in 1460.

Day itinerary:

The capital of the Cape Verde archipelago, Praia on Santiago Island might be in African in body, but it is European in soul. In fact, when the Portuguese colonised the islands in the 15th century they found no human inhabitants. Thus Cape Verdeans have evolved with a highly unique blend of European and African ancestry, conversing in a sing-song language of Creole, African dialect and Portuguese. The islands only gained independence in 1975 (after a 15-year war), so Portuguese influence is rife and to some, relatively recent. At almost 300 miles off the coast of mainland west Africa, the remoteness of the islands has allowed the archipelago’s natural wildlife to flourish. Naturalists consider Cape Verde as a mini Galapagos, with many endemic species. That, along with astounding landscapes, warm climate and clear waters is reason enough to visit. Add the liveliest market in all of the islands and you’ll soon fall in love with Praia’s shabby grandeur. Originally named Praia de Santa Maria when it was first settled in 1615, the city is nation’s capital. The city is built on a plateau near the beach Santa Maria beach, the town centre still has monuments that attest to its rich history. Due to Santiago’s location between Africa, the soon-to-be-discovered America and Europe, Praia became a slave central for merchants returning to Europe. Buildings built for the dubious trade are still visible – including those with balconies overlooking the square where owners would negotiate the price of human property.

Day 13: Porto Novo, Santo Antão Island

Porto Novo, the second largest city on Santo Antão, is located in the dry southeast of the island. A dusty wind blows constantly here. You can explore the main street with its former mansions, a little church, markets that have local fish, grogue and fresh goat cheese for sale, shops and-of course-the harbour. At the back of the town is the 2,000m-high Topo de Coroa, which is a fairly easy climb and has magnificent 360-degree views. Around the town, family-owned farms grow fruit and vegetables which are sold at regular markets in the town. There are some old churches from the Portuguese era, as well as a couple of elegant squares with pleasant bars and cafés, from which to watch the world go by.

Day itinerary:

Porto Novo is found on Sao Antonio, the northwesternmost of the Cape Verde Islands, and is the island’s largest town with approximately 17,400 inhabitants. Located on Sao Antonio’s southeastern and arid side, Porto Novo began as a fishing village and only in 2005 it was recognized as a city. Since the island has no airport and Porto Novo faces the town of Mindelo on the island of Sao Vicente, this harbor is the main link to the other islands in Cape Verde and the outside world. A monument above the port shows a woman waving goodbye to those emigrating from the Cape Verde Islands. Roads leading out of Porto Novo have to either go along the impressive northeast coast or cross the island’s mountains through a rugged and even more spectacular landscape. The third highest peak of the Cape Verde islands at 1,979 meters is the Tope de Coroa to the west of Porto Novo.

Day 16: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Perhaps the prettiest of the Canary Islands, Gran Canaria is an almost circular isle with the peak of Pozo de Las Nieves, its highest point, at the centre. With a wealth of natural beauty and all the exciting attractions of city life in the capital, the island offers the best of both worlds. You will no doubt wish to see the sights of the capital’s old quarter, which dates back to the 15th century and encompassses the Vegueta and Triana districts, and wherever you go you can enjoy the glorious subtropical climate, perfect for growing exotic palms and fruits.

Day itinerary:

Watch the stars glittering at night, climb jungled volcano calderas, and explore the historical allure of this entry point to the sun-gorged island of Gran Canaria. The sprawling capital of the Canaries is Spain’s ninth biggest city, stretched out along the sparkling coastline. Visitors and locals alike blow off steam on the city’s urban beaches, before filling out bustling, authentic tapas bars. An offshore barrier of lava strips waves of their power, making Las Canteras’s urban beach expanse one of the best and calmest in the Canaries. Strap on your snorkel to explore the seabed, which blooms with colourful fish and tropical reefs. Or, settle back to soak in the warm glow of one of the best climates in the world, while reclining on the soft sand, which arcs along the capital’s fringe. At the other end of town, La Vegueta old town is a charming stroll along cobbled streets, wandering past decorative doorways and balconies that beg to be photographed. The narrow 15th-century streets take on an extra romantic air in the evenings, as lanterns cast a soft glow over them. Calle Colon offers a hint of the street’s history – and it’s here where the handsome colonial house – turned museum – of Christopher Columbus stands. Columbus stayed here to recuperate, between his boundary-redefining voyages. Out of Las Palmas, diverse and exciting volcanic landscapes await, including the spectacular Caldera de Bandama, which plunges 200 metres into the earth. From the summit, views stretch out to the looming island of Fuerteventura unravel. You can also discover pretty white-wash fishing villages, dazzling gardens, and the sun-bathed vineyards that produce Gran Canaria’s crispest wines.

Day 17: San Sebastian de la Gomera

Day itinerary:

Wander between San Sebastian’s faded pastel hues which spill across the coastline and bathe in this seaside city’s warm sunshine as waves splash onto sunny beaches. A sleepy capital city travellers have been resting relaxing and rejuvenating here for centuries – including Christopher Columbus whose presence remains in museums dedicated to his visit. Silbo an extraordinary whistling language used to communicate over great distances adds even more cultural fascination to this luscious island’s mountain scenery crafts and traditions. Head to beaches like Playa de San Sebastian to revel in the black volcanic sand that the Canaries are known for and Playa de la Cueva where you can look across to Tenerife’s soaring cone. Or explore this island’s own natural wonders at the verdant terraced landscapes of La Gomera’s UNESCO World Heritage Site Garajonay National Park. Trek through the trails of Laurisilva forests laurel plants and heather trees. La Laguna Grande is another elegant location of colourful natural beauty where island legends of witchcraft swirl. Discover ceramic traditions – handed down through generations – at El Cercado where glazed jugs used to store chestnuts are moulded by hand. Squeeze more local charms into your bulging suitcase along San Sebastian’s pretty Calle Real street – where everything from palm honey to woven baskets and local snacks are up for grabs. Or settle into city squares where life plays out in palm tree shade and café gatherings.

Day 18: Arrecife, Lanzarote

A volcanic island designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Lanzarote’s dramatic landscapes were shaped by an explosive past. Today, its pretty beaches and virtual absence of rain together with duty-free shopping make the island an extremely desirable destination. The main port and capital, Arrecife, is a pleasant town with a modern seafront and colourful gardens. Outside the capital there is plenty to explore, from the dazzling white salt flats of Janubio and the rugged terrain of Fire Mountain to the eerie caves of Los Verdes and an array of unspoilt fishing villages scattered around the coast. The island is home to a great selection of restaurants and local specialities including garbanzos compuestos – a chickpea stew; papas arrugadas – potatoes with carrots, peas, ham and green pepper; and of course, plenty of fresh seafood. Please note that those planning to participate in one of the shore excursions from this port may need to take an early lunch on board ship to suit the excursion schedules.

Day itinerary:

Nestled on the east coast of Lanzarote Arrecife takes its name from the rocky reefs and outcrops that dominate its coastline. With castles caves sleepy beaches and a glittering saltwater lagoon Arrecife is the perfect place to get acquainted with the sun-kissed appeal of the Canary Islands. Lanzarote’s charcoal desert vistas radiate a remarkable luna-like quality but dotted cacti waving palms and bursts of vibrant wildflowers add an accent of colour to the canvas. Arrecife itself boasts apricot-coloured beaches and labyrinthine lanes of white-wash buildings within its Old Quarter where you can smell fresh fish grilling and see locals dipping delicious local salty potatoes – papas arrugadas – into colourful sauces. An evening stroll along El Charco de san Gines is a must for watching fishing boats bobbing gently on the lagoon and watching spectacular sunsets burning across the sky. Standing tall for more than four centuries Castillo De San Gabriel is located on the tiny island of Islote de los Ingleses and was once a target for pirates who would appear menacingly on the Atlantic’s horison. The stalwart 16th-century fortress now serves as the History Museum of Arrecife and exhibitions inside explore the evolution of the city and the ancient culture of Lanzarote. The International Museum of Contemporary Art meanwhile displays modern and abstract works within the 18th-century San José Castle’s refined setting.

Day 19: Agadir

Shaped by the Atlas Mountains on one side, Agadir is framed on the other by a magnificent crescent-shaped beach. While little is known of the city’s origins, the Portuguese created a fortress here at the end of the 15th century, naming it Santa Cruz de Ghir. Freed from Portugal’s occupation by the Saadians in 1540, Agadir grew into a colourful and prosperous port and became newsworthy in 1911 when a German gunboat, the Panther, sailed into the bay as a protest against the division of North Africa between the Spanish and French. Morocco gained independence from the French in 1956, an event which was closely followed in Agadir by the tragic earthquake of 1960. The city, which has been rebuilt to represent the ‘new nation’, is blessed by fine sandy beaches overlooked by luxurious hotels and a great selection of cafés and restaurants. Please note that vendors in the souks can be very persistent and eager to make a sale.

Day itinerary:

Boasting an impressive 300 days of sun per year, there is a reason why Agadir is Morocco’s premier holiday resort. Nicknamed the “Miami of Morocco”, the resort has sea and sand in abundance, along with a dreamy 10 km beach – perfect for travellers who want sheltered swimming or enjoy water-based fun in the sun. By contrast to the rest of the country, Agadir is thoroughly modern. An earthquake destroyed the city in 1960, killing 15,000 in 13 seconds and leaving another 35,000 homeless. In its place, and under the direction of Le Corbusier, a new city with a new direction was built. Instead of souks and medinas, think modern architecture, wide, tree-lined avenues, open squares and pedestrian precincts. Low rise hotels, boutiques and apartment blocks line the splendid waterfont. While all the original landmarks were destroyed (many not once, but twice, in the 1960 earthquake but also in the 1755 Lisbon earthquake), Agadir strove to rebuild as much as it could. Thus the fabled 1540 Oufla Fort, originally built in the mid-16th century by Saadian Sultan Mohammed ech Cheikh was painstakingly recreated with as much authenticity as possible. The ancient kasbah sits at an amazing vantage point (Oufla being the Amazigh word ‘above’). The inscription “God, King, Country” over the entrance in both Dutch and Arabic is one of the few original elements and dates back to the middle of the 18th century, when the kasbah was initially restored. The Kasbah offer by far the best views of the city.

Day 20: Safi

Safi’s natural harbor lies on the Atlantic in western Morocco and was once used by the Roman and the Phoenicians. By the 11th century gold, slaves and ivory were the hot commodities being traded between Marrakesh and Guinea. Evolving through the ages to cater to the popular trade of the day, the major industry here today is fishing connected to the country’s sardine industry, but there is also an economy based on exported phosphates, textiles and ceramics. The city was overseen by the Portuguese Empire in the 1500s, and a fortress built to safeguard the city by these Portuguese influences still stands today. Safi sits near the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains where Bedouins once camped.

Day itinerary:

Lying in a natural harbour to the west of Morocco, Safi (formerly Asafi) carries the weight of legend. As one of the oldest cities in Morocco, it is thought to have been founded by Hanno the Navigator in the 5th or 6th century BC. The etymology of the city’s name allegedly comes from a sailor who got lost and sighed as he passed Safi’s coastline (Safi meaning “oh my regret”). However, there could be another, more literal translation. In Berber, the word Asafi means to spill or flood, undoubtedly referring to the rich sea that makes Safi one of the biggest and safest seaports in the country. The city has been – and still is – a major player in Morocco’s trading industry. Its port has seen everything from gold in the 11th century to today’s principal export, sardines. Portuguese rule in the 1500s saw the Castelo do Mar be built, an imposing fortress that still presides over the city today. Under Portuguese rule, other Europeans came and by the mid-16th century, Safi was Morocco’s principal trading hub. This would all cease however under Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah in the mid-18th century, who would order that all foreign trade must take place in his newly built city of Mogador (Essaouira). Famous for its pottery of all shapes and sizes, Safi is one destination where you will want to support the local economy. The potter’s quarter, just out of the city walls, boasts the country’s oldest kilns and is a mecca for all those who love both ceramics and tradition.

Day 22: Lisbon

Set on seven hills on the banks of the River Tagus, Lisbon has been the capital of Portugal since the 13th century. It is a city famous for its majestic architecture, old wooden trams, Moorish features and more than twenty centuries of history. Following disastrous earthquakes in the 18th century, Lisbon was rebuilt by the Marques de Pombal who created an elegant city with wide boulevards and a great riverfront and square, Praça do Comércio. Today there are distinct modern and ancient sections, combining great shopping with culture and sightseeing in the Old Town, built on the city’s terraced hillsides. The distance between the ship and your tour vehicle may vary. This distance is not included in the excursion grades.

Day itinerary:

A glorious mosaic of beauty, freedom and authenticity, Portugal’s capital is a stirring artwork of a city. Known for the seven hills it spreads across, and its stirring fado music, Lisbon is a pastel-coloured blend of houses and beautiful tile artworks – and this creative city strikes a perfect harmony between natural and manmade beauty. Stroll along Alfama’s steep, cobbled streets as you explore one of the city’s oldest neighbourhoods – where each house and door could be its own photograph. Look for the decorative tiles, with the distinctive blues and whites of Azulejo ceramics, and visit the dedicated museum to learn more. Afterwards, wind up to São Jorge Castle, where views out across Lisbon’s red rooftops unravel. Just one of many majestic viewpoints, you can also seek out Miradouro da Graça for perhaps Lisbon’s finest panorama, with the copper-coloured suspension bridge stretching over sparkling water beyond the sea of buildings. The elegant Tower of Belém rises in the Tagus estuary and is a historic defender of these shores. The grand, carved cloisters of Jerónimos Monastery spread out close by, and there’s another UNESCO recognised location close by at Sintra, where a colourful town is set amid thick gardens and towering mountains – capped by the royal Pena Palace. Later, relax and take a quick break to drink Ginjinha, a cherry liqueur made from chocolate cups instead of coffee. Lisboetas have a sweet tooth, and the famous Pastel de Nata’s crumbling pastry and caramelised-custard topping is the essential accompaniment to any coffee stop.

Owner's Suite
Grand Suite
Royal Suite
Silver Suite
Medallion Suite
Deluxe Veranda Suite
Classic Veranda Suite
Vista Suite
Owner's Suite

The name says it all. A stylish apartment. Prestigious and classic. For those who seek the superlative level of space, comfort and service on board. The Owner’s Suite is available as a one-bedroom configuration or as two bedrooms (as illustrated) by adjoining with a Vista Suite so you can enjoy your luxury cruise in style.

One bedroom: 55 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 77 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 7
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Grand Suite

Expertly designed and exquisitely appointed. The Grand Suite on the Silver Wind ideal for entertaining friends or enjoying a quiet dinner “at home”. Available as a one-bedroom configuration or as two bedroom by adjoining with a Veranda Suite.

One bedroom: 95 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 122 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 7
  • Section: Forward


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canape service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Royal Suite

Stately. Commanding and majestic. Perfect for entertaining. The Royal suite lives up to its name. Enough living space to roam. The pinnacle of good living. Available as a one-bedroom configuration or as two bedroom by adjoining with a Veranda Suite.

One bedroom: 69 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 96 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 6
  • Section: Forward


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canape service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Silver Suite

For those wanting more space, Silver Suites are ideal. Stylish and sophisticated. Separate dining and living rooms. Larger verandas. Situated midship on the Silver Wind. Perfection in design for comfortable living. Silver Suites accommodate three guests.

One bedroom: 48 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 5, 6, 7
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Full-size bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canape service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Medallion Suite

A mark of distinction. Sumptuous. Spacious. Rich textures and panoramic views surround you with distinguished luxury. The perfect summary of The Medallion Suite offered by the world’s best cruise line.

One bedroom: 41 sq.m. including veranda

Suite 741: 667 sq.ft / 62 sq.m. with French balcony, separate dining area and full-size bath.

Suites 801-804 only: with Veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 7, 8
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canape service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Deluxe Veranda Suite

The Deluxe Veranda Suite offers unbeatable views. A Silversea signature. Spacious and welcoming. Floor-to-ceiling glass doors open onto a furnished private teak veranda. Each spectacular sunset feels like it is yours alone. The Deluxe Veranda Suite offers a preferred central location with identical accommodation to a Veranda Suite. No top cruise line would be complete without such a luxury.

One bedroom: 27 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 5, 6, 7
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Classic Veranda Suite

A Silversea signature, the Classic Veranda Suite is spacious and welcoming. Veranda suites offer floor-to-ceiling glass doors which open onto a furnished private teak veranda. Each spectacular sunset feels like it is yours alone. Some Classic Veranda Suites accommodate three guests. A must for the world’s best cruise line.

One bedroom: 27 sq.m. including veranda

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 5, 6, 7
  • Section: Forward


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

Vista Suite

A quiet sanctuary to escape to on your cruise. The sitting area has plenty of room to relax. Large picture windows frame panoramic ocean views. The perfect backdrop for breakfast in bed. Silver Wind Vista Suites accommodate three guests.

One bedroom: 22 sq.m.

Suite 738: 325 sq.ft. / 30 sq.m.

Wheelchair accessible suites: 445 and 447

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Please note that the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of the suite.


  • Deck(s): 4, 7
  • Section: Aft, Forward


  • Window
  • Sitting area
  • Standard vanity
  • Walk-in shower
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Luxury bed mattresses

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers

The Grill
La Terrazza
The Restaurant
La Dame
The Grill

Soft breezes and ocean views beckon at the Grill, especially as the sun goes down when cruise guests gather for cocktails at the outdoor bar and talk about the day’s events.

One of the healthiest cuisines to exist, The Grill features lava stone cooking at its finest. Sourced from volcanic rock and placed in an oven to reach an optimum temperature of 400˚C, The Grill invites guests to cook their food directly at their table. Place your meat, fish or vegetables on top of the grill stone or inside the soup bowl, and then simply cook to your very own taste. Every bite is cooked to perfection, time after time. With the stone cooking available in the evenings only, The Grill becomes a daytime rotisserie and gourmet salad and burger bar, offering build your own burgers from the best selections of meat.

Dress code: Casual

Casual wear consists of pants, blouses or casual dresses for women; open-neck shirts and slacks for men are appropriate.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

La Terrazza

Authentic Italian recipes and the freshest, sustainable ingredients come together in this restaurant at sea.

On board this luxury cruise ship, a divine selection of Italy’s best cuisine is served à la carte in La Terrazza. Authentic recipes and the freshest ingredients come together with flair and passion — a flavourful expression of Silversea’s distinctive Italian heritage. La Terrazza uses buffalo mozzarella from Naples, organic balsamic vinegar and olive oil from Umbria, and air-dried ham out of Parma. The Emilia-Romagna region also produces Silversea’s 24-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano, while the pasta is made fresh daily onboard the Silver Wind. La Terrazza is open for casual, buffet-style breakfast and lunch with indoor or al fresco dining on the outdoor terrace of this luxury cruise ship. During the evening, La Terrazza transforms into an à la carte traditional Italian restaurant.

Open-seating for breakfast and lunch.

Reservations recommended for dinner.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

The Restaurant

Enjoy Continental and regional specialities, as well as sweeping ocean views in our main dining room.

Sparkling with silver, crystal and candlelight, this luxury cruise ship’s main dining room serves contemporary, international cuisine with the sophisticated elegance and impeccable service you might expect as part of your prestige travel. Menus feature regional specialities unique to the voyage destination, for example, Roasted Chilean Sea Bass while cruising the Chilean fjords and Indian Chicken Korma en route to Mumbai. The Restaurant on board this luxury cruise ship offers open-seating dining, which means there are no assigned times, no assigned tables. You are free to dine when, where and with whom you please.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

La Dame

La Dame features a menu of seasonally inspired dishes prepared with the freshest locally sourced ingredients.

La Dame can be found aboard the Silversea luxury cruise ships. Indulge in an evening where fine wines are complemented by a set bespoke menu of regionally-inspired dishes in an intimate, elegant setting. An extraordinary six-course experience celebrating the world’s most distinguished wine regions aboard your luxury cruise ship.

Per guest reservation fee of US$60. 

Reservations required for dinner.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference.Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Shore Excursions
Mid-Voyage Adventures
Silver Shore Concierge
Shore Excursions

Silversea’s experienced Shore Concierge team are happy to assist, ensuring your shore- side experience is nothing less than a memory that lasts forever. Their knowledge and understanding of ports will truly add to your enjoyment and experience. Detailing history, local flavour, culture, regional customs, shopping tips and much more, they will make sure you get the best of your destination, wherever you are in the world.

Mid-Voyage Adventures

Multiple days at sea mean plenty of R & R for some, but others prefer to drink in all there is to offer on land. Our Mid-Cruise Land Adventures allow you to take full advantage of your time with us without missing a single thing! These short escapades offer an array of adventures, break up your sea days and allow for deeper exploration beyond the coast.

Silver Shore Concierge

Let Silversea customise a special event or excursion exclusively for you. Expert Shore Excursion professionals are available to assist with all your shorex questions. Make an appointment and gain insider access to knowledgeable suggestions, personalised planning and hassle-free coordination of all private, independent touring, including area highlights, flightseeing, water sports, and much more. Take advantage of this service either in advance of your voyage by email at or on board by visiting the Silvershore® Concierge desk. Have the Silver Shore Concierge create your tailor-made tour, or be whisked away by private car for a day — the pace and agenda are up to you.

Card Room/Conference Room
Connoisseur's Corner
Observation Library
Panorama Lounge
The Show Lounge
Dolce Vita
Photo Studio

There is a wealth of luxury shopping experiences aboard all Silversea ships, featuring the most distinctive and appealing brands from across the globe.

Exceptional shopping experiences do not end in the cosmopolitan cities we visit. Silversea’s striking new shipboard boutiques, reimagined and redesigned are stunning modern design spaces befitting the finest creations from legendary designers. Carefully selected partners onboard Silversea’s duty-free boutiques offers our guests a carefully curated selection of cutting edge fashions, jewelry, accessories, fine perfumes, cosmetics and Silversea Logo collection all at duty-free prices.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Card Room/Conference Room

The Card Room on board this luxury cruise ship is where Bridge games and tournaments take place most days. On days at sea, newcomers to the game can learn how to play. Should your group require a conference or meeting space, Silversea is pleased to provide a tailor-made experience. Audio-visual equipment is available and complimentary.


Roulette, blackjack and slot machines are available in the Casino for guests 18 years or older. If you are a novice, come to the champagne reception and learn all the games offered aboard this luxury cruise ship.

Connoisseur's Corner

The Connoisseur’s Corner onboard the Silver Wind offers exceptional cognacs along with a premium selection of cigars for purchase to enjoy during your stay on the ship.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference.Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Observation Library

The Observation Library boasts exceptional views overlooking the ocean as it stretches out below you while you enjoy your cruise.

Set on the highest level at the very top of the ship, this is a quiet space for reading and reflection while being dazzled by the undulating seascapes that are constituent to life on board.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Panorama Lounge

Relax and unwind in the Panorama Lounge, a sophisticated yet amicable space offering beautiful ocean views as you enjoy your cruise.

The Silver Wind’s Panorama Lounge is specially designed to provide an uninterrupted view of the day’s destination from the comfort of the luxury cruise ship’s interior. This is an ideal place to unwind on your cruise, enjoy afternoon tea, listen to the pianist and watch the setting sun. The drinks are complimentary, the music live and inviting. Enjoy dancing to a range of musical styles for every taste from standards to the latest club mixes.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

The Show Lounge

Applaud a broad spectrum of entertainment — from full-scale production shows and classical soloists, to cultural entertainment and feature films.

Enjoy a bit of culture on your luxury cruise. Every seat in this multi-tiered venue enjoys a clear view to the stage. Applaud a broad spectrum of entertainment — from full-scale production shows and classical soloists, to cultural entertainment and feature films. Throughout your voyage, this luxury cruise ship’s The Show Lounge also presents port talks, enrichment lectures and a variety of special events.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Dolce Vita

Dolce Vita is the gathering place for our savvy travellers of the world, a place where guests mingle and exchange stories and where new faces become lifelong friends.

Our main bar has been newly reimagined for Silver Dawn! Dolce Vita has of course kept her legendary charm, inspired cocktails, stylish décor and comfortable seating, but a central bar now means the warm ambience is better than ever! Oozing Italian glamour, Dolce Vita is a relaxed, refined bar with a nightly piano player playing all your favourite tunes. Perfect for pre-dinner aperitivi, or even a post-dinner cocktail, Dolce Vita is truly the beating heart of social life on board.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.


Be sure to visit the Reception area, where our experts can provide invaluable information to help you get the most out of your cruise.

The Silver Wind’s central lobby area welcomes guests to speak with a Guest Relations specialist should they have a question or require any service. Assistance is available 24 hours a day, they will be able to help with any aspect of your cruise. For guests wishing to make shoreside arrangements, the Silver Shore Concierge is available to assist with knowledgeable suggestions and personalised coordination of all private, independent touring including sightseeing, water sports, golf and more. The Cruise Consultant can prove indispensable when planning your next Silversea voyage, or should you wish to extend your current voyage for a day, a week, a month… Like having your own personal onboard Silversea professional, the Cruise Consultant will help you to select the perfect voyage, reserve your preferred suite and provide immediate confirmation.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference.Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Photo Studio

The Photo Studio offers a professional space for budding photographers to retouch, print and display their work.

The Photo Studio offers a multitude of options to take your pictures from inside your camera to onto your walls. A vibrant, creatively inspiring space where you can not only master the art of digital photography with Masterclasses in editing, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, but also an editing suite where you can print images (including postcard, panorama and A2 prints). State-of-the-art equipment for both MAC and PC users, highly technological printers plus a dedicated photo manager to guide you through the many techniques to help you define yourself as a serious photographer. Even the smartphone photographer can become pro level with specialized training on how to use your camera phone its best possible advantage. Printing fee applies.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Fitness Centre
Pool Deck
Zagara Beauty Spa
Zagara Beauty Salon
Jogging Track
Fitness Centre

The Fitness Centre offers world-class equipment, classes, and personalised services.

The Fitness Centre on board the luxury cruise ship, the Silver Wind is equipped with free weights, weight machines, state-of-the-art treadmills, elliptical trainers and recumbent and upright bicycles. Classes in aerobics, yoga, Pilates and circuit training are led by the onboard fitness trainer and are always complimentary. Personal training, body composition analysis and specialty classes are available at the Fitness Centre at an additional charge.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Pool Deck

Chaise lounges arranged in the sun or shade. Bubbling whirlpools. The pool water refreshing in warmer climates, heated for cooler weather. The attentive staff at the ready with an oversized towel as you emerge from the pool, with your favourite beverage at just the right moment. The luxury cruise ship of your dreams.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference.Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Zagara Beauty Spa

Come and indulge in a luxurious spa treatment. Facials, body wraps, massages: the spa is the perfect place to unwind.

Unwind on your luxury cruise with a visit to our soothing Spa. Relax your body and mind in this soothing sanctuary on board this luxury cruise ship. Indulge in a wide range of invigorating therapies including facials, body wraps and massages. Appointments for spa services may be made on board the ship, or in advance via My Silversea. Men’s and women’s saunas and steam rooms are perfect for relaxing before your spa treatment or after your workout.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Zagara Beauty Salon

Maintain your fresh look throughout your luxury cruise at the Zagara Beauty Salon. Services are available for men and women.

A full range of beauty salon services including hairstyling, manicures, and pedicures is available on board this luxury cruise ship for both men and women. Appointments for these chargeable services may be made on board the Silver Wind, or in advance via My Silversea.

Images and suite plans are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout maybe different than shown.

Jogging Track

A jogging track is available for guests, running the entire outside edge of the deck. 

Dress Code
Smoking Policy
Disabled Facilities
Special Dietary Requirements
Medical Centre
Age Restrictions
Laundry Service
Wi-FI & Internet
Dress Code

For Silversea Expeditions guests, casual resort wear is appropriate at all times when on board, with the exception of two evenings when Informal attire is required. For men, this means a jacket, tie optional.

Smoking Policy

At Silversea, the comfort, enjoyment and safety of all guests is paramount. To ensure a pleasant and safe environment, smoking is prohibited in most public areas, guest suites or suite balconies. However, cigarette, e-cigarette, cigar, pipe and vaporizer smoking is permitted in the Connoisseur’s Corner both indoors and outdoors (where applicable). In addition, cigarette, e-cigarette and vaporizer smoking is permitted in specifically designated outside areas and tables:

  • Silver Nova, Silver Ray: Dusk Bar (port side);
  • Silver Muse, Silver Spirit: Panorama Lounge (port side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Moon, Silver Dawn: Panorama Lounge (starboard side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Shadow, Silver Whisper: Panorama Lounge (starboard side) and Pool Grill (starboard side);
  • Silver Cloud, Silver Wind: Panorama Lounge (port side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Origin: on open deck 4 aft;

Silversea kindly requests that all guests observe the non-smoking areas.

Disabled Facilities

Wheelchair guests must bring their own collapsible wheelchair. Please note that not all shore excursions are suitable for guests with impaired mobility. Silversea strongly recommends wheelchair guests travel with someone who is able to assist them both ashore and at sea as Silversea may be unable to offer special assistance. Please note that wheel-on and/or wheel-off access may not be available at some ports-of-call. Silversea reserves the right to deny boarding to any guest who failed to notify Silversea of such requirement at the time of booking.

All guests are required to report in writing to Silversea at the time their reservation is made:

  • Any physical or mental condition that may require medical or professional treatment or attention during the voyage
  • Any condition that may render the guest unfit for travel, or that may require special care or assistance
  • Any condition that may pose a risk or danger to the guest or anyone else on board the ship
  • Any condition that may require oxygen for medical reasons
  • Any intention or need to use a wheelchair aboard ship.

Special Dietary Requirements

If you have special dietary requirements, Silversea will make every attempt to accommodate your requests. Please advise Silversea of your needs on the Guest Information Form at least 75 days prior to sailing. Notification should be sent to

Medical Centre

Each Silversea ship is equipped with a Medical Centre, which is staffed by a doctor and nurse on 24-hour call when at sea. When docked, supplementary emergency care may also be obtained through local medical facilities. Guests may be charged for medical services and for medications used for their medical treatment. The Medical Centre is not intended or designed to provide on-going treatment of pre-existing conditions or for extended critical care, and Silversea is not responsible for the diagnosis, treatment or services furnished by shipboard medical personnel.

Age Restrictions

Silversea cruise guidelines state that children under the age of 18 must be accompanied, in the same or connecting suite, by a parent or other responsible adult over the age of 21 for the duration of the voyage. If the adult accompanying the minor is not their parent, a parental consent guardianship form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and received by Silversea prior to sailing. Please contact our Special Services Department at for a Parental Consent Form. Guests must be 21 years of age or older to purchase or consume alcohol. Silversea reserves the right to refuse to serve anyone who in its sole judgment may be under the influence of alcohol, or for any reason necessary in its judgement to preserve the health and safety of guests and employees.

Silversea cannot accommodate infants less than six months of age and reserves the right to limit the number of children less than three years of age (Silver Explorer, Silver Cloud and Silver Wind cannot accommodate infants under the age of 1 year, Silver Origin cannot accommodate children under the age of 5 years). Parents are required to sign a notarised waiver prior to sailing in order to grant a valid booking for children ages between 6 months and 1 year old. A signed and notarised waiver will be required for all children between these ages. Although Silversea accepts guests over the age of 6 months (over the age of 1 year for Silversea Expeditions), there are no special programmes for children on board our luxury cruise ships, and Silversea does not provide for the care, entertainment or supervision of children. Silversea reserves the right to limit the number of children less than 3 years of age.

Children under the age of 8 years old are only permitted to participate in suitable Silver Shore Excursions / shuttle service if the vehicles are equipped with the correct safety harness and seating equipment. Child harnesses and secure seating cannot be guaranteed. Silversea reserves the right to refuse children under the age of 8 years old on any tour on the basis of safety. Guests may use their own approved safety seat, booster seat or harness provided they are compatible with the local touring vehicle and can properly secure the child.

In addition, the Zodiacs used for Silversea Expeditions are unable to accommodate children younger than 5 years of age. As Silversea does not provide babysitting services, an adult family member will be required to remain on board with their child(ren) during Zodiac excursions.

Laundry Service

Complete valet services, including laundry, pressing and wet cleaning, are available at an additional charge and may be arranged through your butler. Laundry service is complimentary for certain suite categories and for those Venetian Society members who have reached certain reward levels. A self-service launderette offers washing machines, dryers, irons and laundry supplies, allowing you to limit the amount of cruise luggage needed, especially for longer voyages.

Wi-FI & Internet

All Silversea ships are equipped to offer wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet access. You can use your own laptop to surf the Internet and check emails at Wi-Fi locations throughout the ship, or from the comfort and privacy of your suite. Computers, email and Internet access are also available on board at the Internet Café. However, it is important to understand that telecommunication services while at sea are via satellite and significantly different than high-speed connections on land back home. The signal travels in a similar manner to radio waves but at much greater distances. Therefore, onboard Internet access is not guaranteed at all times. Satellite communications are also affected by weather and the ship’s location. In particular, Internet service is extremely sporadic while in the Arctic. Guests aboard expedition cruises to/from Svalbard should be prepared to be out of communication for the duration of their time on board. (Please be assured that Silver Explorer always has emergency communication capabilities.)

Deck 9
Deck 8
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
Deck 9
  • Fitness Centre
  • Beauty Spa
  • Elevator
  • Observation Library
  • Jogging Track
Deck 8
  • Pool Deck
  • Pool Bar
  • The Grill 
  • Elevator
  • Panorama Lounge 
  • Connoisseur’s Corner 
  • Whirlpools 
  • Medallion Suites
Deck 7
  • La Terrazza 
  • Elevator
  • Grand Suites 
  • Classic Veranda Suites 
  • Silver Suites 
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite
  • Owners Suites
  • Vista Suite 
  • Medallion Suite
Deck 6
  • The Show Lounge 
  • Conference Room 
  • Reception 
  • Elevator
  • Expedition Office
  • Future Cruise Manager
  • Lobby
  • Shore Concierge 
  • Silver Suite
  • Classic Veranda Suites
  • Deluxe Veranda Suites
  • Royal Suites
Deck 5
  • Photo Studio
  • Lobby
  • Dolce Vita
  • Elevator
  • Boutique
  • Silver Suite
  • Classic Veranda Suites
  • Deluxe Veranda Suites
Deck 4
  • The Restaurant 
  • La Dame
  • Elevator
  • Launderette 
  • Vista Suites (x2 Accessible Suites)
Deck 3
  • Changing Room
  • Elevator
  • Embarkation Deck
  • Medical Centre

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.