The Authentic Cruise Company


Day 1: Yokohama
Day 3: Miyako, Iwate
Day 4: Aomori
Day 5: Hakodate
Day 6: Kushiro
Day 14: Kodiak, Alaska
Day 15: Seward, Alaska
Day 1: Yokohama

In 1853, a fleet of four American warships under Commodore Matthew Perry sailed into the bay of Tokyo (then Edo) and presented the reluctant Japanese with the demands of the U.S. government for the opening of diplomatic and commercial relations. The following year Perry returned and first set foot on Japanese soil at Yokohama—then a small fishing village on the mudflats of Tokyo bay. Two years later New York businessman Townsend Harris became America’s first diplomatic representative to Japan. In 1858 he was finally able to negotiate a commercial treaty between the two countries; part of the deal designated four locations—one of them Yokohama—as treaty ports. In 1859 the shogunate created a special settlement in Yokohama for the growing community of merchants, traders, missionaries, and other assorted adventurers drawn to this exotic new land of opportunity. The foreigners (predominantly Chinese and British, plus a few French, Americans, and Dutch) were confined here to a guarded compound about 5 square km (2 square miles)—placed, in effect, in isolation—but not for long. Within a few short years the shogunal government collapsed, and Japan began to modernize. Western ideas were welcomed, as were Western goods, and the little treaty port became Japan’s principal gateway to the outside world. In 1872 Japan’s first railway was built, linking Yokohama and Tokyo. In 1889 Yokohama became a city; by then the population had grown to some 120,000. As the city prospered, so did the international community and by the early 1900s Yokohama was the busiest and most modern center of international trade in all of East Asia. Then Yokohama came tumbling down. On September 1, 1923, the Great Kanto Earthquake devastated the city. The ensuing fires destroyed some 60,000 homes and took more than 40,000 lives. During the six years it took to rebuild the city, many foreign businesses took up quarters elsewhere, primarily in Kobe and Osaka, and did not return. Over the next 20 years Yokohama continued to grow as an industrial center—until May 29, 1945, when in a span of four hours, some 500 American B-29 bombers leveled nearly half the city and left more than half a million people homeless. When the war ended, what remained became—in effect—the center of the Allied occupation. General Douglas MacArthur set up headquarters here, briefly, before moving to Tokyo; the entire port facility and about a quarter of the city remained in the hands of the U.S. military throughout the 1950s. By the 1970s Yokohama was once more rising from the debris; in 1978 it surpassed Osaka as the nation’s second-largest city, and the population is now inching up to the 3.5 million mark. Boosted by Japan’s postwar economic miracle, Yokohama has extended its urban sprawl north to Tokyo and south to Kamakura—in the process creating a whole new subcenter around the Shinkansen Station at Shin-Yokohama. The development of air travel and the competition from other ports have changed the city’s role in Japan’s economy. The great liners that once docked at Yokohama’s piers are now but a memory, kept alive by a museum ship and the occasional visit of a luxury vessel on a Pacific cruise. Modern Large as Yokohama is, the central area is very negotiable. As with any other port city, much of what it has to offer centers on the waterfront—in this case, on the west side of Tokyo Bay. The downtown area is called Kannai (literally, “within the checkpoint”); this is where the international community was originally confined by the shogunate. Though the center of interest has expanded to include the waterfront and Ishikawa-cho, to the south, Kannai remains the heart of town. Think of that heart as two adjacent areas. One is the old district of Kannai, bounded by Basha-michi on the northwest and Nippon-odori on the southeast, the Keihin Tohoku Line tracks on the southwest, and the waterfront on the northeast. This area contains the business offices of modern Yokohama. The other area extends southeast from Nippon-odori to the Moto-machi shopping street and the International Cemetery, bordered by Yamashita Koen and the waterfront to the northeast; in the center is Chinatown, with Ishikawa-cho Station to the southwest. This is the most interesting part of town for tourists. Whether you’re coming from Tokyo, Nagoya, or Kamakura, make Ishikawa-cho Station your starting point. Take the South Exit from the station and head in the direction of the waterfront.

Day itinerary:

Flying as far under the radar as Japan’s second-biggest city possibly can, only a 30-minute train ride separates Yokohama from Tokyo’s metropolis. Sat a little further to the south of the Bay of Tokyo than the Japanese capital, Yokohama is a place to enjoy waterfront strolls and the warmest of welcomes, as you arrive and acclimatise to this city in the bustling heart of Japan. Step into this ocean of urbanity, where major cities merge and blend together, and it’s hard to square Yokohama’s fishing village origins with the vast urban sprawl that you encounter today. An outward-looking place, Yokohama was one of the first to open its harbour to international trade, leading to a rapid transformation from village to big city. The opening of the ports drew many Chinese traders to the bay, and Yokohama houses the country’s biggest Chinatown – a colourful and historic explosion of Chinese shops and more than 250 eateries. Landmark Tower is hard to miss, puncturing the sky as Japan’s second-largest building, it looks out over the water and rises before the distant loom of Mount Fuji. The towering ferris wheel nearby is one of the world’s tallest, and flashes with colour amid the glowing skyline at night. Enjoy breezy strolls along the lively waterfront, with heritage ships, museums and tempting restaurants bordering the sparking bay’s waters. Offering the excitement that only landing on Japanese shores can offer, Yokohama is a great starting point for any adventure to this land of culture, colour and grace. Whether you want to venture onwards to Tokyo’s neon-bathed wonders, see Mount Fuji up close, or find peace and tranquillity in Kyoto’s majestic temples and shrines, Yokohama opens up the best of Japan’s wonders to you.

Day 3: Miyako, Iwate

Day itinerary:

Set on the eastern coast in Japan’s Iwate prefecture, Miyako promises stunning scenery and Jorman history in equimeasure. The coastal city of around 50,000 inhabitants is around 600 km from Tokyo, but boasts one of the finest beaches in Japan, as well as a treasure trove of succulently fresh seafood restaurants. While travellers to Miyako might arrive expecting the usual amalgam of cultural attractions and high tech wizardry, they will leave with memories of one of the greatest garden cities they have ever experienced. During the Edo period (1603-1868) the town was considered as Japan’s main seaport. Today this is no longer the case, perhaps due to Miyako’s precarious placement and underwater seismic activity; four tsunamis have engulfed the city since 1700, with waves reaching almost 40 metres in some cases. Thus, local attractions tend to be of the natural kind, as historical buildings have been all but wiped out. Luckily, Mother Nature really does come into her own in Miyako. The city is bordered by the Sanriku Fukkō National Park, one of the National Parks of Japan. Sanriku Fukkō stretches for 180 km along the coast and homes a wonderful variety of flora and fauna, including groves of Japanese red pine, rhododendrons and Rosa rugosa. Numerous bird species, including the black-tailed gull and shearwater call the park home. What’s more, bird lovers will undoubted love that the nearby Hidejima Island and Sanganjima Island are the only breeding grounds in Japan for the band-rumped storm-petrel.

Day 4: Aomori

Aomori’s main event is its Nebuta Matsuri Festival,held August 2 to 7. People come to see illuminated floats of gigantic samurai figures paraded through the streets at night. Aomori’s festival is one of Japan’s largest, and is said to celebrate the euphoria of post-battle victory, and is thus encouraged to be noisier and livelier than you may have been exposed to in other Japanese festivals. Dancers, called heneto, run alongside the floats, dancing crazily, and you’re encouraged to join in. Throughout the year you can enjoy delicious seafood from Aomori Bay, including Oma no Maguro (tuna of Oma), as well as delicious fruits and vegetables (particularly garlic). And come every summer, the town cuts loose to throw the decidedly wild Nebuta Matsuri festival, a frenzied, utterly unaccountable period when normal gets thrown to the wind.

Day itinerary:

From fiery festivals to spectacular mountain scenery soaring temples to castles surrounded by cherry blossom blooms Aomori is one of Japan’s most enchanting destinations. While there are gorgeous pink tinted parks tiered castles and towering Buddha statues to explore the Aomori Prefecture’s capital is perhaps best known for the summer festival of fire that lights it up each year. Lavish illuminated floats fill the streets during Nebuta Matsuri festival as dancing locals wave flickering lanterns through the night sky – and drummers pound out pulsating rhythms. Nebuta Matsuri has a euphoric and energetic atmosphere which makes it stand out as an unmissable experience compared with some of Japan’s more restrained festivals. At other times of the year places like the stunning Hirosaki Castle bloom with rose-pink cherry blossom as spring’s sunshine clears away winter’s plentiful snowfall. Extraordinary prehistoric Jomon period history is waiting to be unearthed at the living archaeological site Sannai-Maruyama Ruins. Or the untouched wilderness of UNESCO World Heritage Site Shirakami Sanchi is within reach. This sprawling mass of beech trees covers a third of the Shirakami mountain range and the dense forestry once blanketed the majority of northern Japan’s land. Visit to scratch the surface of this untamed landscape’s beauty and see sprawling waterfalls cascading down mountainsides in a beautiful off-bounds landscape where black bears roam freely.

Day 5: Hakodate

Facing out on two bays, Hakodate is a 19th-century port town, with clapboard buildings on sloping streets, a dockside tourist zone, streetcars, and fresh fish on every menu. In the downtown historic quarter, a mountain rises 1,100 feet above the city on the southern point of the narrow peninsula. Russians, Americans, Chinese, and Europeans have all left their mark; this was one of the first three Japanese ports the Meiji government opened up to international trade in 1859. The main sights around the foot of Mt. Hakodate can be done in a day, but the city is best appreciated with an overnight stay for the illumination in the historic area, the night views from either the mountain or the fort tower, and the fish market at dawn. City transport is easy to navigate and English information is readily available. Evening departure trains from Tokyo arrive here at dawn—perfect for fish-market breakfasts.

Day itinerary:

Gaze down over Hakodate, from the heights of its namesake peak – Mount Hakodate – to see the city stretching out spectacularly, with back-to-back twin bays splitting the ocean. Hakodate port was one of the first to open Japan up to the world, and to international trade in 1859 – a fact reflected in the architecture, with its influences from the West and beyond. The port area is a redbrick wash of warehouses turned shopping malls, all observed by the onion domes of the city’s Russian Orthodox church. Elsewhere, the star-shaped Goryokaku fortress glows with natural colours and a beautiful haze of cherry blossom during the season. Goryokaku Tower, which rises up beside it, offers a sweeping bird’s eye view of the green fortress and mountain backdrop. Buses trundle up the 335-metre incline to the top of Mount Hakodate, but the best way to reach the views is to jump on the ropeway, which swings high above downtown’s buildings, over a carpet of pine trees. Head up to the mountain’s heights as sunset approaches. With darkness sweeping in, and the lights flickering to life, the panorama is one of Japan’s most spectacular. Soak it all in, and look out to the horizon, dotted with the shimmering lights of ships hauling in harvests of the city’s renowned squid. The plankton-rich waters attract a delicious variety of feasting sea life to Hakodate’s coast, which is then plated up in the city’s numerous, skilled restaurants. For an eye-opening, whirring morning, see the freshest produce being doled out at Hakodate Morning Market – amid a cacophony of noise and activity.

Day 6: Kushiro

Kushiro, known as the “town of mist”, is situated in the south eastern part of Hokkaido. With about 200,000 inhabitants, it is the largest city in the region and the base for deep-sea fishing. The marine products industry of Kushiro has flourished since the early 20 th century and many streets of this port town retain features of this era. Thanks to its strategic location on Hokkaido’s Eastern Pacific seaboard and the area’s only ice free port, Kushiro is experiencing steady growth as an important economic, social and cultural centre. A literary atmosphere can be attributed to the poet and novelist Takuboku Ishikawa, who lived here in the early 20th century. To the north of Kushiro lies one of its most renowned attractions, the Kushiro Shitsugen, Japan’s largest marshland. Stretching out over the majority of the Kushiro Plain, it accounts for 60 percent of Japan’s wetland and was designated to become the country’s 28th National Park in 1987. As the marsh is considered one of the greatest treasure houses of flora and fauna in Japan, its protection, preservation and wise use are promoted by a national agreement. Equally famous is the marshland as the habitat of the Tancho (Japanese Crane). At one time, it could be seen in many places in Japan, but their numbers dwindled in the Meiji Era due to over hunting and environmental changes. In the late 19 th century, the cranes were thought to be almost extinct. Then several dozens cranes were discovered in the depths of the Kushiro Shitsugen, and after establishing special crane reserves, the birds rehabilitation has succeeded.

Day itinerary:

Surrounded by spectacular national parks – and sheltered from the majority of winter’s ice, Kushiro is one of northern Japan’s most important cities. A deep-sea fishing port that specialises in Pacific saury, Kushiro hugs the coastline of the most northerly of Japan’s major islands. See the riches plundered from the ocean at the busy Washo Fish Market, dive into the native Ainu culture, or head out to explore the immersive beauty of Japan’s largest wetlands. Kushiro City Museum is an imposing, castle-like structure, but there’s a warm welcome waiting inside, where exhibitions showcase the area’s history, and the extraordinary animals that you can meet on your adventures here. Explore Japan’s wilder side at the vast wildlife oasis that is Kushiro Marshland. A world away from the country’s urban metropolises, look out for the tanchō-zuru red-crowned cranes, which are some of the world’s rarest, and a revered symbol of luck and longevity. Spot pairs of the elegant birds, as they dance together on the plains of the wetlands. Head out to Lake Akan – in Akan National park – to see another side to the area’s landscapes and encounter the bizarre marimo moss. Growing here only, it forms large, perfectly manicured bowling balls. Hot mud pools also burble, while the cone of the volcanic Mount Oakan watches over the area, echoing Mount Fuji’s symmetrical splendour. Ainu Kotan is close by, and you can visit to experience the authentic culture of northern Japan’s native people.

Day 14: Kodiak, Alaska

Today, commercial fishing is king in Kodiak. Despite its small population—about 6,475 people scattered among the several islands in the Kodiak group—the city is among the busiest fishing ports in the United States. The harbor is also an important supply point for small communities on the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula.Visitors to the island tend to follow one of two agendas: either immediately fly out to a remote lodge for fishing, kayaking, or bear viewing; or stay in town and access whatever pursuits they can reach from the limited road system. If the former is too pricey an option, consider combining the two: drive the road system to see what can be seen inexpensively, then add a fly-out or charter-boat excursion to a remote lodge or wilderness access point.Floatplane and boat charters are available from Kodiak to many remote attractions, chief among them the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge , which covers four islands in the Gulf of Alaska: Kodiak, Afognak, Ban, and Uganik.

Day itinerary:

The domain of grizzlies, brown and black bears, Kodiak Island is a raw, wild, and utterly authentic Alaskan wilderness. The Emerald Isle is the USA’s second-largest island, and with a wilderness stretching out over 3,670 square miles, it’s a thrilling voyage into the Alaskan unknown. The weather may get a little cloudy at times, but the locals actively welcome a covering of cloud – perhaps partly because the clouds and fog are said to have deterred Japanese attacks during World War II’s hostilities. Be sure to bring your camera with you; it’s nigh on impossible to take a bad photo of these irresistible vistas – and you’ll quickly see why Kodiak Island is the destination of choice for wildlife documentary producers. Cinematic setpieces regularly play out, as eagles soar over expansive sweeps of fir-tree forested mountains and still lakes, releasing occasional piercing calls. Some of the animal kingdom’s most feared and revered creatures call Kodiak Island home, and your first sight of a bear reaching a massive paw into the water, or treading through a gently burbling stream, will live with you forever. Soar in a seaplane to track the bears with an expert guide. Masters of disguise, it often takes a trained eye to spot the bears in their natural habitats. Brush up on the skills you’ll need in advance, with a read of our bear watching blog. [Insert blog: 7 tips for bear watching in Alaska]. The waters of Kodiak Island are also home to some of the world’s most productive fishing. Try out your own skills, or accompany a seafaring fishing vessel, to witness life on the waves first-hand, as they plunder the depths of the ocean.

Day 15: Seward, Alaska

It is hard to believe that a place as beautiful as Seward exists. Surrounded on all sides by Kenai Fjords National Park, Chugach National Forest, and Resurrection Bay, Seward offers all the quaint realities of a small railroad town with the bonus of jaw-dropping scenery. This little town of about 2,750 citizens was founded in 1903, when survey crews arrived at the ice-free port and began planning a railroad to the Interior. Since its inception, Seward has relied heavily on tourism and commercial fishing. It is also the launching point for excursions into Kenai Fjords National Park, where it is quite common to see marine life and calving glaciers.

Day itinerary:

Monumental scenery surrounds you in this remote corner of the world, where glaciers calve and whales cruise through inky waters, before an immense mountain backdrop. Almost totally submerged by the colossal landscapes around it, Seward – and the wonders of Kenai Fjords National Park – offer some of astonishing Alaska’s most thrilling scenery. Located in a deep gash in the Kenai Peninsula, Seward is a place to immerse yourself in nature’s majesty. Fjords carve into the landscape, while the Harding Icefield – which caps Kenai Fjords National Park – reaches out its icy fingers, with glaciers spilling down between mountain peaks. Head to Holgate Glacier, to come face to face with a breathtaking stack of intense blue and white ice. Get up close in a kayak or boat ride, to slalom through the discarded confetti of ice chunks, and perhaps even witness the powerful spectacle of an ice ledge creaking and groaning, before plunging to the waters below. The city of Anchorage is easily within reach from here, offering an incongruous contrast to the wild wonders of Alaska. A place where deep-sea fishermen bump shoulders with businesspeople on the 9-5, it’s a fascinating, remote city. Home to almost half of the Alaskan population, Anchorage and its humble skyline is dwarfed by the snowy peaks of the wilderness beyond. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique culture, traditions and heritage of the First Nation people of these lands too.

Otium Suite
Owner's Suite
Grand Suite
Master Suite
Signature Suite
Silver Suite
Junior Grand Suite
Premium Medallion Suite
Medallion Suite
Premium Veranda Suite
Deluxe Veranda Suite
Superior Veranda Suite
Classic Veranda Suite
Otium Suite

The Otium Suite is one of our newest and finest suites. Located in the premium aft corner position, the Otium Suite has a total size of 123 m2 (1,324 sq. ft.), including a 40 m2 (431 sq. ft.) balcony, which comes complete with a whirlpool. Features include a spacious living room area, a luxurious walk-in closet, a separate large bedroom, plus a bathroom with a whirlpool and walk-in shower. The crowning glory of the Otium Suite however must surely be its unprecedented 270 degree view, giving you some of the best views of your destination possible.

One bedroom: 123 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7
  • Section: Aft


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner at the officer’s table
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Priority check-in on embarkation day with early suite access
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Owner's Suite

The eponymous Owner’s Suite is a Venetian Society favourite. So, why not travel in this stylish suite and get a taste of the ultimate in luxury lifestyle. The suite’s total size is a huge 98 m2 or 1055 sq. ft., which includes 16 m2 (172 sq. ft.) of balcony making for comfortable outdoor living. The favourite mid ship position gives incredible views from both the dining area and bedroom. A luxurious bathroom with double vanity, plus a whirlpool and walk-in shower, bidet, lavatory and guest restroom perfect the in-suite experience.

One bedroom: 98 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 131 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 8
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner at the officer’s table
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Priority check-in on embarkation day with early suite access
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Grand Suite

If you have ever wanted to indulge in one of our epitomes of ultra-luxury cruising, then the Grand Suite is perhaps the answer. Situated at the front of the ship, the Grand Suite offers sophistication and style for serious travellers. Thanks to an innovative design, the Grand Suite is one of the most luxurious and spacious suites aboard Silver Nova, offering sweeping sea to sky views on your destination from all living areas. A luxurious bathroom with double vanity, whirlpool and walk-in shower, plus a guest restroom complete.

One bedroom: 85 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 118 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 7
  • Section: Forward


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner at the officer’s table
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Priority check-in on embarkation day with early suite access
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Master Suite

This new suite category is exclusive to Silver Nova. The Master Suite is stately, commanding and majestic and perfect for relaxing after a days’ exploring on shore. Located in the premium aft corner position, the Master Suite has a total size: 67-77 m2 (721-826 sq. ft) and includes 22-31m2 (233-330 sq. ft.) of balcony. The incredible floor-to-ceiling glazing surrounding the living room and bedroom area will offer outstanding 270° views on your destination, regardless of whether you are in the world. A sumptuous bathroom will feature sweeping views of the destination.

One bedroom: 67-77 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 100-110 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner at the officer’s table
  • Dinner for two in La Dame, one evening per voyage,
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Priority check-in on embarkation day with early suite access
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Signature Suite

Another exclusivity for Silver Nova. The Signature Suite is one of our most distinctive new suites, offering unparalleled destination immersion through unobstructed views from all interior areas. The Signature Suite is one of the most spacious suites on board totalling 65 m2 or 700 sq. ft., including 16 m2 or 172 sq. ft. of balcony for superlative outdoor living. The innovative layout will feature a large dining and living room area, as well as a secluded bedroom. The large bathroom features a double vanity, whirlpool and walk-in shower and lavatory is completed by a guest restroom.

One bedroom: 65 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Dinner at the officer’s table
  • Two hours of worldwide phone use, per voyage segment
  • Priority check-in on embarkation day with early suite access
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Silver Suite

The Silver Suite is a Silversea favourite. It’s one of the Venetian Society’s favourite choices, and we can see why! The Silver Suite aboard Silver Nova offers an innovative design layout that will unlock full sea views from both the living room and bedroom, while the spacious living area allows for comfortable relaxing. A generous dining area makes cosy nights dining in veritable experiences in themselves. The suite features a generous walk-in closet as well as a bathroom with whirlpool bath, a walk-in shower, double vanity and separate lavatory.

One bedroom: 63 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 96 sq.m. including veranda

Wheelchair accessible suites: 6022, 7018

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8
  • Section: Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath (Except ADA suite (shower))
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canape service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Hair Dryer
  • Slippers
Junior Grand Suite

Silver Nova’s Junior Grand Suite is a comfortably sized home away from home. Spaciously proportioned at 54-58 m2 or 581-624 sq. ft, including 6 m2 or 64 sq. ft of balcony, the Junior Grand builds on the success of the Grand Suite. It has inherited the best features of the Grand Suite by being positioned in the top bow position, offering spectacular views of the destination. The interior layout features a spacious living and dining area, as well as a secluded bedroom. The large bathroom features a double vanity, whirlpool and walk-in shower.

One bedroom: 54-58 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 87-91 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 9
  • Section: Forward


  • Veranda
  • Separate dining area
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Whirlpool bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Premium Medallion Suite

With features similar to our best-selling Medallion Suite, the Premium Medallion has an optimal placement at the aft. The Medallion Suite design builds on the phenomenal success of our iconic Veranda suite, while offering the comfort of a generous interior and balcony (49 m2/527 sq. ft. and 8 m2/86 sq. ft respectively). Additionally, the suite features a large bathroom with a double vanity, a spacious bathtub and separate shower, as well as a secluded bedroom area with king-size bed.

One bedroom: 49 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Full-size bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Medallion Suite

A mark of distinction, the Medallion Suite boasts a sumptuous and spacious living area, complete with rich textures and panoramic views from your large private veranda (8 m2 or 86 sq. ft.) Nestle up under plush bed linens for one of the best night’s sleep of your life, or rejuvenate after a busy day of exploring onshore in the cosy indoor sitting area (49 m2 or 527 sq. ft.) The large bathroom with double vanity, spacious bathtub and shower is the perfect place to soak the day away. Relax with ease in the Medallion Suite, as the grandeurs of this stateroom surround you with distinguished luxury.

One bedroom: 527 ft² / 49 m² including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Living room with sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Full-size bath
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • King size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi
  • 2 large flat screen TVs with Interactive Media Library
  • Sound system with bluetooth connectivity
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Complimentary laundry, pressing & wet cleaning
  • Daily canapé service, Welcome chocolate, Welcome fruit stand
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Espresso machine
  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Premium Veranda Suite

A Silversea signature, the Veranda Suite offers elegant décor, a stunning marbled bathroom with a luxurious double vanity and sumptuous walk-in shower or large bathtub. Located now in the top aft location, the Premium Veranda will offer a comfortable interior. Additionally, an ample sitting area provides a generous expanse of interior comforts. Four suites (one on each deck) will offer spacious interiors adapted for guests with disabilities which will be located in the ideal mid-ship position. A new iteration of our iconic and perfect suite configuration.

One bedroom: 33 sq.m. including veranda

Wheelchair accessible suites: 6045, 7037, 8031, 9041

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Some with full-size bath (Bath & shower combination (indicated with drop sign on deck plan))
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Deluxe Veranda Suite

Whether you are preparing for a dynamic day on shore, primping for a romantic dinner on board, or settling down for a quiet evening in-suite, you will be enveloped by the Deluxe Veranda Suite’s warm touches. Located in the ideal mid-ship position, the Deluxe Veranda Suite offers a comfortable 33 m2 of interior luxury. But perhaps this suite’s finest asset lies just outside, as floor-to-ceiling glass doors open onto a furnished private teak 5 m2 veranda offering sweeping views of your destination.

One bedroom: 33 sq.m. including veranda

Two bedroom: 33 m² including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Some with full-size bath (Bath & shower combination (indicated with drop sign on deck plan))
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Superior Veranda Suite

Well situated at the front and back of the ship, the 28 m2 interior of the Veranda Suite is only the beginning. The 5m2 teak balcony makes each spectacular sunset feel like it is yours alone. From beautiful bed linens to sumptuous furniture, our Superior Veranda suites are luxurious inside and out! Whether enjoying some down time with the state of the art entertainment system or taking in dinner in-suite, the Superior Veranda is the cosiest home away from home on the high seas.

One bedroom: 33 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Some with full-size bath (Bath & shower combination (indicated with drop sign on deck plan))
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
Classic Veranda Suite

Located at the bow and aft of the ship, the Classic Veranda Suite will offer travellers a taste of our famous on board luxury. After a busy day of exploring, welcome home to the haven of the Classic Veranda Suite. With butler service, a queen size bed (which can be separated on demand) and beautiful marble bathroom, you won’t want to leave! However, the best part of our Classic Veranda suite is by far the large (5m2) private, teak veranda which offer sweeping views of the destination. Pure bliss.

One bedroom: 33 sq.m. including veranda

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Please note the 3rd guest will sleep on a comfortable sofa bed in the reception area of suites that have 3rd berth capacity.


  • Deck(s): 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Section: Aft, Mid-Ship


  • Veranda
  • Sitting area
  • Large vanity
  • Separate shower
  • Some with full-size bath (Bath & shower combination (indicated with drop sign on deck plan))
  • Walk-in wardrobe with personal safe


  • Queen size bed
  • Writing desk
  • Vanity table
  • Luxury bed mattresses (Custom made)

Media & Communication

  • Unlimited Standard Wi-Fi
  • 1 large flat screen TV with Interactive Media Library
  • Direct dial telephone
  • Wall mounted USB-C mobile device chargers
  • Dual voltage 110/220 outlets

Onboard Services

  • Butler service
  • Champagne on arrival


  • Pillow menu
  • Refrigerator and bar setup stocked with your preferences
  • Plush bathrobe
  • Luxury bath amenities
  • Umbrella
  • Slippers
The Marquee
La Terrazza
Silver Note
S.A.L.T. Kitchen
La Dame
Art Café
The Grill
S.A.L.T. Chef's Table
The Marquee

The expansive, attractive Marquee houses two of our greatest dining successes. Thanks to Silver Nova’s groundbreaking asymmetrical design, we have been able to create an exciting new al fresco dining venue. The Marquee incorporates both The Grill and Spaccanapoli—two of Silversea’s existing signature venues, which offer guests our trademark ‘hot rocks’ culinary concept as well as what are surely the best pizzas at sea. The Marquee will welcome guests in a relaxed atmosphere, serving casual fare by day and dinner under the stars by night.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

La Terrazza

Our hallmark Italian restaurant is as varied as the food-loving country itself. La Terrazza aboard Silver Nova offers an unparalleled destination dining experience, from its expansive floor-to-ceiling windows to its large, outdoor terrace. Enjoy all the tastes of the different regions, including the best homemade pasta, fresh antipasto, bowls of steaming risotto, hearty ragu and delicious tiramisu. Be sure to try one of the bold wines from the cellar, to wash it all down.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Silver Note

Where do you go if you want great food and a brilliant atmosphere in a relaxed and sophisticated setting? Silver Note of course! Harkening back to the old school days of dinner and dancing, this venue embodies a feeling of fun and sense of glamour that is unequalled in the industry. Jazz bands and soul singers play live as you sample delicate tapas style dishes with a gourmet twist. We guarantee a superlative night of entertainment in the gorgeously designed dinner venue.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

S.A.L.T. Kitchen

Are you hungry for something new? Eat your way through the places on your cruise in the S.A.L.T. Kitchen. Enjoy destination-inspired menus, including the Terrain menu, which offers recipes and flavours specific to the port visited, and the Voyage menu, which draws inspiration from the best flavours of the voyage. Pull up a chair and savour every taste of your cruise in a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. S.A.L.T. Kitchen is the opportunity for all guests aboard Silver Nova to experience the very lifeblood of their destination.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

La Dame

France’s haute cuisine is not world-famous for nothing! La Dame is a classy, contemporary, fine dining restaurant that is more beautiful and luxurious than ever. Enjoy polished French-inspired menus with deep, balanced flavours topped off by one of the best wine lists at sea, for a luxury dining experience extraordinaire! Signature Lalique crystal decor including the iconic Masque de Femme panels plus a stunning Hirondelles crystal chandelier bathe you in sophisticated, elegant décor.

Per guest reservation fee of US$60. 

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


If you think Japanese food is only raw fish then think again. Certainly, we serve excellent sushi, but Kaiseki has so much more to offer. Watch the skilled chefs at work around the central teppanyaki table, soothed by the minimalist, authentic Japanese décor and calming ambience. The cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun might be the speciality, but if you are craving Asian flavours then Kaiseki aboard Silver Nova extends its menu to include other Asian specialties such as Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Korean and Chinese.

Per guest reservation fee of US$40.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


Atlantide offers guests our quintessential dining experience. Combining contemporary elegance and hallmark Silversea service, this classic restaurant offers our signature fine dining. Atlantide is one of our best-loved eateries, and on Silver Nova we have given it an updated design. Large picture windows, sophisticated lighting design, plus a warm colour spectrum give Atlantide a blend of high-end and whispered luxury. The menu prides itself on superb ingredients and sublime flavour combinations, from caviar to lobster to gorgeous, melt in the mouth deserts.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Art Café

The Arts Café offers a cultural setting for eating, drinking and socialising, as well as a chance to lose yourself while reading up on all your favourite artists and art. Enjoy healthy snacks and smoothies plus hot and cold drinks, juices, pastries and sandwiches in a light and airy space. Pop in for a late breakfast or afternoon snack, along with real Italian espresso plus a great range of tea.

The Grill

Silversea’s much-loved casual dining restaurants serves a delectable range of burgers and salads by day, and turns into our famous Hot Rocks table BBQ concept by night. Found in our brand new eating venue The Marquee, The Grill is quite simply, the best place to eat between sea and sky. If you like flavoursome meals cooked to perfection, a casual laid back atmosphere and OMG views, then The Grill is the answer to your prayers.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


Nothing says Italy quite as well as a hot, fresh pizza. Spaccanapoli is a slice of Naples, where you’ll taste deliciously thin, freshly made pizzas, topped with creamy mozzarella and minimalist toppings. The light and airy pizzeria forms part of our new al-fresco eatery The Marquee, and is the perfect choice for diners who want to be dazzled by our talented pizzaiolos spinning the dough in the open-air kitchen. Whether you want a light lunch or to share a slice with friends over an aperitivo, it’s always the right time for Spaccanapoli.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

S.A.L.T. Chef's Table

Prepare for an intimate and interactive dining experience like no other at the S.A.L.T. Chef’s Table. Indulge in a choreographed menu of small plates highlighting regional flavours and star ingredients, all accompanied by unique wines and cocktails.

Per guest reservation fee of U$180 (incl. complimentary wine & cocktail pairing). Reservations will be taken exclusively on board Silver Nova.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

S.A.L.T. Lab
Shore Excursions
Mid-Voyage Adventures
Silver Shore Concierge
S.A.L.T. Lab

Welcome to the S.A.L.T. Lab, an interactive space where guests can deep-dive into local culinary heritage and techniques. Join our talented chefs and learn how your region’s food is central to its culture. Engage in your destination through workshops, lectures and cooking demonstrations for an authentic souvenir not available in any shop. The S.A.L.T. Lab is not just about food and flavour; it is a unique place where holistic destination immersion gives an entirely new dimension to travelling. This is where the magic happens!

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Shore Excursions

Silversea’s experienced Shore Concierge team are happy to assist, ensuring your shore- side experience is nothing less than a memory that lasts forever. Their knowledge and understanding of ports will truly add to your enjoyment and experience. Detailing history, local flavour, culture, regional customs, shopping tips and much more, they will make sure you get the best of your destination, wherever you are in the world.

Mid-Voyage Adventures

Multiple days at sea mean plenty of R & R for some, but others prefer to drink in all there is to offer on land. Our Mid-Cruise Land Adventures allow you to take full advantage of your time with us without missing a single thing! These short escapades offer an array of adventures, break up your sea days and allow for deeper exploration beyond the coast.

Silver Shore Concierge

Let Silversea customise a special event or excursion exclusively for you. Expert Shore Excursion professionals are available to assist with all your shorex questions. Make an appointment and gain insider access to knowledgeable suggestions, personalised planning and hassle-free coordination of all private, independent touring, including area highlights, flightseeing, water sports, and much more. Take advantage of this service either in advance of your voyage by email at or on board by visiting the Silvershore® Concierge desk. Have the Silver Shore Concierge create your tailor-made tour, or be whisked away by private car for a day — the pace and agenda are up to you.

The Dusk Bar
The Pool Deck
S.A.L.T. Bar
The Shelter
Dolce Vita
Panorama Lounge
Connoisseur's Corner
Observation Lounge
The Venetian Lounge
The Dusk Bar

With an emphasis on the destination, panoramic views connects you with the world beyond on The Dusk Bar. This superb open-air sky bar provides plenty of space for guests to enjoy a pre or post dinner drink, while drinking in the jaw dropping 270-degree, panoramic views from the stern. The Dusk Bar’s blessed combination of idyllic atmosphere and lovely drinks will guarantee to tick your boxes time after time. Whether you’re enjoying a Spritz in South America, a cocktail in the Caribbean or a night cap in the Mediterranean, we think The Dusk Bar’s unobstructed views give you a new perspective on sunsets at sea.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

The Pool Deck

Enjoy a reimagined space where you can relax, refresh and rejuvenate on decks 10 and 11. Ample sunbeds for everyone, more space than ever before and the largest pool in the fleet – which offers exceptional 270˚ unhampered views – are just the beginning. The upper level sun deck is perfectly placed for those who want a quieter space to relax, and still enjoy those incredible, expansive views that are the hallmark of Silver Nova. But it is The Cliff Whirlpool, an infinity edge, glass fronted whirlpool, that really makes The Pool Deck something special.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

S.A.L.T. Bar

Nothing says authentic experience better than Silver Nova’s S.A.L.T. Bar. Get a taste for the authentic and settle down to enjoy locally-inspired cocktails and drinks. How can you go wrong with a Rum Punch in Barbados, a Pastis over ice in Marseille or a Pisco Sour in Lima? Nothing unites new faces and old friends in quite the same way. Be inspired to find your perfect locally-inspired beverage at the S.A.L.T. Bar and let in the colour and flavours of your journey rush in.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

The Shelter

The Shelter is our newest pre and post dinner cocktail venue. Settle in amid an intimate and elegant setting, resplendent with sophisticated lighting, inviting sofas and stunning wraparound bar. Strategically located on deck three, the atmospheric hideaway opens onto the Atrium, creating an openness and connection to the other neighbouring venues. We promise you’ll fall in love with one of the best bars on board while our talented team of mixologists mix and shake our range of signature and bespoke cocktails. With itis the perfect destination, warm smiles and legendary Silversea service, get set for unforgettable nights in The Shelter.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Dolce Vita

Our main bar has been newly reimagined for Silver Nova! Dolce Vita has of course kept her legendary charm, inspired cocktails, stylish décor and comfortable seating, but a central bar now means the warm ambience is better than ever! Oozing Italian glamour, Dolce Vita is a relaxed, refined bar with a nightly piano player playing all your favourite tunes. Perfect for pre-dinner aperitivi, or even a post-dinner cocktail, Dolce Vita is truly the beating heart of social life on board.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Panorama Lounge

From early morning to late at night, the Panorama lounge offers everything you could wish for. A peaceful retreat that is the perfect place to break away to, a social place to meet and greet old friends, or an evening venue to partake in a cocktail as you sit back and watch the world go by. Sink into the plush seats and come evening, enjoy listening to the gentle sounds of a pianist, or the invigorating beats of our in-house DJ.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Connoisseur's Corner

Our smoking lounge aboard Silver Nova is our latest venue where cigar-lovers can buy and sample some of the world’s finest Havanas, Cohibas, Partagás, Montecristos, Ramón Allones and Bolívars. Combining all the elements of cigar culture both indoors and on its stylish terrace, the Connoisseur’s Corner is where aficionados can meet and mingle to share their iconic passion.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


Located on deck 4, the Atrium is the beating heart of Silver Nova. Inspired by Roman architecture, The Atrium magnificent windows floods our central meeting areas with abundant natural light. The area is home to both the Arts Café and The Shelter, as well as main service areas such as the Reception, Shore Concierge and Future Cruise Sales. The Atrium’s enormous glass wall stretches over two decks, guaranteeing a deep connection with your destination whether at sea or docked in port.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Observation Lounge

Set on the highest level at the very top of the ship, this is a quiet space for reading and reflection while being dazzled by the undulating seascapes that are constituent to life on board. Borrow a book from the in-house library, read the papers or just embrace the tranquillity of being at sea.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


Exceptional shopping experiences do not end in the cosmopolitan cities we visit. Silversea’s striking new shipboard boutiques, reimagined and redesigned are stunning modern design spaces befitting the finest creations from legendary designers. Carefully selected partners onboard Silversea’s duty-free boutiques offers our guests a carefully curated selection of cutting edge fashions, jewellery, accessories, fine perfumes, cosmetics and Silversea Logo collection all at duty-free prices.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.


Let the fun begin! Channel your inner James Bond and enjoy a flutter at a variety of table games including American Roulette, Blackjack and Poker as Silver Nova glides silently through the waves. An assortment of multi-game, multi-denominational reel and video slot machines are also available. Prepare yourself for a luxurious and exhilarating experience with every turn of a card and spin of the wheel. Game on!

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

The Venetian Lounge

The grandeur and magic of music and theatre. The experience of being transported by performance. That satisfying feeling of seeing an evening show … Welcome to Venetian Lounge, a place where the arts of theatre and music meet with full-scale productions and feature films. Paying tribute to a golden age of glamour, Venetian Lounge offers belle-époque style cabaret seating, with intimate tables and chairs subtly placed between the rows of comfortable tiered banquettes. As the stage lights are dimmed, soak up the atmosphere, relax and enjoy a night of dazzling sights and sounds.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Otium Spa
Fitness Centre
Beauty Salon
Otium Spa

Finding relaxation is one the of the principle aims of taking a cruise, so why not join us in the Otium Spa for guaranteed indulgence? Turn off your phone, slip on your robe and get ready for a bit of me time. Whether you need to unwind with a massage, perk up your skin with a facial or work up a sweat in sauna and steam room, Otium Spa offers the very latest in beauty therapy. Make every day a special occasion in Otium Spa.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Fitness Centre

With state of the art Technogym® equipment, free weights and speciality classes, the Fitness Centre brings together elite design with programs that are specifically created for your body type and needs. With personal trainers available for individual sessions, training here is more a five-star experience for all levels of fitness and experience. And with the best view that you’ll ever get whilst working out, there are definitely no more excuses

Personal Trainers

With personal trainers available for individual sessions, training at sea is a five-star experience for all fitness levels. And with the best view you’ll ever get whilst working out, there are definitely no more excuses not to keep fit on board. Personalised training, body composition analysis and speciality classes are available for an additional charge.

Images are intended as a general reference. Features, materials, finishes and layout may be different than shown.

Beauty Salon

Hair and scalp conditioning treatments, colour protection and hair smoothing are just some of the highly effective salon services available onboard to help you. Our beauty therapists will look after you with manicures, pedicures, complete nail services, and professional teeth whitening. Gentlemen will not feel left out either with our luxurious shave and men’s grooming services.

Smoking Policy
Medical Centre
Special Dietary Requirements
Disabled Facilities
Age Restrictions
Dress Code
Smoking Policy

At Silversea, the comfort, enjoyment and safety of all guests is paramount. To ensure a pleasant and safe environment, smoking is prohibited in most public areas, guest suites or suite balconies. However, cigarette, e-cigarette, cigar, pipe and vaporizer smoking is permitted in the Connoisseur’s Corner both indoors and outdoors (where applicable). In addition, cigarette, e-cigarette and vaporizer smoking is permitted in specifically designated outside areas and tables:

  • Silver Nova, Silver Ray: Dusk Bar (port side);
  • Silver Muse, Silver Spirit: Panorama Lounge (port side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Moon, Silver Dawn: Panorama Lounge (starboard side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Shadow, Silver Whisper: Panorama Lounge (starboard side) and Pool Grill (starboard side);
  • Silver Cloud, Silver Wind: Panorama Lounge (port side) and Pool Grill (port side);
  • Silver Origin: on open deck 4 aft;

Silversea kindly requests that all guests observe the non-smoking areas.

Medical Centre

Each Silversea ship is equipped with a Medical Centre, which is staffed by a doctor and nurse on 24-hour call when at sea. When docked, supplementary emergency care may also be obtained through local medical facilities. Guests may be charged for medical services and for medications used for their medical treatment. The Medical Centre is not intended or designed to provide on-going treatment of pre-existing conditions or for extended critical care, and Silversea is not responsible for the diagnosis, treatment or services furnished by shipboard medical personnel.

Special Dietary Requirements

If you have special dietary requirements, Silversea will make every attempt to accommodate your requests. Please advise Silversea of your needs on the Guest Information Form at least 75 days prior to sailing. Notification should be sent to

Disabled Facilities

Wheelchair guests must bring their own collapsible wheelchair. Please note that not all shore excursions are suitable for guests with impaired mobility. Silversea strongly recommends wheelchair guests travel with someone who is able to assist them both ashore and at sea as Silversea may be unable to offer special assistance. Please note that wheel-on and/or wheel-off access may not be available at some ports-of-call. Silversea reserves the right to deny boarding to any guest who failed to notify Silversea of such requirement at the time of booking.

All guests are required to report in writing to Silversea at the time their reservation is made:

  • Any physical or mental condition that may require medical or professional treatment or attention during the voyage
  • Any condition that may render the guest unfit for travel, or that may require special care or assistance
  • Any condition that may pose a risk or danger to the guest or anyone else on board the ship
  • Any condition that may require oxygen for medical reasons
  • Any intention or need to use a wheelchair aboard ship.


Complete valet services, including laundry, pressing and wet cleaning, are available at an additional charge and may be arranged through your butler. Laundry service is complimentary for certain suite categories and for those Venetian Society members who have reached certain reward levels. A self-service launderette offers washing machines, dryers, irons and laundry supplies, allowing you to limit the amount of cruise luggage needed, especially for longer voyages.


All Silversea ships are equipped to offer wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet access. You can use your own laptop to surf the Internet and check emails at Wi-Fi locations throughout the ship, or from the comfort and privacy of your suite. Computers, email and Internet access are also available on board at the Internet Café. However, it is important to understand that telecommunication services while at sea are via satellite and significantly different than high-speed connections on land back home. The signal travels in a similar manner to radio waves but at much greater distances. Therefore, onboard Internet access is not guaranteed at all times. Satellite communications are also affected by weather and the ship’s location. In particular, Internet service is extremely sporadic while in the Arctic. Guests aboard expedition cruises to/from Svalbard should be prepared to be out of communication for the duration of their time on board. (Please be assured that Silver Explorer always has emergency communication capabilities.)

Age Restrictions

Silversea cruise guidelines state that children under the age of 18 must be accompanied, in the same or connecting suite, by a parent or other responsible adult over the age of 21 for the duration of the voyage. If the adult accompanying the minor is not their parent, a parental consent guardianship form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and received by Silversea prior to sailing. Please contact our Special Services Department at for a Parental Consent Form. Guests must be 21 years of age or older to purchase or consume alcohol. Silversea reserves the right to refuse to serve anyone who in its sole judgment may be under the influence of alcohol, or for any reason necessary in its judgement to preserve the health and safety of guests and employees.

Silversea cannot accommodate infants less than six months of age and reserves the right to limit the number of children less than three years of age (Silver Explorer, Silver Cloud and Silver Wind cannot accommodate infants under the age of 1 year, Silver Origin cannot accommodate children under the age of 5 years). Parents are required to sign a notarised waiver prior to sailing in order to grant a valid booking for children ages between 6 months and 1 year old. A signed and notarised waiver will be required for all children between these ages. Although Silversea accepts guests over the age of 6 months (over the age of 1 year for Silversea Expeditions), there are no special programmes for children on board our luxury cruise ships, and Silversea does not provide for the care, entertainment or supervision of children. Silversea reserves the right to limit the number of children less than 3 years of age.

Children under the age of 8 years old are only permitted to participate in suitable Silver Shore Excursions / shuttle service if the vehicles are equipped with the correct safety harness and seating equipment. Child harnesses and secure seating cannot be guaranteed. Silversea reserves the right to refuse children under the age of 8 years old on any tour on the basis of safety. Guests may use their own approved safety seat, booster seat or harness provided they are compatible with the local touring vehicle and can properly secure the child.

In addition, the Zodiacs used for Silversea Expeditions are unable to accommodate children younger than 5 years of age. As Silversea does not provide babysitting services, an adult family member will be required to remain on board with their child(ren) during Zodiac excursions.

Dress Code

During the day, casual wear, similar to five-star resort sportswear, is suitable for most activities. It is recommended to wear flat or low-heeled shoes on deck.

After 6 pm, our Evening Dress Code applies; jeans, shorts, sneakers, or flip-flop-type footwear are prohibited in indoor spaces.


1. Elegant Casual
Ladies may opt for trousers, a blouse, skirt, or casual dress. Gentlemen may wear an open-collar shirt and slacks. A jacket is optional.

2. Formal Optional
Ladies may choose an evening gown or cocktail dress. Gentlemen should wear a tuxedo, dinner jacket, or dark suit with a tie. Adhering to our Elegant Casual dress code is also welcomed, but a jacket is still required for gentlemen when indoors


  • 7 days or less – No Formal Optional night
  • 8 to 14 days – 1 to 2 Formal Optional nights
  • 15 days or more – 2 or more Formal Optional nights

Onboard Silver Nova we take care of everything, including the environment.

The ocean ecosystem is our home. It’s also how we reach our stunning destinations. However, it’s as fragile as it is vast/ With Silver Nova, we’re introducing a new way of looking at sailing, at the environment, at the ocean itself. Thanks to her, state-of-the-art technologies, Silver Nova is one of the most sustainable cruise ships ever build: a true reflection of our deep commitment to the oceans, the environment and the communities we find at each of our splendid destinations.

Higher efficiency. Cleaner sailing.

Silver Nova was designed from her backbone to lower her environmental impact as much as possible, starting with the carbon footprint for her construction. Her hull was designed to increase dynamic efficiency and minimise fuel consumption. She also incorporates state-of-the-art technologies to reduce onboard waste, such as the newly-developed Micro Auto Gasification System (M.A.G.S.), resulting in lower incineration emissions, and a Waste Heat Recovery System which allows the ship to reuse waste heat (ie. from the absorption chillers) for even more energy efficiency. Furthermore, she’s equipped with Shore Power, a feature that allows Silver Nova’s main generators to be shut down and the ship plugged into the onshore energy supply where available, cutting emissions while in port.

Deck 11
Deck 10
Deck 9
Deck 8
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
Deck 11
  • The Cliff Whirlpool
  • Sun Deck
  • Elevator
Deck 10
  • Observation Lounge
  • S.A.L.T. Lab
  • S.A.L.T. Bar
  • Pool Deck
  • Pool Bar
  • Library
  • The Marquee 
  • (The Grill & Spaccanapoli)
  • The Dusk Bar
  • Jogging Track
  • Elevator
Deck 9
  • Junior Grand Suite
  • Classic Veranda Suite
  • Superior Veranda Suite
  • Premium Veranda Suite
  • Medallion Suite
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite
  • Master Suite
  • Signature Suite
  • Premium Medallion Suite
  • Elevator
Deck 8
  • Class Veranda Suite
  • Silver Suite
  • Medallion Suite
  • Superior Veranda Suite
  • Premium Veranda Suite
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite
  • Owner’s Suite
  • Master Suite
  • Premium Medallion Suite
  • Signature Suite
  • Elevator
Deck 7
  • Grand Suite
  • Classic Veranda Suite
  • Medallion Suite
  • Silver Suite
  • Superior Veranda Suite
  • Premium Veranda Suite
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite
  • Otium Suite
  • Premium Medallion Suite
  • Master Suite
  • Signature Suite
  • Elevator
Deck 6
  • Junior Grand Suite
  • Classic Veranda Suite
  • Medallion Suite
  • Silver Suite
  • Superior Veranda Suite
  • Premium Veranda Suite
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite
  • Signature Suite
  • Master Suite
  • Otium Suite
  • Elevator
Deck 5
  • Otium Spa
  • Fitness Centre
  • Beauty Salon
  • Casino
  • Boutique
  • Dolce Vita
  • Silver Note
  • Connoisseur’s Corner
  • Panorama Lounge
  • Elevator
Deck 4
  • La Dame
  • Venetian Lounge
  • Boutique
  • Reception
  • Arts Café
  • Shore Concierge
  • Atrium
  • Kaiseki
  • La Terrazza
  • Elevator
Deck 3
  • Atlantide
  • S.A.L.T. Kitchen
  • The Shelter
  • Elevator

Get in touch with our team to start planning

Call and speak to a member of our experienced team today on +44 (0)1491 528 988 or email

Alternatively, leave your details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.